I'm very pleased to announce UliPad begin to support svn now. But you should also know, there are just basic functionalities now.
I don't use pysvn but via wx.Execute(), and redirect the input and output, so you can think it's pipe line tech. And through this method, someone(maybe you) can implement other version control support in UliPad, and the interface may also need to change.
I just implemented basic commands in svn, for example:
add, delete, rename, revert, update, checkout, commit, log, status, export
For now, I think it maybe enough, I'm of cause will add new commands support if I or you need. For some commands, I need to parse the output of svn, and redisplay it to better GUI style.
There are many improvements need to be done, I'll try my best to complete them, but I think I need more time to do that.
So if you want to taste this new feature, just update from svn. The svn support is not a plugin, and it's just in the core.
When you want to use svn, you should install svn client first, for windows user, you can download it from http://subversion.tigris.org/, the latest version is 1.4.4. After you installed svn, you should config the svn settings first, in [Preference]->[Version] page, enter the svn command line, just like:
C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn
then you can test it in directory browser window(F2).
For now, svn support in UliPad can not do such things(list below) which I'm trying to improve them now:
1. The context menu can't judge if selected directory is a version controlled directory, so the update, commit commands always in there
2. diff result is ugly, I want to make a better GUI windows to show the result
3. You can't edit properties
4. No special icons displayed in directory browser window
5. Can't automatically refresh directory, so you should manually refresh the directory after you execute some svn commands
6. I don't know how to enable proxy available, it seems that it can automatically recognize the proxy settings in IE on windows platform. Maybe in linux you can just set HTTP_PROXY.
7. Maybe support other version control client
8. Other things I can't remember now.
Hope you enjoy it, and I'll keep improving it.