Apply User story, ATDD and TDD in real world (1) – At all the beginning

  One year has passed since TDD firstly went into my life. I really like, believe it from the beginning. In the past one year, many agile practices were introduced into my daily work, for example user story, pair programming, continual refactoring, ATDD and so on. I like them and try to practice them in my daily work.  The project I’m working for is legacy system, I think it’s not easy for us to understand the magic or power of incremental design when applying TDD into legacy system, if develop a total new system using TDD, I think people can easily trust it. I remember in our team, when we firstly meet the TDD, the big question about TDD is: Design from bottom to top, what? Does it really work?  Anyway, I believe it at beginning, at least, I know it never work if design from top to bottom in all project I worked. I want to them buy it, But firstly I also need prove it. I don’t want to choose a easy example to demonstrate how TDD work, just like when I practices refactoring, I also don’t like the code example in the book, I like the real code in the real project. But obviously, It is impossible for us to re-implement our project software using TDD. I need the example which is not too easy and not too complex. At last, I choose Killer of three kingdoms (三国杀) which is very popular game in china, and also in our project team. Actually, it’s the idea from my co-work who is big fans of this game and he also want to try TDD. But it seems like there is little time for him. Anyway, maybe one day, he will join, or more and more people who are fans of this game in our project team will join.

  I hope I can finish it and I will record what I do what I think here, about user story, ATDD, TDD and so on.

  What we should do at first? User story, here , I just put a draft:


Apply User story, ATDD and TDD in real world (1) – At all the beginning_第1张图片


I will be back soon.
