Images into ImageViews or Bitmaps (animated GIFs supported too)
JSON (via Gson)
Java types using Gson
Automatically cancels operations when the calling Activity finishes
Manages invocation back onto the UI thread
All operations return a Future and can be cancelled
application/json - both JsonObject and POJO
Transparent usage of HTTP features and optimizations:
Gzip/Deflate Compression
Connection pooling/reuse via HTTP Connection: keep-alive
Uses the best/stablest connection from a server if it has multiple IP addresses
View received headers
Grouping and cancellation of requests
Download progress callbacks
Supports file:/, http(s):/, and content:/ URIs
Request level logging and profiling
Support for proxy servers like Charles Proxy to do request analysis
Based on NIO and AndroidAsync
Ability to use self signed SSL certificates
<dependency> <groupId>com.koushikdutta.ion</groupId> <artifactId>ion</artifactId> <version>2,</version></dependency>
dependencies { compile 'com.koushikdutta.ion:ion:2.+'}
Ion.with(context).load("").asJsonObject().setCallback(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) { // do stuff with the result or error }});
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();json.addProperty("foo", "bar"); Ion.with(context).load("").setJsonObjectBody(json).asJsonObject().setCallback(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) { // do stuff with the result or error }});
Ion.with(getContext()).load("").setBodyParameter("goop", "noop").setBodyParameter("foo", "bar").asString().setCallback(...)
Ion.with(getContext()).load("").uploadProgressBar(uploadProgressBar).setMultipartParameter("goop", "noop").setMultipartFile("", new File("/sdcard/")).asJsonObject().setCallback(...)
Ion.with(context).load("")// have a ProgressBar get updated automatically with the percent.progressBar(progressBar)// and a ProgressDialog.progressDialog(progressDialog)// can also use a custom callback.progress(new ProgressCallback() {@Override public void onProgress(int downloaded, int total) { System.out.println("" + downloaded + " / " + total); }}).write(new File("/sdcard/")).setCallback(new FutureCallback<File>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, File file) { // download done... // do stuff with the File or error }});
Ion.with(context).load("")// set the header.setHeader("foo", "bar").asString().setCallback(...)
// This is the "long" way to do build an ImageView request... it allows you to set headers, etc.Ion.with(context).load("").withBitmap().placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder_image).error(R.drawable.error_image).animateLoad(spinAnimation).animateIn(fadeInAnimation).intoImageView(imageView); // but for brevity, use the ImageView specific builder...Ion.with(imageView).placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder_image).error(R.drawable.error_image).animateLoad(spinAnimation).animateIn(fadeInAnimation).load("");
Disk and memory caching
Bitmaps are held via weak references so memory is managed very effeciently
ListView Adapter recycling support
Bitmap transformations via the .transform(Transform)
Animate loading and loaded ImageView states
DeepZoom for extremely large images
All operations return a custom Future that allows you to specify a callback that runs on completion.
Future<String> string = Ion.with(context).load("").asString(); Future<JsonObject> json = Ion.with(context).load("").asJsonObject(); Future<File> file = Ion.with(context).load("").write(new File("/sdcard/")); Future<Bitmap> bitmap = Ion.with(context).load("").intoImageView(imageView);
Futures can be cancelled by calling .cancel():
All Futures have a Future.get() method that waits for the result of the request, by blocking if necessary.
JsonObject json = Ion.with(context).load("").asJsonObject().get();
public static class Tweet { public String id; public String text; public String photo;} public void getTweets() throws Exception { Ion.with(context) .load("") .as(new TypeToken<List<Tweet>>(){}) .setCallback(new FutureCallback<List<Tweet>>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, List<Tweet> tweets) { // chirp chirp } });}
Wondering why your app is slow? Ion lets you do both global and request level logging.
To enable it globally:
Ion.getDefault(getContext()).configure().setLogging("MyLogs", Log.DEBUG);
Or to enable it on just a single request:
Ion.with(context).load("").setLogging("MyLogs", Log.DEBUG).asJsonObject();
By default, Ion automatically places all requests into a group with all the other requests created by that Activity or Service. Using the cancelAll(Activity) call, all requests still pending can be easily cancelled:
Future<JsonObject> json1 = Ion.with(activity, "").asJsonObject();Future<JsonObject> json2 = Ion.with(activity, "").asJsonObject(); // later... in activity.onStop@Overrideprotected void onStop() { super.onStop(); Ion.getDefault(activity).cancelAll(activity);}
Ion also lets you tag your requests into groups to allow for easy cancellation of requests in that group later:
Object jsonGroup = new Object();Object imageGroup = new Object(); Future<JsonObject> json1 = Ion.with(activity).load("")// tag in a custom; Future<JsonObject> json2 = Ion.with(activity).load("")// use the same custom group as the other json; Future<Bitmap> image1 = Ion.with(activity).load("")// for this image request, use a different group for; Future<Bitmap> image2 = Ion.with(activity).load("")// same imageGroup as; // later... to cancel only image downloads:Ion.getDefault(activity).cancelAll(imageGroup);
// proxy all requestsIon.getDefault(context).configure().proxy("mycomputer", 8888); // or... to proxy specific requestsIon.with(context).load("").proxy("mycomputer", 8888).getString();
Ion operations return a ResponseFuture, which grant access to response properties via the Response object. The Response object contains the headers, as well as the result:ResponseFuture同时包含头部和请求结果
Ion.with(getContext()).load("").asString().withResponse().setCallback(new FutureCallback<Response<String>>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, Response<String> result) { // print the response code, ie, 200 System.out.println(result.getHeaders().code()); // print the String that was downloaded System.out.println(result.getResult()); }});