python code mudule,pipe,stdin,stdou,IMPORTANT



2009-07-09 11:59

  1. 有两种方式来实现并发性,一种方式是让每个“任务"或“进程”在单独的内在空间中工作,每个都有自已的工作内存区域。不过,虽然进程可在单独的内存空间中执行,但除非这些进程在单独的处理器上执行,否则,实际并不是“同时”运行的。是由操作系统把处理器的时间片分配给一个进程,用完时间片后就需退出处理器等待另一个时间片的到来。另一种方式是在在程序中指定多个“执行线程”,让它们在相同的内存空间中工作。这称为“多线程处理”。线程比进程更有效,因为操作系统不必为每个线程创建单独的内存空间。

  2. 新建进程用os.fork函数。但它只在POSIX系统上可用,在windows版的python中,os模块没有定义os.fork函数。相反,windows程序员用多线程编程技术来完成并发任务。

  3. os.fork函数创建进程的过程是这样的。程序每次执行时,操作系统都会创建一个新进程来运行程序指令。进程还可调用os.fork,要求操作系统新建一个进程。父进程是调用os.fork函数的进程。父进程所创建的进程叫子进程。每个进程都有一个不重复的进程ID号。或称pid,它对进程进行标识。子进程与父进程完全相同,子进程从父进程继承了多个值的拷贝,如全局变量和环境变量。两个进程的唯一区别是fork的返回值。子进程接收返回值0,而父进程接收子进程的pid作为返回值。

  4. 用os.fork创建的子进程和父进程作为异步的并发进程而单独执行。异步是指它们各行其是,相互间不进行同步;并发是指它们可同时执行。所以我们无法知道子进程和父进程的相对速度。

  5. os.wait函数用于等待子进程结束(只适用于UNIX兼容系统)。该函数返回包含两个元素的元组,包括已完成的子进程号pid,以及子进程的退出状态,返回状态为0,表明子进程成功完成。返回状态为正整数表明子进程终止时出错。如没有子进程,会引发OSError错误。os.wait要求父进程等待它的任何一个子进程结束执行,然后唤醒父进程。

  6. 要指示父进程等候一个指定的子进程终止,可在父进程中使用os.waitpid函数(只适用于unix兼容系统)。它可等候一个指定进程结束,然后返回一个双元素元组,其中包括子进程的pid和子进程的退出状态。函数调用将pid作为第一个参数传递,并将一个选项作为第二个选项,如果第一个参数大于0,则waitpid会等待该pid结束,如果第一个参数是-1,则会等候所有子进程,也就和os.wait一样。

  7. 用os.system 和 os.exec函数族来执行系统命令和其它程序。os.system使用shell来执行系统命令,然后在命令结束之后把控制权返回给原始进程;os.exec函数族在执行完命令后不将控制权返回给调用进程。它会接管python进程,pid不变。这两个函数支持unix和windows平台。

  8. os.popen()函数可执行命令,并获得命令的stdout流。函数要取得两个参数,一个是要执行的命令,另一个是调用函数所用的模式,如“r"只读模式。os.popen2()函数执行命令,并获得命令的stdout流和stdin流。函数返回一个元组,其中包含有两个文件对象,一个对象对应stdin流,一个对象对应stdout流。

  9. 进程使用IPC机制在进程间传递信息,一种IPC机制是“管道”,它是一种类似于文件的对象,提供单向通信渠道。父进程可打开一个管道,再分支一个子进程。父进程使用管道将信息写入(发送到)子进程,而子进程使用管道从父进程读取信息。在python中使用os.pipe函数创建管道。

  10. os._exit()类似于sys.exit(),但它不执行任何的清除工作(例如刷新缓冲区)。所以os._exit()尤其适用于退出子进程。如果程序使用sys.exit(),操作系统会回收父进程或其它子进程可能仍然需要的资源。传给os._exit()函数的参数必须是进程的退出状态。退出状态为0,表示正常终止。

  11. 进程也可用信号进行通信。所谓“信号”,是操作系统采取异步方式传给程序的消息。如CTRL+C会传递一个“中断信号”,通常该信号导致程序中止。然而程序完全可以指定用不同的行动来响应任何一个信号。在信号处理中,程序要接收信号,并根据那个信号采取一项行动。错误(例如向已关闭管道写入)、事件(例如计时器变成0)以及用户输入(例如按ctrl+c)都会产生信号。

  12. 针对每个信号,每个python程序都有一个默认的信号处理程序。例如,假定python解释器收到一个信号,该信号指出程序试图向已关闭的管道写入,或者用户敲入一个键盘中断,python就会引发一个异常。发生异常后,程序既可使用默认处理程序,也可使用自定义处理程序。

  13. signal.signal函数为中断信号注册一个信号处理程序。函数要获得两个参数:一个信号和一个对应于信号处理程序的函数。

  14. 在unix/linux系统中,子进程终止后,会保留在进程表中,让父进程知道子进程是否正常终止。如果创建大量子进程,但在终止后没有从进程表中移除它们,进程表便会积累越来越多的死进程,这些进程称为“zombies”(僵尸进程),消除僵尸进程的操作称为“reaping”,这是通过os.wait和os.waitpid函数实现的。

