1. Definition: Given an undirected graph G with positive edge weights (connected). A spanning tree of G is a subgraph T that is connected and acyclic. A minimum spanning tree is a min weight spanning tree.
2. Applications:
-- Dithering
-- Cluster analysis
-- Max bottleneck paths.
-- Real-time face verification.
-- LDPC codes for error correction.
-- Image registration with Renyi entropy.
-- Find road networks in satellite and aerial imagery.
-- Model locality of particle interactions in turbulent fluid flows.
-- Reducing data storage in sequencing amino acids in a protein.
-- Autoconfig protocol for Ethernet bridging to avoid cycles in a network.
-- Network design (communication, electrical, hydraulic, computer, road).
-- Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems (e.g., TSP, Steiner tree).
3. Cut Property:
-- A cut in a graph is a partition of its vertices into two (nonempty) sets.
-- A crossing edge connects a vertex in one set with a vertex in the other.
-- Cut property. Given any cut, the crossing edge of min weight is in the MST.
-- Pf. Suppose min-weight crossing edge e is not in the MST.
a) Adding e to the MST creates a cycle.
b) Some other edge f in cycle must be a crossing edge.
c) Removing f and adding e is also a spanning tree.
d) Since weight of e is less than the weight of f, that spanning tree is lower weight.
4. Greedy MST algorithm:
-- Start with all edges colored gray.
-- Find cut with no black crossing edges; color its min-weight edge black.
-- Repeat until V - 1 edges are colored black.
-- Any edge colored black is in the MST (via cut property).
-- Fewer than V - 1 black edges ⇒ cut with no black crossing edges.
(consider cut whose vertices are one connected component)
5. Weighted edge API
public class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> { private final int v, w; private final double weight; public Edge(int v, int w, double weight) { this.v = v; this.w = w; this.weight = weight; } public int either() { return v; } public int other(int vertex) { if (vertex == v) return w; else return v; } public int compareTo(Edge that) { if (this.weight < that.weight) return -1; else if (this.weight > that.weight) return +1; else return 0; } public double weight() { return this.weight } public String toString() { return this.v + "-" + this.w; } }
6. Edge-weighted graph: adjacency-lists implementation
public class EdgeWeightedGraph { private final int V; private final Bag<Edge>[] adj; public EdgeWeightedGraph(int V) { this.V = V; adj = (Bag<Edge>[]) new Bag[V]; for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) adj[v] = new Bag<Edge>(); } public void addEdge(Edge e) { int v = e.either(), w = e.other(v); adj[v].add(e); adj[w].add(e); } public Iterable<Edge> adj(int v) { return adj[v]; } Iterable<Edge> edges() {} //all edges in this graph int V() {} //number of vertices int E() {} //number of edges String toString() {} //string representation }
7. Minimum spanning tree API:
public class MST { public MST(EdgeWeightedGraph G) {} //constructor public Iterable<Edge> edges() {} //edges in MST double weight() {} //weight of MST }
8. Kruskal's algorithm:
-- Algorithm :
a) Consider edges in ascending order of weight.
b) Add next edge to tree T unless doing so would create a cycle.
-- Pf. Kruskal's algorithm is a special case of the greedy MST algorithm.
a) Suppose Kruskal's algorithm colors the edge e = v–w black.
b) Cut = set of vertices connected to v in tree T.
c) No crossing edge is black.
d) No crossing edge has lower weight.
Would adding edge v–w to tree T create a cycle? If not, add it.
-- Efficient solution. Use the union-find data structure:
a) Maintain a set for each connected component in T.
b) if v and w are in same set, then adding v–w would create a cycle.
c) To add v–w to T, merge sets containing v and w.
-- Java Implementation :
public class KruskalMST { private Queue<Edge> mst = new Queue<Edge>(); public KruskalMST(EdgeWeightedGraph G) { MinPQ<Edge> pq = new MinPQ<Edge>(); for (Edge e : G.edges()) pq.insert(e); UF uf = new UF(G.V()); while (!pq.isEmpty() && mst.size() < G.V()-1) { Edge e = pq.delMin(); int v = e.either(), w = e.other(v); if (!uf.connected(v, w)) { uf.union(v, w); mst.enqueue(e); } } } public Iterable<Edge> edges() { return mst; } }
-- Running Time :
Kruskal's algorithm computes MST in time proportional to E log E (in the worst case).
