

To reload java classes use DCEVM (Dynamic Code Evolution VM)

Get dcevm-0.2-win.jar file from attachment and run it with java -jar dcevm-0.2-win.jar.

Program window will be opened and you will see a list of JDK installed on your PC.



Select Java which you use with your Tomcat and press install. Some of java version may not supported, so use 1.6.27 and later.

That's all. Now you can reload classes over debug session from your IDE.

Just compile needed class and reload it.

The suggested approach doesn't work with new Spring beans introduction. In this exceptional case please restart the server.


  1. If CGLIB related errors are thrown while starting the server, please use dcevm-0.2-win-patched.jar against the original one (the issues itself is described here).
  2. Hot Deploy may not work by using remote debug in IDEA 11. Please, downgrade to IDEA 9 (checked, it works there) or try to upgrade to the newer version (not checked) or switch to Eclipse.



这个版本的dcevm可能spring cglib有冲突,如果有冲突,请在配置之后请使用附件中的dcevm.jar包替换本机jdk下面的jre\lib\ext下的dcevm.jar
