
以下代码片段显示了 getProcessModel 和 getInstanceAuditTrail 方法。

getProcessModel 方法

* This function gets the debugger XML model of a given BPEL process.
* The function returns the xml model.
* @param strProcessID
*            the business process name.
* @return the xml process model.
public String getProcessModel(String strProcessID) {
 System.out.println("getProcessModel - " + strProcessID);
 String strProcessModel = "";
 try {
  IBPELProcessHandle process = getLocator().lookupProcess(
  // Returns the debugger XML model of this BPEL process.
  strProcessModel = process.getProcessModel();
 } catch (Exception e){
  strProcessModel = ERROR_STRING;
 return strProcessModel;

getInstanceAuditTrail 方法
* This function gets the XML audit trail of a given BPEL process.
* The function returns the xml model.
* @param strProcessID
*            the business process name.
* @return the xml process model.
public String getInstanceAuditTrail(String strInstanceReferenceID) {
 System.out.println("getInstanceAuditTrail - " + strInstanceReferenceID);
 String strResponse = "";
 try {
  IInstanceHandle instance = getInstance(strInstanceReferenceID);
  // Returns the XML representation of the audit trail of this
  // instance.
  strResponse = instance.getAuditTrail();
 } catch (Exception e){
  strResponse = ERROR_STRING;
 return strResponse;


原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/newhappy2008/article/details/1200458
