soap development issue


        No Deserializer found to deserialize a 'xxx' using encoding style 'yyy'


        the requesting envelope-xml doesn't match the wsdl definition. you can monitor the request-envelope-xml with TCP/IP Monitor (Eclipse plugin) and check against the wsdl definition, especially the "xmlns:xx" and "xsi:type" part.


SOAP Client

1. Apache SOAP

2. Apache Axis (based on #1, found memory issue actually (, not recommended)

3. Apache Axis2 (based on #2)

4. CXF

5. Weblogic clientgen


TIP: All the client technologies mentioned above can generate the client artifact via wsdl file. But you can just post the xml document to the SOAP server and you can also get the response(xml), find an example here: 




        实例讲解:JAVA SOAP技术:

        Apache SOAP type mapping, Part 1: Exploring Apache's serialization APIs:
