mac osx上装wireshark注意事项

在按照wireshark for mac osx 下载包中的readme要求安装好后,发现虽然可以正常抓包,但是打开程序总会出现如下错误

 The following errors were found while loading the MIBS:
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `IP-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `IF-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `TCP-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `UDP-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMPv2-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `RFC1213-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `IPV6-ICMP-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `IPV6-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-MPD-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-PROXY-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-TARGET-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB'
-:0 1 module-not-found failed to locate MIB module `SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB'

The Current Path is: /usr/local/share/mibs/ietf:/usr/local/share/mibs/iana:/usr/local/share/mibs/irtf:/usr/local/share/mibs/site:/usr/local/share/mibs/tubs:/usr/local/share/pibs/ietf:/usr/local/share/pibs/site:/usr/local/share/pibs/tubs


这是因为目前的版本查找MIBS &c 的缺省路径是错误的,在WireShark中,如下设计可以解决该问题:

• 点击 Edit 菜单, 选择 Preferences...
• 在Wireshark的左窗口选择 Name Resolution
• 找到 SMI (MIB and PIB) paths , 点击 Edit 按钮
• 在新窗口中选择New
• 在New 输入框中输入 /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ 然后点击OK
• 最后重新启动Wireshark 即可



sudo chmod uog+r /dev/bpf*
