with tmp_t as( select 1 as id,to_date('2014-06-01','yyyy-mm-dd') as v_date,1 as v_num from dual union all select 1,to_date('2014-06-02','yyyy-mm-dd') ,2 a from dual union all select 1,to_date('2014-06-12','yyyy-mm-dd') ,3 a from dual union all select 1,to_date('2014-06-22','yyyy-mm-dd') ,4 a from dual union all select 1,to_date('2014-05-22','yyyy-mm-dd') ,3 a from dual union all select 1,to_date('2014-03-22','yyyy-mm-dd') ,7 a from dual union all select 2,to_date('2014-06-02','yyyy-mm-dd') ,2 a from dual union all select 2,to_date('2014-06-07','yyyy-mm-dd') ,5 a from dual union all select 2,to_date('2014-06-17','yyyy-mm-dd') ,3 a from dual union all select 2,to_date('2014-07-17','yyyy-mm-dd') ,3 a from dual union all select 2,to_date('2014-08-17','yyyy-mm-dd') ,8 a from dual ) select aa.id, sum(aa.current_num), sum(aa.month_num), sum(aa.year_num) from (select id, sum(case when trunc(v_date) = trunc(to_date('2014-06-02', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) then v_num else 0 end) current_num, sum(v_num) month_num, max(0) year_num from tmp_t where 1 = 1 and v_date < last_day(to_date('2014-06-02', 'yyyy-mm-dd')) + 1 and v_date >= trunc(add_months(last_day(to_date('2014-06-02', 'yyyy-mm-dd')), -1) + 1) group by id union all select id, max(0) current_num, max(0) month_num, sum(v_num) year_num from tmp_t where 1 = 1 and v_date< add_months(trunc(to_date('2014-06-02', 'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy'),12) and v_date >= trunc(to_date('2014-06-02', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy') group by id) aa group by aa.id