





1 function clear()
  2 --linux下为
  3 --    os.execute("clear")
  4 --windows下为
  5     os.execute("cls")
  6 end;
  8 --输入选项
  9 function inputSelect(s,n)
 10     io.write(s)
 11     if n == nil then
 12         n = 1
 13     end;
 14     return
 15 end;
 17 --buy somthing
 18 function buySomething(p,s,n)
 19     if p.wallet > n then
 20         if s == "ATK" then
 21             p.ATK = p.ATK + n
 22         elseif s == "DEF" then
 23             p.DEF = p.DEF + n
 24         elseif s == "HP" then
 25             p.HP = p.HP + n
 26         end;
 27         p.wallet = p.wallet - n
 28     else
 29         print("your haven't more money to buy it")
 30     end;
 31 end;
 33 --show stat
 34 function show_stat(p)
 35     io.write("ATK:\t"..p.ATK.."\n")
 36     io.write("DEF:\t"..p.DEF.."\n")
 37     io.write("HP:\t"..p.HP.."\n")
 38     io.write("wallet:\t"..p.wallet.."\n")
 39     sleep(3)
 40 end;
 42 --进入商店
 43 function goto_shop()
 44     clear()
 45     print("you are in shop now.")
 46     print("1. buy ATK")
 47     print("2. buy DEF")
 48     print("3. buy HP")
 49     print("0. back")
 50     input = inputSelect("please input number:")
 51     if input == "1" then
 52         buySomething(P,"ATK",1)
 53         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 54         show_stat(P)
 55     elseif input == "2" then
 56         buySomething(P,"DEF",1)
 57         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 58         show_stat(P)
 59     elseif input == "3" then
 60         buySomething(P,"HP",1)
 61         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 62         show_stat(P)
 63     elseif input == "0" then
 64         show_welcome()
 65     else
 66         goto_shop()
 67     end;
 68     goto_shop()
 69 end;
 71 --显示战场
 72 function show_battlefield()
 73     clear()
 74     print("PKing")
 75     io.write("Person:\tyou\tmonster\n")
 76 end;
 78 --A hit B
 79 function AhitB(A, B)
 80     B.HP = B.HP -  A.ATK / B.DEF
 81 --    B.HP = B.HP - 30
 82 end;
 84 function show_result(p,e)
 85     io.write("ATK:\t"..p.ATK.."\t"..e.ATK.."\n")
 86     io.write("DEF:\t"..p.DEF.."\t"..e.DEF.."\n")
 87     io.write("HP:\t"..p.HP.."\t"..e.HP.."\n")
 88 end;
 90 --时间暂停n秒
 91 function sleep(n)
 92     t = os.time()
 93     while os.time() - t < n do
 94     end;
 95 end;
 97 --战场,返回false则战败,返回true则胜利
 98 function battlefield(p,e)
 99     while true do
100         --p hit e
101         if p.HP <= 0 then
102             return false
103         end;
104         AhitB(p,e)
105         show_battlefield()
106         io.write("\tyou hit moster\n")
107         show_result(p,e)
108         sleep(1)
110         --e hit p
111         if e.HP <= 0 then
112             return true
113         end;
114         AhitB(e,p)
115         show_battlefield()
116         io.write("\tmoster hit you\n")
117         show_result(p,e)
118         sleep(1)
119     end;
120 end;
123 --进入战场选择菜单
124 function goto_battlefield()
125     clear()
127     print("you are in battlefield now.")
