内部类 |
作用 |
Call |
存储客户端发来的请求 |
Listener |
监听类: 监听客户端发来的请求,内部静态类Listener.Reader: 当监听器监听到用户请求,便让Reader读取用户请求 |
Responder |
响应RPC请求类,请求处理完毕,由Responder发送给请求客户端 |
Connection |
连接类,真正的客户端请求读取逻辑在这个类中 |
Handler |
请求处理类,会循环阻塞读取callQueue中的call对象,并对其进行操作 |
Server是个抽象类, 唯一抽象的方法. Server提供了一个架子, Server的具体功能, 需要具体类来完成。而具体类, 当然就是实现call方法。
/** Called for each call. */
public abstract Writable call(Class<?> protocol, Writable param, long receiveTime) throws IOException;
Server.Call 和Client.Call类似, Server.Call包含了一次请求, 其中id和param的含义和Client.Call是一致的。不同点:
connection是该Call来自的连接, 当请求处理结束时, 相应的结果会通过相同的connection, 发送给客户端。
timestamp是请求到达的时间戳, 如果请求很长时间没被处理, 对应的连接会被关闭, 客户端也就知道出错了。
response是请求处理的结果, 可能是一个Writable的串行化结果, 也可能一个异常的串行化结果。
Server.Connection 维护了一个来自客户端的socket连接。
它处理版本校验, 读取请求并把请求发送到请求处理线程, 接收处理结果并把结果发送给客户端。
Hadoop的Server采用了Java的NIO, 这样的话就不需要为每一个socket连接建立一个线程, 读取socket上的数据。
在Server中, 只需要一个线程, 就可以accept新的连接请求和读取socket上的数据, 这个线程, 就是Listener。
Server.Handler 请求处理线程一般有多个.
Handler的run方法循环地取出一个Server.Call, 调用Server.call方法, 搜集结果并串行化, 然后将结果放入Responder队列中。
对于处理完的请求, 需要将结果写回去, 同样, 利用NIO, 只需要一个线程, 相关的逻辑在Responder里。
/** A call queued for handling. */ private static class Call { private int id; // the client's call id 客户端的RPC调用对象Call的id private Writable param; // the parameter passed 客户端的PRC调用对象Call的参数 private Connection connection;// connection to client 客户端连接对象,在服务端持有这个对象, 就能知道是哪个客户端连接 private long timestamp; // the time received when response is null; the time served when response is not null private ByteBuffer response; // the response for this call 当前RPC调用的响应 public Call(int id, Writable param, Connection connection) { this.id = id; this.param = param; this.connection = connection; this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.response = null; } public void setResponse(ByteBuffer response) { this.response = response; } }
Server initialize and start
ipc.Server是抽象类, 抽象类不能实例化, 那么系统启动的时候, 实例化的是ipc.Server抽象类的实现类, 即ipc.RPC.Server. 即启动RPC.Server
public class NameNode implements ClientProtocol, DatanodeProtocol, NamenodeProtocol, FSConstants, RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol, RefreshUserMappingsProtocol { /** RPC server */ private Server server; /** RPC server for HDFS Services communication. * BackupNode, Datanodes and all other services should be connecting to this server if it is configured. Clients should only go to NameNode#server */ private Server serviceRpcServer; /** RPC server address */ private InetSocketAddress serverAddress = null; /** RPC server for DN address */ protected InetSocketAddress serviceRPCAddress = null; /** Initialize name-node. NameNode初始化 */ private void initialize(Configuration conf) throws IOException { InetSocketAddress socAddr = NameNode.getAddress(conf); // create rpc server InetSocketAddress dnSocketAddr = getServiceRpcServerAddress(conf); if (dnSocketAddr != null) { this.serviceRpcServer = RPC.getServer(this, dnSocketAddr.getHostName(), dnSocketAddr.getPort(), serviceHandlerCount, false, conf, namesystem.getDelegationTokenSecretManager()); this.serviceRPCAddress = this.serviceRpcServer.getListenerAddress(); setRpcServiceServerAddress(conf); } this.server = RPC.getServer(this, socAddr.getHostName(), socAddr.getPort(), handlerCount, false, conf, namesystem.getDelegationTokenSecretManager()); // The rpc-server port can be ephemeral... ensure we have the correct info this.serverAddress = this.server.getListenerAddress(); startHttpServer(conf); this.server.start(); //start RPC server if (serviceRpcServer != null) { serviceRpcServer.start(); } startTrashEmptier(conf); } }
/** Construct a server for a protocol implementation instance listening on a port and address, with a secret manager. * 构造协议实现类的服务器, 该方法的调用者NameNode实现了一系列的协议接口. * 以读取HDFS文件为例, 客户端发送一个RPC调用getBlockLocations()到NameNode服务端, 由NameNode进行实际的方法调用 */ public static Server getServer(final Object instance, final String bindAddress, final int port, final int numHandlers, final boolean verbose, Configuration conf, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager) { return new Server(instance, conf, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, verbose, secretManager); } /** An RPC Server. */ public static class Server extends org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server { /** Construct an RPC server. * @param instance the instance whose methods will be called 被调用的方法的实例对象 * @param conf the configuration to use * @param bindAddress the address to bind on to listen for connection * @param port the port to listen for connections on * @param numHandlers the number of method handler threads to run * @param verbose whether each call should be logged */ public Server(Object instance, Configuration conf, String bindAddress, int port, int numHandlers, boolean verbose, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager) { super(bindAddress, port, Invocation.class, numHandlers, conf, classNameBase(instance.getClass().getName()), secretManager); // 调用父类ipc.Server抽象类的构造方法 this.instance = instance; this.verbose = verbose; } }
