提示: 文章均来自网络,版权为原作者所有,如有侵犯权益,请联络我们.
defined('E_DEPRECATED') || define('E_DEPRECATED', 8192);
defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') || define('E_USER_DEPRECATED', 16384);
class Debug {
static protected $reporting = E_ALL;
static public function reporting ( $reporting = null ) {
if ( ! func_num_args() )
return self::$reporting;
self::$reporting = $reporting;
static public function log () {
$args = func_get_args();
self::$reporting &&
self::style() . PHP_EOL . '<pre class="debug log">'
. implode(
'</pre>' . PHP_EOL . '<pre class="log">'
, array_map( 'Debug::var_export', $args )
. '</pre>'
static public function dump () {
$args = func_get_args();
self::$reporting &&
die( call_user_func_array( 'Debug::log', $args ) );
static private $time;
static private $chrono;
static public function chrono ( $print = null, $scope = '' ) {
if ( ! self::$reporting )
if ( ! isset( self::$time[ $scope ] ) )
$chrono [] = '<b class="init">' . $scope . ' chrono init</b>';
elseif ( is_string( $print ) ) {
$chrono[] = sprintf('<span class="time">%s -> %s: %fs</span>'
, $scope
, $print
, round( self::$chrono[ $scope ][ $print ] = microtime( true ) - self::$time[ $scope ], 6 )
} elseif ( $print && isset( self::$chrono[ $scope ] ) ) {
asort( self::$chrono[ $scope ] );
$base = reset ( self::$chrono[ $scope ] ); // shortest duration
foreach( self::$chrono[ $scope ] as $event => $duration )
$table[] = sprintf( '%5u - %-38.38s <i>%7fs</i>'
, round( $duration / $base, 2 )
, $event
, round( $duration, 3 )
$chrono[] = '<div class="table"><b>' . $scope . ' chrono table</b>' . PHP_EOL .
sprintf( '%\'-61s %-46s<i>duration</i>%1$s%1$\'-61s'
, 'unit - action'
) .
implode( PHP_EOL, $table ) . PHP_EOL .
echo self::style(), PHP_EOL, '<pre class="debug chrono">', implode( PHP_EOL, $chrono ), '</pre>';
return self::$time[ $scope ] = microtime( true );
static private $registered;
static public function register ( $init = true ) {
if ( $init) {
if ( ! self::$registered )
self::$registered = array(
'display_errors' => ini_get( 'display_errors' )
, 'error_reporting' => error_reporting()
, 'shutdown' => register_shutdown_function( 'Debug::shutdown' )
self::$registered[ 'shutdown' ] = true;
error_reporting( E_ALL );
set_error_handler( 'Debug::handler', E_ALL );
set_exception_handler( 'Debug::exception' );
ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
} elseif ( self::$registered ) {
self::$registered[ 'shutdown' ] = false;
error_reporting( self::$registered[ 'error_reporting' ] );
ini_set( 'display_errors', self::$registered[ 'display_errors' ] );
static protected $error = array(
-1 => 'Exception'
, E_ERROR => 'Fatal'
, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Recoverable'
, E_WARNING => 'Warning'
, E_PARSE => 'Parse'
, E_NOTICE => 'Notice'
, E_STRICT => 'Strict'
, E_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated'
, E_CORE_ERROR => 'Fatal'
, E_CORE_WARNING => 'Warning'
, E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Fatal'
, E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning'
, E_USER_ERROR => 'Fatal'
, E_USER_WARNING => 'Warning'
, E_USER_NOTICE => 'Notice'
, E_USER_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated'
static public function handler ( $type, $message, $file, $line, $scope, $stack = null ) {
global $php_errormsg; // set global error message regardless track errors settings
$php_errormsg = preg_replace( '~^.*</a>\]: +(?:\([^\)]+\): +)?~', null, $message ); // clean useless infos
if ( ! self::$reporting ) // de-activate
return false;
$stack = $stack ? $stack : array_slice( debug_backtrace( false ), $type & E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE ? 2 : 1 ); // clean stack depending if error is user triggered or not
self::overload( $stack, $file, $line ); // switch line & file if overloaded method triggered the error
echo self::style(), PHP_EOL, '<pre class="debug error ', strtolower( self::$error[ $type ] ), '">', PHP_EOL,
sprintf( '<b>%s</b>: %s in <b>%s</b> on line <b>%s</b>' // print error
, self::$error[ $type ] ? self::$error[ $type ] : 'Error'
, $php_errormsg
, $file
, $line
if ( $type & self::$reporting ) // print context
echo self::context( $stack, $scope );
echo '</pre>';
if ( $type & E_USER_ERROR ) // fatal
static public function shutdown () {
if ( self::$registered[ 'shutdown' ] && ( $error = error_get_last() ) && ( $error[ 'type' ] & ( E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR ) ) )
self::handler( $error[ 'type' ], $error[ 'message' ], $error[ 'file' ], $error[ 'line' ], null );
static public function exception ( Exception $exception ) {
$msg = sprintf( '"%s" with message "%s"', get_class( $exception ), $exception->getMessage() );
self::handler( -1, $msg, $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(), null, $exception->getTrace() );
static public $style = array(
'debug' => 'font-size:1em;padding:.5em;border-radius:5px'
, 'error' => 'background:#eee'
, 'exception' => 'color:#825'
, 'parse' => 'color:#F07'
, 'compile' => 'color:#F70'
, 'fatal' => 'color:#F00'
, 'recoverable' => 'color:#F22'