128     print("1. low level battlefield")
129     print("2. intermediate battlefield")
130     print("3. advanced battlefield")
131     print("0. back")
132     input = inputSelect("please choose battlefield:")
133     if input == "1" then
134         print("in here")
135         E = {
136             ATK    = E1.ATK,
137             DEF    = E1.DEF,
138             HP     = E1.HP}
139         if battlefield(P,E) then
140             goto_battlefield()
141             print("you win")
142             P.HP = P.HP + 10
143             sleep(2)
144         else
145             print("you die")
146             print("GAME OVER")
147         end;
148     elseif input == "2" then
149         E = {
150             ATK    = E2.ATK,
151             DEF    = E2.DEF,
152             HP     = E2.HP}
153         if battlefield(P,E) then
154             goto_battlefield()
155             print("you win")
156             P.HP = P.HP + 10
157             P.wallet = P.wallet + 10
158             sleep(2)
159         else
160             print("you die")
161             print("GAME OVER")
162         end;
163     elseif input == "3" then
164             E = {
165             ATK    = E3.ATK,
166             DEF    = E3.DEF,
167             HP     = E3.HP}
168         if battlefield(P,E) then
169             goto_battlefield()
170             print("you win")
171             P.HP = P.HP + 20
172             P.wallet = P.wallet + 10
173             P.ATK = P.ATK + 5
174             P.DEF = P.DEF + 5
175             sleep(2)
176         else
177             print("you die")
178             print("GAME OVER")
179         end;
180     elseif input == "0" then
181         show_welcome()
182     else
183         goto_battlefield()
184     end;
185 end;
187 function show_welcome()
188     clear()
189     print("======welcome to battle game======")
190     io.write("\tplease choose entrance\n")
191     print("1. shop")
192     print("2. battlefield entrance")
193     print("0. exit")
194     input = inputSelect("please input number of the entrance:")
195     if input == "1" then
196         goto_shop()
197     elseif input == "2" then
198         goto_battlefield()
199     elseif input == "0" then
200         os.exit()
201     else
202         show_welcome()
203     end;
204 end;
206 P = {
207     wallet = 100,
208     ATK    = 100,
209     DEF    = 100,
210     HP     = 100}
211 E1 = {
212     ATK    = 10,
213     DEF    = 10,
214     HP     = 100}
216 E2 = {
217     ATK    = 20,
218     DEF    = 20,
219     HP     = 100}
220 E3 = {
221     ATK    = 30,
222     DEF    = 30,
223     HP     = 100}
225 show_welcome()
229 --字符串相似度算法 lua 实现
230 function EditDistance( s, t, lim )  
231     local s_len, t_len = #s, #t -- Calculate the sizes of the strings or arrays  
232     if lim and math.abs( s_len - t_len ) >= lim then -- If sizes differ by lim, we can stop here  
233         return lim  
234     end  
236     -- Convert string arguments to arrays of ints (ASCII values)  
237     if type( s ) == "string" then  
238         s = { string.byte( s, 1, s_len ) }  
239     end  
241     if type( t ) == "string" then  
242         t = { string.byte( t, 1, t_len ) }  
243     end  
245     local min = math.min -- Localize for performance  
246     local num_columns = t_len + 1 -- We use this a lot  
248     local d = {} -- (s_len+1) * (t_len+1) is going to be the size of this array  
249     -- This is technically a 2D array, but we're treating it as 1D. Remember that 2D access in the  
250     -- form my_2d_array[ i, j ] can be converted to my_1d_array[ i * num_columns + j ], where  
251     -- num_columns is the number of columns you had in the 2D array assuming row-major order and  
252     -- that row and column indices start at 0 (we're starting at 0).  
254     for i=0, s_len do  
255         d[ i * num_columns ] = i -- Initialize cost of deletion  
256     end  
257     for j=0, t_len do  
258         d[ j ] = j -- Initialize cost of insertion  
259     end  
261     for i=1, s_len do  
262         local i_pos = i * num_columns  
263         local best = lim -- Check to make sure something in this row will be below the limit  
264         for j=1, t_len do  
265             local add_cost = (s[ i ] ~= t[ j ] and 1 or 0)  
266             local val = min(  
267                 d[ i_pos - num_columns + j ] + 1,                               -- Cost of deletion  
268                 d[ i_pos + j - 1 ] + 1,                                         -- Cost of insertion  
269                 d[ i_pos - num_columns + j - 1 ] + add_cost                     -- Cost of substitution, it might not cost anything if it's the same  
270             )  
271             d[ i_pos + j ] = val  
273             -- Is this eligible for tranposition?  
