1 Sub deleteDuplicatedFeature() 2 3 Dim app As IApplication 4 Set app = Application 5 6 Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument 7 Set pMxDocument = Application.Document 8 9 Dim pMap As IMap 10 Set pMap = pMxDocument.FocusMap 11 12 Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer 13 Set pFeatureLayer = pMap.Layer(0) 14 15 16 Dim pFeatureClass As IFeatureClass 17 Set pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass 18 19 20 Dim pFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor 21 Set pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(Nothing, False) 22 23 Dim pArea As IArea 24 Dim pRelOp As IRelationalOperator 25 Dim pFeature As IFeature 26 Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature 27 28 Dim findex As Integer 29 findex = pFeatureClass.FindField("ifCopyed") 30 31 Dim fid As Integer 32 fid = pFeatureClass.FindField("FID") 33 34 35 Dim pFilter As ISpatialFilter 36 37 Dim pFeatureCursorCompared As IFeatureCursor 38 Dim pFeatureCompared As IFeature 39 Dim pShapeCompared As IPolygon 40 Dim pAreaCompared As IArea 41 42 43 44 While Not pFeature Is Nothing 45 46 Set pRelOp = pFeature.Shape 47 48 49 Set pFilter = New SpatialFilter 50 51 With pFilter 52 Set .Geometry = pFeature.Shape 53 .GeometryField = "SHAPE" 54 .SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelIntersects 55 End With 56 57 Set pFeatureCursorCompared = pFeatureClass.Search(pFilter, False) 58 Set pFeatureCompared = pFeatureCursorCompared.NextFeature 59 60 61 62 63 While Not pFeatureCompared Is Nothing 64 65 Set pShapeCompared = pFeatureCompared.Shape 66 67 If pRelOp.Equals(pShapeCompared) And pFeature.Value(fid) <> pFeatureCompared.Value(fid) Then 68 69 pFeatureCompared.Delete '删除之后,查询可以可以自动调节 70 71 End If 72 73 74 75 Set pFeatureCompared = pFeatureCursorCompared.NextFeature 76 Wend 77 78 Set pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature 79 Wend
#run this program at arcgis10.0 environment please
1 import arcpy 2 3 fc = "D:\Output.shp" #change to your own shapefile 4 5 desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) 6 7 shapefieldname = desc.ShapeFieldName 8 9 rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc) 10 11 for row in rows: 12 rows2 = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc) 13 for row2 in rows2: 14 if row.getValue(shapefieldname).equals(row2.getValue(shapefieldname)) and row.getValue("FID") != row2.getValue ("FID"): 15 rows2.deleteRow(row2) 16 del row2 17 18 del rows
1 vba繁琐,python简洁
2 vba要用到接口跳转,python没有接口概念,只有类或者函数
3 vba使用变量要先声明,python直接使用,不用声明
4 vba在arcgis10以后不支持了,python会被支持,而且python用途非常之广
5 vba和arcengine中思路非常类似,python开辟了一些新的思路,就像当初接触arcserver javascript api带来的新思路一样
6 vba可以继续使用,大力使用python
7 vba中缩进没有含义,python中缩进具有语法含义
8 vba中的循环和判断语句有开头和结尾(for......end,if......end),python中循环和判断语句有冒号(:)