9. Prim's algorithm:
-- Algorithm
a) Start with vertex 0 and greedily grow tree T.
b) Add to T the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in T.
c) Repeat until V - 1 edges.
-- Pf. Prim's algorithm is a special case of the greedy MST algorithm.
a) Suppose edge e = min weight edge connecting a vertex on the tree to a vertex not on the tree.
b) Cut = set of vertices connected on tree.
c) No crossing edge is black.
d) No crossing edge has lower weight.
-- Challenge. Find the min weight edge with exactly one endpoint in T.
-- Lazy solution: Maintain a PQ of edges with (at least) one endpoint in T.
a) Key = edge; priority = weight of edge.
b) Delete-min to determine next edge e = v–w to add to T.
c) Disregard if both endpoints v and w are in T.
d) Otherwise, let w be the vertex not in T :
– add to PQ any edge incident to w (assuming other endpoint not in T)
– add w to T
public class LazyPrimMST { private boolean[] marked; // MST vertices private Queue<Edge> mst; // MST edges private MinPQ<Edge> pq; // PQ of edges public LazyPrimMST(WeightedGraph G) { pq = new MinPQ<Edge>(); mst = new Queue<Edge>(); marked = new boolean[G.V()]; visit(G, 0); while (!pq.isEmpty() && mst.size() < G.V() - 1) { Edge e = pq.delMin(); int v = e.either(), w = e.other(v); if (marked[v] && marked[w]) continue; mst.enqueue(e); if (!marked[v]) visit(G, v); if (!marked[w]) visit(G, w); } } private void visit(WeightedGraph G, int v) { marked[v] = true; for (Edge e : G.adj(v)) if (!marked[e.other(v)]) pq.insert(e); } public Iterable<Edge> mst() { return mst; } }
-- Running Time
Lazy Prim's algorithm computes the MST in time proportional to E log E and extra space proportional to E (in the worst case).
-- Eager solution: Maintain a PQ of vertices connected by an edge to T
a) where priority of vertex v = weight of shortest edge connecting v to T.
b) Delete min vertex v and add its associated edge e = v–w to T.
c) Update PQ by considering all edges e = v–x incident to v
– ignore if x is already in T
– add x to PQ if not already on it
– decrease priority of x if v–x becomes shortest edge connecting x to T
Associate an index between 0 and N - 1 with each key in a priority queue.
- Client can insert and delete-the-minimum.
- Client can change the key by specifying the index.
public class IndexMinPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> { IndexMinPQ(int N) {} //create indexed priority queue with indices 0, 1, …, N-1 void insert(int i, Key key) {} //associate key with index i void decreaseKey(int i, Key key) {} //decrease the key associated with index i boolean contains(int i) {} //is i an index on the priority queue? int delMin() {} //remove a minimal key and return its associated index boolean isEmpty() {} //is the priority queue empty? int size() {} //number of entries in the priority queue }
-- Indexed Priority Queue Implementation:
a) Start with same code as MinPQ.
b) Maintain parallel arrays keys[], pq[], and qp[] so that:
– keys[i] is the priority of i
– pq[i] is the index of the key in heap position i
– qp[i] is the heap position of the key with index i
c) Use swim(qp[i]) implement decreaseKey(i, key)
10. Single-link clustering
-- k-clustering. Divide a set of objects classify into k coherent groups.
-- Distance function. Numeric value specifying "closeness" of two objects.
-- Single link. Distance between two clusters equals the distance between the two closest objects (one in each cluster).
-- Single-link clustering. Given an integer k, find a k-clustering that maximizes the distance between two closest clusters.
-- Solution: Kruskal's algorithm stopping when k connected components:
1) Form V clusters of one object each.
2) Find the closest pair of objects such that each object is in a different cluster, and merge the two clusters.
3) Repeat until there are exactly k clusters.
-- Alternate solution. Run Prim's algorithm and delete k-1 max weight edges.