274             if i > 1 and j > 1 and s[ i ] == t[ j - 1 ] and s[ i - 1 ] == t[ j ] then  
275                 d[ i_pos + j ] = min(  
276                     val,                                                        -- Current cost  
277                     d[ i_pos - num_columns - num_columns + j - 2 ] + add_cost   -- Cost of transposition  
278                 )  
279             end  
281             if lim and val < best then  
282                 best = val  
283             end  
284         end  
286         if lim and best >= lim then  
287             return lim  
288         end  
289     end  
291     return d[ #d ]  
292 end
293 -- 判断字符串是否相似
294 function isStringLike(str1, str2)
295     local similarity =  EditDistance(str1,str2,1)
296     -- 相似:相似度大于字符串长度的一半
297     if similarity > #str1/2 and similarity > #str2/2 then
298         return true
299     else
300         return false
301     end
302 end
  1 function clear()
  2 --linux下为
  3 --    os.execute("clear")
  4 --windows下为
  5     os.execute("cls")
  6 end;
  8 --输入选项
  9 function inputSelect(s,n)
 10     io.write(s)
 11     if n == nil then
 12         n = 1
 13     end;
 14     return
 15 end;
 17 --buy somthing
 18 function buySomething(p,s,n)
 19     if p.wallet > n then
 20         if s == "ATK" then
 21             p.ATK = p.ATK + n
 22         elseif s == "DEF" then
 23             p.DEF = p.DEF + n
 24         elseif s == "HP" then
 25             p.HP = p.HP + n
 26         end;
 27         p.wallet = p.wallet - n
 28     else
 29         print("your haven't more money to buy it")
 30     end;
 31 end;
 33 --show stat
 34 function show_stat(p)
 35     io.write("ATK:\t"..p.ATK.."\n")
 36     io.write("DEF:\t"..p.DEF.."\n")
 37     io.write("HP:\t"..p.HP.."\n")
 38     io.write("wallet:\t"..p.wallet.."\n")
 39     sleep(3)
 40 end;
 42 --进入商店
 43 function goto_shop()
 44     clear()
 45     print("you are in shop now.")
 46     print("1. buy ATK")
 47     print("2. buy DEF")
 48     print("3. buy HP")
 49     print("0. back")
 50     input = inputSelect("please input number:")
 51     if input == "1" then
 52         buySomething(P,"ATK",1)
 53         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 54         show_stat(P)
 55     elseif input == "2" then
 56         buySomething(P,"DEF",1)
 57         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 58         show_stat(P)
 59     elseif input == "3" then
 60         buySomething(P,"HP",1)
 61         print("you buy ATK OK!")
 62         show_stat(P)
 63     elseif input == "0" then
 64         show_welcome()
 65     else
 66         goto_shop()
 67     end;
 68     goto_shop()
 69 end;
 71 --显示战场
 72 function show_battlefield()
 73     clear()
 74     print("PKing")
 75     io.write("Person:\tyou\tmonster\n")
 76 end;
 78 --A hit B
 79 function AhitB(A, B)
 80     B.HP = B.HP -  A.ATK / B.DEF
 81 --    B.HP = B.HP - 30
 82 end;
 84 function show_result(p,e)
 85     io.write("ATK:\t"..p.ATK.."\t"..e.ATK.."\n")
 86     io.write("DEF:\t"..p.DEF.."\t"..e.DEF.."\n")
 87     io.write("HP:\t"..p.HP.."\t"..e.HP.."\n")
 88 end;
 90 --时间暂停n秒
 91 function sleep(n)
 92     t = os.time()
 93     while os.time() - t < n do
 94     end;
 95 end;
 97 --战场,返回false则战败,返回true则胜利
 98 function battlefield(p,e)
 99     while true do
100         --p hit e
101         if p.HP <= 0 then
102             return false
103         end;
104         AhitB(p,e)
105         show_battlefield()
106         io.write("\tyou hit moster\n")
107         show_result(p,e)
108         sleep(1)
110         --e hit p
111         if e.HP <= 0 then
112             return true
113         end;
114         AhitB(e,p)
115         show_battlefield()
116         io.write("\tmoster hit you\n")
117         show_result(p,e)
118         sleep(1)
119     end;
120 end;
123 --进入战场选择菜单
124 function goto_battlefield()
125     clear()
127     print("you are in battlefield now.")
