Retrospective meeting can be a chance to improve communication between different teams

Today, I take a retrospective meeting as facilitator. It’s my first time to take retro meeting as facilitator and I’m not a member in that team. But I find it’s a good chance to improve communication among different project teams.

Now days, almost every team member think communication is very important in the whole software development process, for example, we can find it always be talked In each retrospective meetings, no matter it’s in “Well” or ”Less Well” or ”Keep” or ”More”. But we also need more communication between different project teams, there could be other ways to improve it, I just think retrospective meeting is a good chance. When one team will take retrospective meeting, the team can invite anyone who is not the member in their team as facilitator. In this way, all the team members can be involved into each section of meetings. Facilitator can also get a good chance to practice how to organize retrospective meeting if she or he never do it before (just like me), and most important, communication can be improved in different project teams.