/** An abstract IPC service. IPC calls take a single Writable as a parameter, and return a Writable as their value. * A service runs on a port and is defined by a parameter class and a value class. */ public abstract class Server { private String bindAddress; private int port; // port we listen on private int handlerCount; // number of handler threads private int readThreads; // number of read threads private Class<? extends Writable> paramClass; // class of call parameters private int maxIdleTime; // the maximum idle time after which a client may be disconnected private int thresholdIdleConnections; // the number of idle connections after which we will start cleaning up idle connections int maxConnectionsToNuke; // the max number of connections to nuke during a cleanup protected RpcInstrumentation rpcMetrics; private Configuration conf; private SecretManager<TokenIdentifier> secretManager; private int maxQueueSize; private final int maxRespSize; private int socketSendBufferSize; private final boolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle's Algorithm volatile private boolean running = true;// true while server runs private BlockingQueue<Call> callQueue;// queued calls private List<Connection> connectionList = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Connection>()); //maintain a list of client connections private Listener listener = null;//服务端监听器 private Responder responder = null;//服务端写回客户端的响应 private int numConnections = 0;//连接的客户端个数 private Handler[] handlers = null;//处理类 /** Constructs a server listening on the named port and address. * Parameters passed must be of the named class. * The handlerCount determines the number of handler threads that will be used to process calls. */ protected Server(String bindAddress, int port, Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount, Configuration conf, String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager) { this.bindAddress = bindAddress; this.conf = conf; this.port = port; this.paramClass = paramClass; this.handlerCount = handlerCount; this.socketSendBufferSize = 0; this.maxQueueSize = handlerCount * conf.getInt(IPC_SERVER_HANDLER_QUEUE_SIZE_KEY, IPC_SERVER_HANDLER_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT); this.maxRespSize = conf.getInt(IPC_SERVER_RPC_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE_KEY, IPC_SERVER_RPC_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE_DEFAULT); this.readThreads = conf.getInt(IPC_SERVER_RPC_READ_THREADS_KEY, IPC_SERVER_RPC_READ_THREADS_DEFAULT); this.callQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Call>(maxQueueSize); this.maxIdleTime = 2*conf.getInt("ipc.client.connection.maxidletime", 1000); this.maxConnectionsToNuke = conf.getInt("ipc.client.kill.max", 10); this.thresholdIdleConnections = conf.getInt("ipc.client.idlethreshold", 4000); this.secretManager = (SecretManager<TokenIdentifier>) secretManager; this.authorize = conf.getBoolean(HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHORIZATION, false); this.isSecurityEnabled = UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled(); // Start the listener here and let it bind to the port listener = new Listener(); this.port = listener.getAddress().getPort(); this.rpcMetrics = RpcInstrumentation.create(serverName, this.port); this.tcpNoDelay = conf.getBoolean("ipc.server.tcpnodelay", false); responder = new Responder(); // Create the responder here if (isSecurityEnabled) { SaslRpcServer.init(conf); } } private void closeConnection(Connection connection) { synchronized (connectionList) { if (connectionList.remove(connection)) numConnections--; } try { connection.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } // NameNode在获得Server后, 会调用server.start()启动服务端. 三个对象responder,listener,handlers都是线程类, 都调用start() /** Starts the service. Must be called before any calls will be handled. */ public synchronized void start() { responder.start(); listener.start(); handlers = new Handler[handlerCount]; for (int i = 0; i < handlerCount; i++) { handlers[i] = new Handler(i); handlers[i].start(); } } }
private static final ThreadLocal<Server> SERVER = new ThreadLocal<Server>(); /** Returns the server instance called under or null. May be called under #call(Writable, long)implementations, * and under Writable methods of paramters and return values. Permits applications to access the server context.*/ public static Server get() { return SERVER.get(); } //maintain a list of client connections 维护客户端的连接列表, 这里的Connection是Server.Connection private List<Connection> connectionList = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Connection>()); /** Listens on the socket. Creates jobs for the handler threads 监听客户端Socket连接, 为handler线程创建任务 */ private class Listener extends Thread { private ServerSocketChannel acceptChannel = null; //the accept channel 服务端通道 private Selector selector = null; //the selector that we use for the server 选择器(NIO) private Reader[] readers = null; private int currentReader = 0; private InetSocketAddress address; //the address we bind at 服务端地址 private Random rand = new Random(); private long lastCleanupRunTime = 0; //the last time when a cleanup connection (for idle connections) ran private long cleanupInterval = 10000; //the minimum interval between two cleanup runs private int backlogLength = conf.getInt("ipc.server.listen.queue.size", 128); private ExecutorService readPool; //读取池, 任务执行服务(并发) public Listener() throws