怎么让Visual Studiot在遇到一个project编译错误时停止编译其它project

Visual studio一个solution中含有多个project时,当编译整个solution,如果一个project编译出错,visual studio会继续编译其它的project,这在大多数情况下都是不需要的,只是浪费了时间。
StopOnFirstBuildError extension是一个Visual Studio2012 和2010的插件,可以让Visual Studiot在遇到一个project编译错误时停止编译其它project。对于2008,可以用 Stop that Build! Don't waste time building projects in Visual Studio的方法。
打开菜单:Tools->Macros->Macros IDE,双击"MyMacros",在EnviromentEvents中加入如下代码:
    Private Sub BuildEvents_OnBuildProjConfigDone(ByVal Project As String, ByVal ProjectConfig As String, ByVal Platform As String, ByVal SolutionConfig As String, ByVal Success As Boolean) Handles BuildEvents.OnBuildProjConfigDone

        '-- When the build of a project fails
        If (Not Success) Then

            '-- Cancel the remaining builds in the Solution

            '-- Write a polite message to the OutputWindow that's logging all information about this build
            DTE.ToolWindows.OutputWindow.ActivePane.OutputString(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Build failed while compiling " & Project)

        End If

    End Sub
