ZOPE 之 PythonScript 中使用 type() 函数

Submitted by: peterbe
Last Edited: 2004-10-14

Category: Python(Script)

Average rating is: 4.17 out of 5     (6 ratings)
You can't use type() or the types modules in Python Script because "The 'type' function, on the other hand, causes
a security hole when used with ExtensionClasses" (Evan Simpson).

Instead you use the Python Script builtin same_type()::

Source (Text):

# in an external method
if type(variable)==type([]):
  print "it's a list"

# in a Python Script
if same_type(variable,[]):
  print "it's a list"

# just the same
s = "a string"
t = ("a string",)
l = ["a string"]

print same_type(s,t) # returns 0
print same_type(s,l) # returns 0
print same_type(s,t[0]) # of course returns 1