IOException { address = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddress, port); acceptChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); // Create a new server socket 创建服务端Socket连接, acceptChannel.configureBlocking(false); // and set to non blocking mode设置为非阻塞模式 bind(acceptChannel.socket(), address, backlogLength); // Bind the server socket to the local host and port将ServerSocket绑定到本地端口 port = acceptChannel.socket().getLocalPort(); // Could be an ephemeral port selector= Selector.open(); // create a selector 创建一个监听器的Selector readers = new Reader[readThreads];//读取线程数组 readPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(readThreads);//启动多个reader线程,为了防止请求多时服务端响应延时的问题 for (int i = 0; i < readThreads; i++) { Selector readSelector = Selector.open();//每个读取线程都创建一个Selector Reader reader = new Reader(readSelector); readers[i] = reader; readPool.execute(reader); } acceptChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // ①Register accepts on the server socket with the selector. 注册连接事件 this.setName("IPC Server listener on " + port); this.setDaemon(true); } // 在启动Listener线程时listener.start(), 服务端会一直等待客户端的连接 public void run() { SERVER.set(Server.this); //使用ThreadLocal本地线程,设置当前Server为当前的ThreadLocal对象 while (running) { SelectionKey key = null; try { selector.select(); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { key = iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (key.isValid()) { if (key.isAcceptable()) doAccept(key); // ②建立连接,服务端接受客户端连接 } key = null; } } catch (Exception e) { closeCurrentConnection(key, e); } cleanupConnections(false); } // 监听器不再监听客户端的连接,关闭通道和选择器和所有的连接对象 synchronized (this) { acceptChannel.close(); selector.close(); selector= null; acceptChannel= null; while (!connectionList.isEmpty()) { // clean up all connections closeConnection(connectionList.remove(0)); } } } void doAccept(SelectionKey key) throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError { //② Connection c = null; ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel(); SocketChannel channel; while ((channel = server.accept()) != null) {//建立连接server.accept() channel.configureBlocking(false); channel.socket().setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay); Reader reader = getReader(); //从readers池中获得一个reader try { reader.startAdd();//激活readSelector,设置adding为true SelectionKey readKey = reader.registerChannel(channel); //③将读事件设置成兴趣事件 c = new Connection(readKey, channel, System.currentTimeMillis());//创建一个连接对象 readKey.attach(c);//将connection对象注入readKey synchronized (connectionList) { connectionList.add(numConnections, c); numConnections++; } } finally { reader.finishAdd(); //设置adding为false,采用notify()唤醒一个reader, 初始化Listener时启动的每个reader都使用了wait()方法等待 } // 当reader被唤醒, reader会执行doRead() } } void doRead(SelectionKey key) throws InterruptedException { //④ int count = 0; Connection c = (Connection)key.attachment(); if (c == null) { return; } c.setLastContact(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { count = c.readAndProcess(); } catch (InterruptedException ieo) { throw ieo; } catch (Exception e) { count = -1; //so that the (count < 0) block is executed } if (count < 0) { closeConnection(c); c = null; } else { c.setLastContact(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } synchronized void doStop() { if (selector != null) { selector.wakeup(); Thread.yield(); } if (acceptChannel != null) { try { acceptChannel.socket().close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.info(getName() + ":Exception in closing listener socket. " + e); } } readPool.shutdown(); } // The method that will return the next reader to work with // Simplistic implementation of round robin for now Reader getReader() { currentReader = (currentReader + 1) % readers.length; return readers[currentReader]; } }
private class Reader implements Runnable { private volatile boolean adding = false; //读取线程是否正在添加中,如果是,等待一秒钟 private Selector readSelector = null; //读取线程的Selector选择器 Reader(Selector readSelector) { this.readSelector = readSelector; } public void run() { synchronized (this) { while (running) { SelectionKey key = null; readSelector.select(); while (adding) { this.wait(1000); } Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = readSelector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { key = iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (key.isValid()) { if (key.isReadable()) { doRead(key); //④ } } key = null; } } } } /** * This gets reader into the state that waits for the new channel to be registered with readSelector. * If it was waiting in select() the thread will be woken up, otherwise whenever select() is called * it will return even if there is nothing to read and wait in while(adding) for finishAdd call */ public void startAdd() { adding = true; readSelector.wakeup(); } public synchronized SelectionKey registerChannel(SocketChannel channel) { return channel.register(readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); //③ } public synchronized void finishAdd() { adding = false; this.notify(); } }
①初始化服务器时,创建监听器, 在监听器的构造方法里会创建ServerSocketChannel, 选择器, 以及多个读取线程. 并在服务端通道上注册OP_ACCEPT操作
acceptChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
启动服务器会调用listener.start(), listener是个线程类, 会调用run().
