
Open Source GIS-Python Laboratory



Create web maps for Plone using OGC compliant web services or a variety of locally hosted GIS data backends, including your Plone site catalog.

Python Cartographic Library

Packages for programming applications such as PrimaGIS, or for use with the Python web framework of your choice.



  • Geo-aware proxy objects for spatially enabling any ArcheTypes based content object, that allows them to be used as data for the map without need for modify the original objects.
  • IGeoAware interface for making custom objects work as spatial data for PrimaGIS maps.
  • AJAX style background communication for efficient map rendering. All AJAX (and DOM) operations are done using the excellent MochiKit library.
  • Info-on-map using JavaScript popups with the overlib-library. Moving on location on the map will popup a small window showing information for the referred object(s).
  • Extension classes for ArcheTypes developers for creating natively geo-aware objects usable as-is with PrimaGIS. See the Making existing AT objects IGeoAWare article for a simple example or take a look at the GeoAwareObjects product.
  • Zooming, drag panning, previous view, session-based default view.
  • Named views for creating easy access to points of interest on the maps. The views (PrimaGISView objects) also implement the IGeoAware interface, so you can just put them in a PrimaGISDataLayer to visualize them on the map in addition to using them for navigation. This is demonstrated in the demo map's "Areas of interest" layer.
  • Export of PrimaGISDataLayers to Geography Markup Language (GML). See http://www.primagis.fi/demo/index_html/capitals/data.gml for a GML dump of the "European capitals" layer for an example. Using a tool, such as ogr2ogr, you can easily convert the GML file to other vector formats, e.g. shapefile.
  • Export of PrimaGISDataLayers to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) for use with Google Earth. You can try out the feature by adding a new Network Link to your Google Earth client using http://www.primagis.fi/demo/index_html/capitals/data.kml as the URL.
  • Works with both Plone 2.0 and 2.1 series and Zope 2.7 and 2.8 series. Tested with Zope 2.7.8/Plone 2.0.5 and Zope 2.8.4/Plone 2.1.1.