, 'warning' => 'color:#E44'
, 'notice' => 'color:#E66'
, 'deprecated' => 'color:#F88'
, 'strict' => 'color:#FAA'
, 'stack' => 'padding:.2em .8em;color:#444'
, 'trace' => 'border-left:1px solid #ccc;padding-left:1em'
, 'scope' => 'padding:.2em .8em;color:#666'
, 'var' => 'border-bottom:1px dashed #aaa;margin-top:-.5em;padding-bottom:.9em'
, 'log' => 'background:#f7f7f7;color:#33e'
, 'chrono' => 'border-left:2px solid #ccc'
, 'init' => 'color:#4A6'
, 'time' => 'color:#284'
, 'table' => 'color:#042'
static protected function style () {
static $style;
if ( $style )
foreach ( self::$style as $class => $css )
$style .= sprintf( '.%s{%s}', $class, $css );
return PHP_EOL . '<style type="text/css">' . $style . '</style>';
static protected $overload = array(
'__callStatic' => 2
, '__call' => 2
, '__get' => 1
, '__set' => 1
, '__clone' => 1
, 'offsetGet' => 1
, 'offsetSet' => 1
, 'offsetUnset' => 1
, 'offsetExists' => 1
static protected function overload ( &$stack, &$file, &$line ) {
if ( isset( $stack[ 0 ][ 'class' ], self::$overload[ $stack[ 0 ][ 'function' ] ] ) && $offset = self::$overload[ $stack[ 0 ][ 'function' ] ] )
for ( $i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++ )
extract( array_shift( $stack ) ); // clean stack and overwrite file & line
static protected function context ( $stack, $scope ) {
if ( ! $stack )
$context[] = PHP_EOL . '<div class="stack"><i>Stack trace</i> :';
foreach ( $stack as $index => $call )
$context[] = sprintf( ' <span class="trace">#%s %s: <b>%s%s%s</b>(%s)</span>'
, $index
, isset( $call[ 'file' ] ) ? $call[ 'file' ] . ' (' . $call[ 'line' ] . ')' : '[internal function]'
, isset( $call[ 'class' ] ) ? $call[ 'class' ] : ''
, isset( $call[ 'type' ] ) ? $call[ 'type' ] : ''
, $call[ 'function' ]
, isset( $call[ 'args' ] ) ? self::args_export( $call[ 'args' ] ) : ''
$context[] = ' <span class="trace">#' . ( $index + 1 ) . ' {main}</span>';
$context[] = '</div><div class="scope"><i>Scope</i> :';
$vars = '';
if ( isset( $scope['GLOBALS'] ) )
$vars = ' GLOBAL';
elseif ( ! $scope )
$vars = ' NONE';
foreach ( (array) $scope as $name => $value )
$vars .= ' <div class="var">$' . $name .' = ' . self::var_export( $value ) . ';' . PHP_EOL . '</div>';
$context[] = $vars . '</div>';
return implode( PHP_EOL, $context );
static protected function var_export ( $var ) {
var_dump( $var );
$export = ob_get_clean();
$export = preg_replace( '/\s*\bNULL\b/m', ' null', $export ); // Cleanup NULL
$export = preg_replace( '/\s*\bbool\((true|false)\)/m', ' $1', $export ); // Cleanup booleans
$export = preg_replace( '/\s*\bint\((\d+)\)/m', ' $1', $export ); // Cleanup integers
$export = preg_replace( '/\s*\bfloat\(([\d.e-]+)\)/mi', ' $1', $export ); // Cleanup floats
$export = preg_replace( '/\s*\bstring\(\d+\) /m', '', $export ); // Cleanup strings
$export = preg_replace( '/object\((\w+)\)(#\d+) \(\d+\)/m', '$1$2', $export ); // Cleanup objects definition
//@todo array cleaning
$export = preg_replace( '/=>\s*/m', '=> ', $export ); // No new line between array/object keys and properties
$export = preg_replace( '/\[([\w": ]+)\]/', ', $1 ', $export ); // remove square brackets in array/object keys
$export = preg_replace( '/([{(]\s+), /', '$1 ', $export ); // remove first coma in array/object properties listing
$export = preg_replace( '/\{\s+\}/m', '{}', $export );
$export = preg_replace( '/\s+$/m', '', $export ); // Trim end spaces/new line
return $export;
static protected function simple_export ( $var ) {
$export = self::var_export( $var );
if ( is_array( $var ) ) {
$export = preg_replace( '/\s+\d+ => /m', ', ', $export );
$export = preg_replace( '/\s+(["\w]+ => )/m', ', $1', $export );
$pattern = '#array\(\d+\) \{[\s,]*([^{}]+|(?R))*?\s+\}#m';
while ( preg_match( $pattern, $export ) )
$export = preg_replace( $pattern, 'array($1)', $export );
return $export;
if ( is_object( $var ) )
return substr( $export, 0, strpos( $export, '#' ) ); // strstr( $export, '#', true );
return $export;
static protected function args_export ( $args ) {
return implode(', ', array_map(
(array) $args
) );
if ( ! function_exists( 'l' ) ) {
function l () {
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array( 'Debug::log', $args );
if ( ! function_exists( 'd' ) ) {
function d () {
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array( 'Debug::dump', $args );
if ( ! function_exists( 'c' ) ) {
function c () {
$args = func_get_args();
call_user_func_array( 'Debug::chrono', $args );
function D2log($_msg, $_obj=false) {
$debug_file_name = 'debug_php.log';
$logfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$debug_file_name;
$nl = chr(10);
$msg = '';
$data = array();
$data['msg'] = '['.trim($_msg).']';
$data['request_uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$data['remote_addr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (!!$_obj) {
$data['classname'] = get_class($_obj);
$msg = str_replace('\n', ' ', json_encode($data));
$msg = $nl.'INFO - '.date('Y-m-d h:i:s A').' --> '.str_replace('\\', '', $msg);
@file_put_contents($logfile, $msg, FILE_APPEND);