128     print("1. low level battlefield")
129     print("2. intermediate battlefield")
130     print("3. advanced battlefield")
131     print("0. back")
132     input = inputSelect("please choose battlefield:")
133     if input == "1" then
134         print("in here")
135         E = {
136             ATK    = E1.ATK,
137             DEF    = E1.DEF,
138             HP     = E1.HP}
139         if battlefield(P,E) then
140             goto_battlefield()
141             print("you win")
142             P.HP = P.HP + 10
143             sleep(2)
144         else
145             print("you die")
146             print("GAME OVER")
147         end;
148     elseif input == "2" then
149         E = {
150             ATK    = E2.ATK,
151             DEF    = E2.DEF,
152             HP     = E2.HP}
153         if battlefield(P,E) then
154             goto_battlefield()
155             print("you win")
156             P.HP = P.HP + 10
157             P.wallet = P.wallet + 10
158             sleep(2)
159         else
160             print("you die")
161             print("GAME OVER")
162         end;
163     elseif input == "3" then
164             E = {
165             ATK    = E3.ATK,
166             DEF    = E3.DEF,
167             HP     = E3.HP}
168         if battlefield(P,E) then
169             goto_battlefield()
170             print("you win")
171             P.HP = P.HP + 20
172             P.wallet = P.wallet + 10
173             P.ATK = P.ATK + 5
174             P.DEF = P.DEF + 5
175             sleep(2)
176         else
177             print("you die")
178             print("GAME OVER")
179         end;
180     elseif input == "0" then
181         show_welcome()
182     else
183         goto_battlefield()
184     end;
185 end;
187 function show_welcome()
188     clear()
189     print("======welcome to battle game======")
190     io.write("\tplease choose entrance\n")
191     print("1. shop")
192     print("2. battlefield entrance")
193     print("0. exit")
194     input = inputSelect("please input number of the entrance:")
195     if input == "1" then
196         goto_shop()
197     elseif input == "2" then
198         goto_battlefield()
199     elseif input == "0" then
200         os.exit()
201     else
202         show_welcome()
203     end;
204 end;
206 P = {
207     wallet = 100,
208     ATK    = 100,
209     DEF    = 100,
210     HP     = 100}
211 E1 = {
212     ATK    = 10,
213     DEF    = 10,
214     HP     = 100}
216 E2 = {
217     ATK    = 20,
218     DEF    = 20,
219     HP     = 100}
220 E3 = {
221     ATK    = 30,
222     DEF    = 30,
223     HP     = 100}
225 show_welcome()
229 --字符串相似度算法 lua 实现
230 function EditDistance( s, t, lim )  
231     local s_len, t_len = #s, #t -- Calculate the sizes of the strings or arrays  
232     if lim and math.abs( s_len - t_len ) >= lim then -- If sizes differ by lim, we can stop here  
233         return lim  
234     end  
236     -- Convert string arguments to arrays of ints (ASCII values)  
237     if type( s ) == "string" then  
238         s = { string.byte( s, 1, s_len ) }  
239     end  
241     if type( t ) == "string" then  
242         t = { string.byte( t, 1, t_len ) }  
243     end  
245     local min = math.min -- Localize for performance  
246     local num_columns = t_len + 1 -- We use this a lot  
248     local d = {} -- (s_len+1) * (t_len+1) is going to be the size of this array  
249     -- This is technically a 2D array, but we're treating it as 1D. Remember that 2D access in the  
250     -- form my_2d_array[ i, j ] can be converted to my_1d_array[ i * num_columns + j ], where  
251     -- num_columns is the number of columns you had in the 2D array assuming row-major order and  
252     -- that row and column indices start at 0 (we're starting at 0).  
254     for i=0, s_len do  
255         d[ i * num_columns ] = i -- Initialize cost of deletion  
256     end  
257     for j=0, t_len do  
258         d[ j ] = j -- Initialize cost of insertion  
259     end  
261     for i=1, s_len do  
262         local i_pos = i * num_columns  
263         local best = lim -- Check to make sure something in this row will be below the limit  
264         for j=1, t_len do  
265             local add_cost = (s[ i ] ~= t[ j ] and 1 or 0)  
266             local val = min(  
267                 d[ i_pos - num_columns + j ] + 1,                               -- Cost of deletion  
268                 d[ i_pos + j - 1 ] + 1,                                         -- Cost of insertion  
269                 d[ i_pos - num_columns + j - 1 ] + add_cost                     -- Cost of substitution, it might not cost anything if it's the same  
270             )  
271             d[ i_pos + j ] = val  
273             -- Is this eligible for tranposition?  
274             if i > 1 and j > 1 and s[ i ] == t[ j - 1 ] and s[ i - 1 ] == t[ j ] then  
275                 d[ i_pos + j ] = min(  
276                     val,                                                        -- Current cost  
277                     d[ i_pos - num_columns - num_columns + j - 2 ] + add_cost   -- Cost of transposition  
278                 )  
279             end  
281             if lim and val < best then  
282                 best = val  
283             end  
284         end  
286         if lim and best >= lim then  
287             return lim  
288         end  
289     end  
291     return d[ #d ]  
292 end
293 -- 判断字符串是否相似
294 function isStringLike(str1, str2)
295     local similarity =  EditDistance(str1,str2,1)
296     -- 相似:相似度大于字符串长度的一半
297     if similarity > #str1/2 and similarity > #str2/2 then
298         return true
299     else
300         return false
301     end
302 end


作者:涵曦涵曦的技术博客 - 博客园

分类:  随感
