5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor (vs Filter)


  in a SQL DB Server,in tradictionally,contains Triggers or Procedures,and the privior is used to handle server's internal transactions,most of 'post-do' operations;the laster also is subroutine to processs 'client-server' interactive ops.



     just same like with it,HBase has it's internal computation framework named Coprocessor(CP) to play thes e funcs.similar to Scan,this CP is placed in server end,but diffenerce by Reduce the huge data returned to client.

  within CP,users can interact with hbase more neatly.



CP VS Filter implemetion
type triggered by customed executed at appliations
Filter client client server

scan,simple count by client

Observer master/region/wal server server

secondary index,access control,

complex filter

Endpoint client client server aggregate functions,sum,max...


common coprocessor flow:

5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor (vs Filter)_第1张图片

EndPoint coprocessor flow:

5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor (vs Filter)_第2张图片
可以看到,client是以region 为单位访问的,这意味着一个rs上太多regions的话,在全表统计时将产生很多连接请求.其实类似我们在solr实现一样,可以merge-in-rs即可 TODO

5。hbase高级部分 - Coprocessor (vs Filter)_第3张图片


1 advantages

 -reduce much data to client to computation

 -converient intersactions to hbase


2 disvantages

 -just slimilar to common SQL DB,if this CPs are CPU ,MEM or IO intensive,this will slow down the entire cluster performance.so i think if you are run in thise case,let the cluster to in a off-line state is much better.

 -CP is different from Bigtable's one,the former is a plugin in hbase,and the later is a individual process out of server,so this may impact server to run normally.



CoprocessorProtocol handler = protocolHandlers.getInstance(protocol);

