安装SQL Server 2008 R2遇到“...Setup has stopped working.”

在安装SQL Server 2008 R2应用程序过程中,有时会遇到“...Setup has stopped working.”的错误而无法成功完成。

  这种情况大多出现在SQL安装包语言版本与操作系统语言不同(如中文版的SQL 2008 R2安装到英文版的Windows 7或者Server 2008)上时,安装开始之前的前提检测都能顺利通过,但当进行到“ExecuteStandardTimingsWorkflow”这一环节时安装报错并自动退出安装过程。

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS\Detail_ComponentUpdate.txt)中会有如下类似的记录:

  1. ...
  2. Slp: Running Action: PostMsiTimingConfigAction
  3. Slp: The object state property 'workflow' is null/empty.
  4. Error: Action "PostMsiTimingConfigAction" failed during execution.
  5. Slp: Completed Action: PostMsiTimingConfigAction, returned False
  6. Slp: Completed Action: ExecuteStandardTimingsWorkflow, returned True
  7. ...

网上有一些类似的问题报告,包括微软官方社区,但很少能提供有效的解决方案。51aspx的意思是,如果那些方法不能解决你的问题,请尝试将操作系统的语言切换到与SQL SERVER相同的语言版本后(这个操作对于Windows 7企业版和旗舰版来说是很容易做到的)再安装——这正好解决了我遇到的这个问题。
  顺便说一下,SQL SERVER 2008 R2的中文版安装包在英文操作系统环境下运行时,安装界面默认是英文的。


Well I finally figured it out and after looking back (as always) it was quite simple.
I had previously deinstalled Visual Studio 2008 (at least I thought I had) and physically removed the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0.
However there was one remaining item named "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0 - ENU" in the Control Panel Add/Remove programs, which I had not removed because I thought it belonged to my Visual Studio 2005 installation.
So, when SQL Server 2008 BI installation ran, it found it was installed but then couldn't find the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\vsta.exe  because I had removed the folder and contents.
I deinstalled "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0 - ENU". 
I then deinstalled SQL Server 2008 BI option and Managment Tools option successfully.
And then I re-installed SQL Server 2008 BI option and Managment Tools options SUCCESSFULLY!


