File format:
header: (blockSize) bytes
header: (blockSize) bytes
[ chunk ] *
storeHeader.put("H", "3");//blockSize:4*1024
storeHeader.put("blockSize", "" + BLOCK_SIZE);
storeHeader.put("format", "" + FORMAT_WRITE);
//create time
storeHeader.put("creationTime", "" + creationTime);
private byte[] getStoreHeaderBytes() {StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
storeHeader.put("lastMapId", "" + lastMapId);
storeHeader.put("chunk", "" + lastChunkId);
//root chunk的起始位置
private void writeStoreHeader() {byte[] bytes = getStoreHeaderBytes();
ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * BLOCK_SIZE);//写入fileheader
fileStore.writeFully(0, header);}//当前的版本
storeHeader.put("version", "" + currentVersion);
DataUtils.appendMap(buff, storeHeader);//用UTF-8编码
byte[] bytes = buff.toString().getBytes(DataUtils.UTF8);
int checksum = DataUtils.getFletcher32(bytes, bytes.length / 2 * 2);
DataUtils.appendMap(buff, "fletcher", Integer.toHexString(checksum));
bytes = buff.toString().getBytes(DataUtils.UTF8);//如果header总长度大于blocksize(默认4096),抛异常
if (bytes.length > BLOCK_SIZE) {
throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(
DataUtils.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT,"Store header too large: {0}", buff);
}return bytes;
private void writeStoreHeader() {byte[] bytes = getStoreHeaderBytes();
ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * BLOCK_SIZE);header.put(bytes);header.position(BLOCK_SIZE);header.put(bytes);header.rewind();fileStore.writeFully(0, header);}
* Write to the file.** @param pos the write position* @param src the source buffer*/public void writeFully(long pos, ByteBuffer src) {writeCount++;//fileSize保存下来,不用每次调file.size
fileSize = Math.max(fileSize, pos + src.remaining());DataUtils.writeFully(file, pos, src);}
* Chunks are page aligned (each page is usually 4096 bytes).
* There are at most 67 million (2^26) chunks,
* each chunk is at most 2 GB large.
* File format:
* 1 byte: 'c'
* 4 bytes: length
* 4 bytes: chunk id (an incrementing number)
* 4 bytes: pageCount
* 8 bytes: metaRootPos
* 8 bytes: maxLengthLive
* [ Page ] *
* Write the chunk header.** @param buff the target buffer*/void writeHeader(WriteBuffer buff) {
buff.put((byte) 'c').
* Store the page and update the position.** @param chunk the chunk* @param buff the target buffer*/private void write(Chunk chunk, WriteBuffer buff) {//开始的位置
int start = buff.position();
int len = keyCount;
int type = children != null ? DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE: DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_LEAF;//首次写入长度,checkum,mapId,关键字的数量,节点类型,后面会更新长度和checksum
buff.putInt(0).putShort((byte) 0).
putVarInt(map.getId()).putVarInt(len).put((byte) type);
int compressStart = buff.position();
DataType keyType = map.getKeyType();//根据类型,写入所有关键字
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {keyType.write(buff, keys[i]);}//如果是非叶结点,写入所有子节点的pageid和count(还没看懂是干嘛的),如果是叶节点,根据值的数据类型,写入所有值
if (type == DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_NODE) {
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {buff.putLong(children[i]);}for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {buff.putVarLong(counts[i]);}} else {
DataType valueType = map.getValueType();for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {valueType.write(buff, values[i]);}}//如果是压缩的,得到压缩器对象,把刚才写入的原始自己数组取出来,压缩后更新type为压缩,同时写入节省了多少字节,和压缩后的字节
if (map.getStore().getCompress()) {
Compressor compressor = map.getStore().getCompressor();int expLen = buff.position() - compressStart;
byte[] exp = new byte[expLen];buff.position(compressStart).get(exp);byte[] comp = new byte[exp.length * 2];int compLen = compressor.compress(exp, exp.length, comp, 0);
if (compLen + DataUtils.getVarIntLen(compLen - expLen) < expLen) {
buff.position(compressStart - 1).put((byte) (type + DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED)).
putVarInt(expLen - compLen).put(comp, 0, compLen);}}//获取pagelength
int pageLength = buff.position() - start;
int chunkId =;
int check = DataUtils.getCheckValue(chunkId)
^ DataUtils.getCheckValue(start)^ DataUtils.getCheckValue(pageLength);//更新pagelength和checkvalue
buff.putInt(start, pageLength).putShort(start + 4, (short) check);
if (pos != 0) {
throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(
DataUtils.ERROR_INTERNAL, "Page already stored");
pos = DataUtils.getPagePos(chunkId, start, pageLength, type);long max = DataUtils.getPageMaxLength(pos);
chunk.maxLength += max;chunk.maxLengthLive += max;chunk.pageCount++;chunk.pageCountLive++;}