SAP SmartForms 字符处理




Formatting Options for Fields




Skips offsets (<offset>) in the field value (character fields only). If the offset is greater than the length of the value, nothing is displayed.


Sets the output length to <length>.


If the field is defined by a Data Dictionary type, Smart Forms sets the output length to the value specified there.


Suppresses the sign


Displays the sign to the left of the number


Limits output of decimal places to <nat.number>


Displays the field value with the fixed exponent <nat.number>. The mantissa is adapted to this exponent by shifting the decimal character and inserting zeros.


Suppresses thousand indicators when displaying fields of types DECCURRINT, andQUAN.


Suppresses leading zeros in numbers


Suppresses display of initial values


Deactivates a conversion routine specified in the Data Dictionary


Right-justified display. Use this option only when specifying an output length as well.


Replaces left-justified blanks in the value by the fill character <filler>.


Converts a date field to a local date and displays it. The date is then formatted using the edit mask JPDAT.

Since this representation uses Japanese characters, it is only to be used in the Japanese version of the SAP System.


The system takes the field value as a sequence of words separated by blanks. Option C shifts these words to the left and leaves one blank in-between as a separator. Any leading blanks are omitted. This effect corresponds to that of the ABAP statementCONDENSE.





SAP SmartForms 字符处理

