Spark源码分析8-client 如何选择将task提交给那个excutor

spark中很重要的一点就是task具体分配到哪个excutor上执行,如果分配不合理,将会消耗很多额外的资源。例如:executor1用flume receiver接收到数据,并将数据保存到block1上,excutor2用flume receiver接收到数据,并将数据保存到block2上。RDD将有两个patition,将对应产生两个task. task1处理block1,task2处理block2.如果将 task1分配到excutor2上去处理,那么excutor2将需要从excutor1上拿到block1,然后再计算,这样就加重 了数据传输的消耗。那么spark是如何来选择的呢?spark是通过RDD的getPreferredLocations来确定某一个partition期望分配到哪个executor的。下面这个流程图中显示在创建Task的时候会先调用getPreferredLocations()这个函数获取当前patition的期望运行的位置,在addPendingTask()函数中预先将task加到各个列表中 

Spark源码分析8-client 如何选择将task提交给那个excutor_第1张图片


def resourceOffers(offers: Seq[WorkerOffer]): Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]] = synchronized { 
var launchedTask = false
    // TaskLocality.values  is PROCESS_LOCAL, NODE_LOCAL, RACK_LOCAL, ANY
    for (taskSet <- sortedTaskSets; maxLocality <- TaskLocality.values) {
      do {
        launchedTask = false
        for (i <- 0 until offers.size) {
          val execId = offers(i).executorId
          val host = offers(i).host
          for (task <- taskSet.resourceOffer(execId, host, availableCpus(i), maxLocality)) {
            tasks(i) += task
            val tid = task.taskId
            taskIdToTaskSetId(tid) =
            taskIdToExecutorId(tid) = execId
            activeExecutorIds += execId
            executorsByHost(host) += execId
            availableCpus(i) -= 1
            launchedTask = true
      } while (launchedTask)


//按照传入的maxLocality和AllowedLocalityLevel for current time来确定allowedLocality 
def resourceOffer(
      execId: String,
      host: String,
      availableCpus: Int,
      maxLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality)
    : Option[TaskDescription] =
    if (!isZombie && availableCpus >= CPUS_PER_TASK) {
      val curTime = clock.getTime()
      // get the allowed locality level for current time
      var allowedLocality = getAllowedLocalityLevel(curTime)
      if (allowedLocality > maxLocality) {
        allowedLocality = maxLocality   // We're not allowed to search for farther-away tasks

      findTask(execId, host, allowedLocality) match {
        case Some((index, taskLocality)) => {
          // Found a task; do some bookkeeping and return a task description
          return Some(new TaskDescription(taskId, execId, taskName, index, serializedTask))
        case _ =>


private def findTask(execId: String, host: String, locality: TaskLocality.Value)
    : Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value)] =
    for (index <- findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForExecutor(execId))) {
      return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL)) {
      for (index <- findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForHost(host))) {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.NODE_LOCAL))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL)) {
      for {
        rack <- sched.getRackForHost(host)
        index <- findTaskFromList(getPendingTasksForRack(rack))
      } {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.RACK_LOCAL))

    // Look for no-pref tasks after rack-local tasks since they can run anywhere.
    for (index <- findTaskFromList(pendingTasksWithNoPrefs)) {
      return Some((index, TaskLocality.PROCESS_LOCAL))

    if (TaskLocality.isAllowed(locality, TaskLocality.ANY)) {
      for (index <- findTaskFromList(allPendingTasks)) {
        return Some((index, TaskLocality.ANY))

    // Finally, if all else has failed, find a speculative task, speculative task is some task that run slowly, then we may consider to run this task on other executor of other host 
    findSpeculativeTask(execId, host, locality)





Task 1 – 50 prefer Location is excutor2

Two work: excutor1 core1 core2

                    excutor2 core3 core4

Schedule task every 1 second



       myLocalityLevels = Process_Local, Node_local,  Any

       Locality Wait =         3s                       3s                0s

1s:   localityForCurrentTime= process_local

maxLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL     excutor1 = none  excutor2=task1

maxLocality = NODE_LOCAL  allowedLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL         excutor1 = none  excutor2=task2

maxLocality = RACK_LOCAL  allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL     excutor1 = none  excutor2= none (because core size is 2)

maxLocality = ANY  allowedLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   excutor1 = none  excutor2= none  (because core size is 2)


If all task assign to excutor2 finished

2s:   localityForCurrentTime = process_local    

maxLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL     excutor1 = none  excutor2=task3

maxLocality = NODE_LOCAL  allowedLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL         excutor1 = none  excutor2=task4

maxLocality = RACK_LOCAL  allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL     excutor1 = none  excutor2= none (because core size is 2)

maxLocality = ANY  allowedLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   excutor1 = none  excutor2= none  (because core size is 2)


If all task assign to excutor2 finished

3s:   localityForCurrentTime = Node_local (because localityWait for Process_Local is 3s) 

maxLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL     excutor1 = none  excutor2=task5

maxLocality = NODE_LOCAL  allowedLocality = Node_local  excutor1 = none  excutor2=task6

maxLocality = RACK_LOCAL  allowedLocality =  Node_local  excutor1 = none  excutor2= none (because core size is 2)

maxLocality = ANY  allowedLocality = Node_local  excutor1 = none  excutor2= none  (because core size is 2)

6s:   localityForCurrentTime = Any (because localityWait for Node_local is 3s) 

maxLocality = PROCESS_LOCAL   allowedLocality =  PROCESS_LOCAL  excutor1 = none  excutor2=task11

maxLocality = NODE_LOCAL  allowedLocality = NODE_LOCAL   excutor1 = none  excutor2=task12

maxLocality = RACK_LOCAL  allowedLocality =  RACK_LOCAL   excutor1 = none  excutor2= none  


maxLocality = ANY  allowedLocality = ANY  excutor1 = task13 excutor2= none  (allowedLocality change to ANY,now can find task from allPendingTasks list for excutor1)

总结:1. task的选择主要依赖allowedLocality,以及task的prefer location