18.2. 良好的编程习惯

  1. 进程应关闭不需要的管道端,因为操作系统限制了可同时打开的文件说明符数量。

18.3. 移植性提示

  1. 并不是所有操作系统都能从一个正在运行的程序创建单独的进程,所以,进程管理是移植性最差的一项python特性。

  2. 每个系统都定义了特有信号集。signal是依赖于具体平台的模块,其中只包含系统定义的信号。




    python fork 收藏

    fork 是 python linux下 os 模块下的一个方法,用来创建一个子进程。今天遇到这个问题,所以找文章来稍微了解一下。以下来自。不当之处多指教。



















    #!/usr/bin/env python

    import os, sys

    print "I'm going to fork now - the child will write something to a pipe, and the parent will read it back"

    r, w = os.pipe()           # r,w是文件描述符, 不是文件对象

    pid = os.fork()
    if pid:
        # 父进程
        os.close(w)           # 关闭一个文件描述符
        r = os.fdopen(r)      # 将r转化为文件对象
        print "parent: reading"
        txt =
        os.waitpid(pid, 0)   # 确保子进程被撤销
        # 子进程             
        w = os.fdopen(w, 'w')
        print "child: writing"
        w.write("here's some text from the child")
        print "child: closing"

    print "parent: got it; text =", txt

    note here 

    Re: Subprocess confusion: how file-like must stdin be?

    Cameron Laird
    Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:10:51 -0700

    In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    Nick Craig-Wood  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >>  On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 17:16:25 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird)
    >>  declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
    >> > Question:
    >> >   import subprocess, StringIO
    >> > 
    >> >   input = StringIO.StringIO("abcdefgh\nabc\n")
    >>      Here you override the builtin function "input()"
    >> >       # I don't know of a compact, evocative, and
    >> >       # cross-platform way to exhibit this behavior.
    >> >       # For now, depend on cat(1).
    >> >   p = subprocess.Popen(["cat"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
    >> >                            stdin = response)
    >>      Here you specify the non-existant "response" 
    >Assume the OP meant to write this
    >>>> import subprocess, StringIO
    >>>> inp = StringIO.StringIO("abcdefgh\nabc\n")
    >>>> p = subprocess.Popen(["cat"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = inp)
    >Traceback (most recent call last):
    >  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 534, in __init__
    >    (p2cread, p2cwrite,
    >  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 830, in _get_handles
    >    p2cread = stdin.fileno()
    >AttributeError: StringIO instance has no attribute 'fileno'
    Yes; my apologies for the confusion I introduced by "editing
    for publication", and doing it badly.
    Your interactive session does indeed exhibit the behavior that
    puzzles me.  My expectation was that StringIO and the std* 
    parameters to Popen() were made for each other; certainly there
    are many cases where stdout and stderr can be redirected *to* a
    StringIO.  Is it simply the case that stdin demands a more
    file-like object?  While that disappoints me, I certainly can
    program around it.  My question, then:  does stdin effectively
    require something really in the filesystem, or perhaps the
    stdout of a previous subprocess?  Is there no built-in way to
    feed it an in-memory construct?

    Re: Subprocess confusion: how file-like must stdin be?

    Laurent Pointal
    Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:55:59 -0700

    Cameron Laird a écrit :
    > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
    > Nick Craig-Wood  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >> Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    >>>  On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 17:16:25 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird)
    >>>  declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
    >>>> Question:
    >>>>   import subprocess, StringIO
    >>>>   input = StringIO.StringIO("abcdefgh\nabc\n")
    >>>     Here you override the builtin function "input()"
    >>>>       # I don't know of a compact, evocative, and
    >>>>       # cross-platform way to exhibit this behavior.
    >>>>       # For now, depend on cat(1).
    >>>>   p = subprocess.Popen(["cat"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
    >>>>                            stdin = response)
    >>>     Here you specify the non-existant "response" 
    >> Assume the OP meant to write this
    >>>>> import subprocess, StringIO
    >>>>> inp = StringIO.StringIO("abcdefgh\nabc\n")
    >>>>> p = subprocess.Popen(["cat"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stdin = inp)
    >> Traceback (most recent call last):
    >>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 534, in __init__
    >>    (p2cread, p2cwrite,
    >>  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 830, in _get_handles
    >>    p2cread = stdin.fileno()
    >> AttributeError: StringIO instance has no attribute 'fileno'
    >                       .
    >                       .
    >                       .
    > Yes; my apologies for the confusion I introduced by "editing
    > for publication", and doing it badly.
    > Your interactive session does indeed exhibit the behavior that
    > puzzles me.  My expectation was that StringIO and the std* 
    > parameters to Popen() were made for each other; certainly there
    > are many cases where stdout and stderr can be redirected *to* a
    > StringIO.  Is it simply the case that stdin demands a more
    > file-like object?  While that disappoints me, I certainly can
    > program around it.  My question, then:  does stdin effectively
    > require something really in the filesystem, or perhaps the
    > stdout of a previous subprocess?  Is there no built-in way to
    > feed it an in-memory construct?
    As this is a pipe at OS level, there may be no other way than using
    os-level tools (ie. real files with fileno), maybe creating an anonymous
    pipe, writing to it (relying on pipe buffering by the OS to avoid the
    creation of a writer thread), and giving this pipe (which should have a
    fileno) to the subprocess.Popen stdin parameter.
    Such a construction (pipe/writer thread) would be welcome as standard
    subprocess tool.