监听器会一直监听客户端的请求, 通过监听器的Selector选择器进行轮询是否有感兴趣的事件发生(服务器感兴趣的是上面注册的接受连接事件)
②当客户端连接服务端, 被Selector捕获到该事件, 因为在ServerSocketChannle对OP_ACCEPT操作感兴趣,所以服务端接受了客户端的连接请求.
doAccept(SelectionKey key)
客户端连接到服务器, 服务端接受连接, 监听器会从读取线程池中选择一个读取线程, 委托给读取线程处理, 而不是监听器自己来处理.
建立SocketChannel连接, 注意不是ServerSocketChannel. (ServerSocketChannle在整个通信过程中只建立一次即服务端启动的时候)
SocketChannel channel = server.accept();
③往建立的SocketChannel通道注册感兴趣的OP_READ操作. 此时接收读取事件的选择器不再是监听器的, 而是读取线程的选择器
SelectionKey readKey = reader.registerChannel(channel);
channel.register(readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); //往readSelector注册感兴趣的OP_READ操作.读取线程的选择器负责轮询监听客户端的数据写入
这个Connection对象是客户端和服务器的连接对象, 客户端和服务器建立连接后, 在后续的客户端写入数据过程也应该使用同一个Connection
Connection c = new Connection(readKey, channel, System.currentTimeMillis());
readKey.attach(c); //在通信过程中如果想要保存某个对象,附加在selectionKey中
④客户端开始向服务端写入数据, 读取线程Reader的选择器捕获到客户端的写入事件,
doRead(SelectionKey key)
读取事件的操作会根据selectionKey获得Connection, 这个Connection对象正是客户端和服务器建立连接时注入到readKey中的Connection对象
reader.startAdd(); 激活readSelector,设置adding为true --> 读线程监听客户端的数据写入,如果adding=true,表示Reader正在添加,再等待一秒钟
reader.finishAdd(); 设置adding为false,采用notify()唤醒一个reader, 初始化Listener时启动的每个reader都使用了wait()方法等待
将要设置读事件为兴趣事件包装在设置Reader的adding属性以及使用notify()两者之间. 是为了确保读取线程发生在设置读事件为感兴趣事件之后.
基于NIO的事件模型采用选择器来轮询感兴趣的事件.只要有感兴趣的操作, 选择器就会捕获进行处理. 如果没有感兴趣的事件发生则没有操作.
因为如果客户端没有连接服务器, 也就不会注册读取事件OP_READ到读取线程上. 因为注册OP_READ发生在在doAccept()客户端连接服务器操作中.
初始化Listener时启动的每个Reader, 都会新建对应的选择器. Reader的默认字段adding=false
Selector readSelector = Selector.open(); //每个读取线程都创建一个Selector
Reader reader = new Reader(readSelector);
初始化时尽管adding=false在run()中不会执行this.wait(1000)的等待操作, 但是因为还没有客户端连接注册OP_READ事件所以选择器不会捕获该事件.
客户端连接服务器,服务器接受连接,在doAccept()中, 注册OP_READ到读取线程的感兴趣事件
1. 之前: 设置adding=true并激活读取线程的选择器, 注意此时读取线程的选择器进行轮询操作是不会捕获到读取事件的,因为还没注册OP_READ事件
所以读取线程的run()如果判断adding=true, 就知道选择器关注的SocketChannel上的OP_READ事件还没注册好,需要每隔一秒钟再判断
2. 往建立的SocketChannel注册好OP_READ事件
3. 之后: 设置adding=false并通知Reader读取线程不需要再等待下去, run()方法判断adding=false, 选择器开始轮询等待客户端的写入
Listener的选择器只有一个, Listener有多个Reader, 每个Reader都有自己的选择器.
Listener的选择器来监听客户端的连接, 当监听到有一个客户端连接服务器, 就会选取一个Reader, 并往Reader的选择器注册读取操作.
这样具体的读取操作就交给了Reader进行处理. 因为Reader有多个, 所以如果有多个客户端连接并写入数据给服务器, 就可以开多个Reader同时读取.