Job advert: Data scientist / web scraper

Job advert: Data scientist / web scraper | ScraperWiki Data Blog

Job advert: Data scientist / web scraper

Pool temperatures, company registrations, dairy prices …

ScraperWiki is a Silicon Valley style startup, in Liverpool, UK. We’re changing the world of open data, and how data science is done together on the Internet.

We’re looking for a data scientist who…

  • Loves data, and what can be done with it.
  • Able to code in Ruby or Python, but willing to learn the other.
  • Good at communicating with non-technical people.
  • Happy to responsively give our corporate customers what they need.

Some practical things…

  • We’re an innovative, funded startup. Things will change lots, as we find how our business works. We’d like you to enjoy and help with that.
  • Must be willing to either relocate to Liverpool or to commute to our offices which are near the University. We might be able to organise working visas.

To apply – send the following:

  • Links to two scrapers that you’ve made on ScraperWiki, involving a dataset that you find interesting for some reason.
  • Similarly, a link to a view you’ve made on ScraperWiki (can be related to the two scrapers).
  • A link to your résumé/CV
  • Any questions you have about the job.

Along to [email protected] with the word swjob4 in the subject (and yes,

that means no agencies, unless the candidates do that themselves)

… Oil wells, marathon results, planning applications
