伸展树(Splay Tree)尽收眼底
§1 伸展树定义
§2 伸展树自底向上伸展
§3 伸展树自顶向下伸展
§4 伸展树基本操作,实现以及应用
§5 小结
§1 伸展树定义
假设想要对一个二叉查找树执行一系列的查找操作。为了使整个查找时间更小,被查频率高的那些条目就应当经常处于靠近树根的位置。于是想到设计一个简单方法,在每次查找之后对树进行重构,把被查找的条目搬移到离树根近一些的地方。splay tree应运而生。splay tree是一种自调整形式的二叉查找树,它会沿着从某个节点到树根之间的路径,通过一系列的旋转把这个节点搬移到树根去。
为了将当前被访问节点旋转到树根,我们通常将节点自底向上旋转,直至该节点成为树根为止。“旋转”的巧妙之处就是在不打乱数列中数据大小关系(指中序遍历结果是全序的)情况下,所有基本操作的平摊复杂度仍为O(log n)。
§2 伸展树自底向上伸展
(1) 单旋转
节点X的父节点Y是根节点。这时,如果X是Y的左孩子,我们进行一次右旋操作;如果X 是Y 的右孩子,则我们进行一次左旋操作。经过旋转,X成为二叉查找树T的根节点,调整结束。
(2) 一字型旋转
节点X 的父节点Y不是根节点,Y 的父节点为Z,且X与Y同时是各自父节点的左孩子或者同时是各自父节点的右孩子。这时,我们进行一次左左旋转操作或者右右旋转操作。
(3) 之字形旋转
§3 伸展树自顶向下伸展
左树:包含所有已经知道比待查节点 X小的节点。
右树:包含所有已经知道比待查节点 X大的节点。
在中树自根向下进行节点查找(每次向下比较两个节点),根据查找情况将中树中的节 点移动(此处的移动是指将节点和中树的连接断开,而将节点连接到左或右树的适当位置。)到左树或右树(如有必要则会先对中树进行旋转再进行节点移动)。
§4 伸展树基本操作,实现以及应用
#include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *parent; struct node *left; struct node *right; }; int data_print(struct node *x); struct node *rightrotation(struct node *p,struct node *root); struct node *leftrotation(struct node *p,struct node *root); void splay (struct node *x, struct node *root); struct node *insert(struct node *p,int value); struct node *inorder(struct node *p); struct node *delete(struct node *p,int value); struct node *successor(struct node *x); struct node *lookup(struct node *p,int value); void splay (struct node *x, struct node *root) { struct node *p,*g; /*check if node x is the root node*/ if(x==root) return; /*Performs Zig step*/ else if(x->parent==root) { if(x==x->parent->left) root=rightrotation(root,root); else root=leftrotation(root,root); } else { p=x->parent; /*now points to parent of x*/ g=p->parent; /*now points to parent of x's parent*/ /*Performs the Zig-zig step when x is left and x's parent is left*/ if(x==p->left&&p==g->left) { root=rightrotation(g,root); root=rightrotation(p,root); } /*Performs the Zig-zig step when x is right and x's parent is right*/ else if(x==p->right&&p==g->right) { root=leftrotation(g,root); root=leftrotation(p,root); } /*Performs the Zig-zag step when x's is right and x's parent is left*/ else if(x==p->right&&p==g->left) { root=leftrotation(p,root); root=rightrotation(g,root); } /*Performs the Zig-zag step when x's is left and x's parent is right*/ else if(x==p->left&&p==g->right) { root=rightrotation(p,root); root=leftrotation(g,root); } splay(x, root); } } struct node *rightrotation(struct node *p,struct node *root) { struct node *x; x = p->left; p->left = x->right; if (x->right!=NULL) x->right->parent = p; x->right = p; if (p->parent!=NULL) if(p==p->parent->right) p->parent->right=x; else p->parent->left=x; x->parent = p->parent; p->parent = x; if (p==root) return x; else return root; } struct node *leftrotation(struct node *p,struct node *root) { struct node *x; x = p->right; p->right = x->left; if (x->left!=NULL) x->left->parent = p; x->left = p; if (p->parent!=NULL) if (p==p->parent->left) p->parent->left=x; else p->parent->right=x; x->parent = p->parent; p->parent = x; if(p==root) return x; else return root; } struct node *insert(struct node *p,int value) { struct node *temp1,*temp2,*par,*x; if(p == NULL) { p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(p != NULL) { p->data = value; p->parent = NULL; p->left = NULL; p->right = NULL; } else { printf("No memory is allocated\n"); exit(0); } return(p); } //the case 2 says that we must splay newly inserted node to root else { temp2 = p; while(temp2 != NULL) { temp1 = temp2; if(temp2->data > value) temp2 = temp2->left; else if(temp2->data < value) temp2 = temp2->right; else if(temp2->data == value) return temp2; } if(temp1->data > value) { par = temp1;//temp1 having the parent address,so that's it temp1->left = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp1= temp1->left; if(temp1 != NULL) { temp1->data = value; temp1->parent = par;//store the parent address. temp1->left = NULL; temp1->right = NULL; } else { printf("No memory is allocated\n"); exit(0); } } else { par = temp1;//temp1 having the parent node address. temp1->right = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp1 = temp1->right; if(temp1 != NULL) { temp1->data = value; temp1->parent = par;//store the parent address temp1->left = NULL; temp1->right = NULL; } else { printf("No memory is allocated\n"); exit(0); } } } splay(temp1,p);//temp1 will be new root after splaying return (temp1); } struct node *inorder(struct node *p) { if(p != NULL) { inorder(p->left); printf("CURRENT %d\t",p->data); printf("LEFT %d\t",data_print(p->left)); printf("PARENT %d\t",data_print(p->parent)); printf("RIGHT %d\t\n",data_print(p->right)); inorder(p->right); } } struct node *delete(struct node *p,int value) { struct node *x,*y,*p1; struct node *root; struct node *s; root = p; x = lookup(p,value); if(x->data == value) { //if the deleted element is leaf if((x->left == NULL) && (x->right == NULL)) { y = x->parent; if(x ==(x->parent->right)) y->right = NULL; else y->left = NULL; free(x); } //if deleted element having left child only else if((x->left != NULL) &&(x->right == NULL)) { if(x == (x->parent->left)) { y = x->parent; x->left->parent = y; y->left = x->left; free(x); } else { y = x->parent; x->left->parent = y; y->right = x->left; free(x); } } //if deleted element having right child only else if((x->left == NULL) && (x->right != NULL)) { if(x == (x->parent->left)) { y = x->parent; x->right->parent = y; y->left = x->right; free(x); } else { y = x->parent; x->right->parent = y; y->right = x->right; free(x); } } //if the deleted element having two children else if((x->left != NULL) && (x->right != NULL)) { if(x == (x->parent->left)) { s = successor(x); if(s != x->right) { y = s->parent; if(s->right != NULL) { s->right->parent = y; y->left = s->right; } else y->left = NULL; s->parent = x->parent; x->right->parent = s; x->left->parent = s; s->right = x->right; s->left = x->left; x->parent->left = s; } else { y = s; s->parent = x->parent; x->left->parent = s; s->left = x->left; x->parent->left = s; } free(x); } else if(x == (x->parent->right)) { s = successor(x); if(s != x->right) { y = s->parent; if(s->right != NULL) { s->right->parent = y; y->left = s->right; } else y->left = NULL; s->parent = x->parent; x->right->parent = s; x->left->parent = s; s->right = x->right; s->left = x->left; x->parent->right = s; } else { y = s; s->parent = x->parent; x->left->parent = s; s->left = x->left; x->parent->right = s; } free(x); } } splay(y,root); } else { splay(x,root); } } struct node *successor(struct node *x) { struct node *temp,*temp2; temp=temp2=x->right; while(temp != NULL) { temp2 = temp; temp = temp->left; } return temp2; } //p is a root element of the tree struct node *lookup(struct node *p,int value) { struct node *temp1,*temp2; if(p != NULL) { temp1 = p; while(temp1 != NULL) { temp2 = temp1; if(temp1->data > value) temp1 = temp1->left; else if(temp1->data < value) temp1 = temp1->right; else return temp1; } return temp2; } else { printf("NO element in the tree\n"); exit(0); } } struct node *search(struct node *p,int value) { struct node *x,*root; root = p; x = lookup(p,value); if(x->data == value) { printf("Inside search if\n"); splay(x,root); } else { printf("Inside search else\n"); splay(x,root); } } main() { struct node *root;//the root element struct node *x;//x is which element will come to root. int i; root = NULL; int choice = 0; int ele; while(1) { printf("\n\n 1.Insert"); printf("\n\n 2.Delete"); printf("\n\n 3.Search"); printf("\n\n 4.Display\n"); printf("\n\n Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice==5) exit(0); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("\n\n Enter the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&ele); x = insert(root,ele); if(root != NULL) { splay(x,root); } root = x; break; case 2: if(root == NULL) { printf("\n Empty tree..."); continue; } printf("\n\n Enter the element to be delete:"); scanf("%d",&ele); root = delete(root,ele); break; case 3: printf("Enter the element to be search\n"); scanf("%d",&ele); x = lookup(root,ele); splay(x,root); root = x; break; case 4: printf("The elements are\n"); inorder(root); break; default: printf("Wrong choice\n"); break; } } } int data_print(struct node *x) { if ( x==NULL ) return 0; else return x->data; } /*some suggestion this code is not fully functional for example if you have inserted some elements then try to delete root then it may not work because we are calling right and left child of a null value(parent of root) which is not allowed and will give segmentation fault Also for inserting second element because of splaying twice(once in insert and one in main) will give error So I have made those changes but mainly in my cpp( c plus plus file) file, but I guess wiki will itself look into this and made these changes */
(1) 数列维护问题
1. 插入:在当前数列第posi 个数字后面插入tot 个数字;若在数列首位插入,则posi 为0。
2. 删除:从当前数列第posi 个数字开始连续删除tot 个数字。
3. 修改:从当前数列第posi 个数字开始连续tot 个数字统一修改为c 。
4. 翻转:取出从当前数列第posi 个数字开始的tot 个数字,翻转后放入原来的位置。
5. 求和:计算从当前数列第posi 个数字开始连续tot 个数字的和并输出。
6. 求和最大子序列:求出当前数列中和最大的一段子序列,并输出最大和。
(2) 轻量级web服务器lighttpd中用到数据结构splay tree.
§5 小结
①kernel@hcy: http://www.cnblogs.com/kernel_hcy/archive/2010/03/17/1688360.html
②董的博客: http://dongxicheng.org/structure/splay-tree/
③kmplayer: http://kmplayer.iteye.com/blog/566937
④维基百科: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splay_tree#Analysis