DCMTK:howto:dcmscu-example 网络客户端


DcmSCU example program

This is example code how to program an actual DICOM client with the DcmSCU class. In particular, it demonstrates

  1. how to send an ECHO to the server (usually a PACS),
  2. receive a list of studies the PACS has (Query)
  3. and downloads them (Retrieve). For this last step, a separate Storage  SCP like storescp is needed which actually receives the study images.

The code uses the public DICOM server at www.dicomserver.co.uk which is offered by Dave Harvey (MedicalObjects). There are also logs you can check at the server in order to debug your application.


 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2012, OFFIS e.V. 
 *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details. 
 *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by 
 *    OFFIS e.V. 
 *    R&D Division Health 
 *    Escherweg 2 
 *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany 
 *  Module:  dcmnet 
 *  Author:  Michael Onken 
 *  Purpose: Test for move feature of the DcmSCU class 
#include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */ 
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/testscu.h" 
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/diutil.h" 
static OFLogger echoscuLogger = OFLog::getLogger("dcmtk.apps." OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION); 
static char rcsid[] = "$dcmtk: " OFFIS_CONSOLE_APPLICATION " v" 
// our application entity title used for calling the peer machine 
// host name of the peer machine 
#define PEERHOSTNAME         "www.dicomserver.co.uk" 
// TCP/IP port to connect to the peer machine 
#define PEERPORT 11112 
// application entity title of the peer machine 
// MOVE destination AE Title 
static Uint8 findUncompressedPC(const OFString& sopClass, 
                                DcmSCU& scu) 
  Uint8 pc; 
  pc = scu.findPresentationContextID(sopClass, UID_LittleEndianExplicitTransferSyntax); 
  if (pc == 0) 
    pc = scu.findPresentationContextID(sopClass, UID_BigEndianExplicitTransferSyntax); 
  if (pc == 0) 
    pc = scu.findPresentationContextID(sopClass, UID_LittleEndianImplicitTransferSyntax); 
  return pc; 
// ******************************************** 
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  /* Setup DICOM connection parameters */ 
  DcmTestSCU scu; 
  // set AE titles 
  // Use presentation context for FIND/MOVE in study root, propose all uncompressed transfer syntaxes 
  OFList<OFString> ts; 
  scu.addPresentationContext(UID_FINDStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel, ts); 
  scu.addPresentationContext(UID_MOVEStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel, ts); 
  scu.addPresentationContext(UID_VerificationSOPClass, ts); 
  /* Initialize network */ 
  OFCondition result = scu.initNetwork(); 
  if (result.bad()) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("Unable to set up the network: " << result.text()); 
    return 1; 
  /* Negotiate Association */ 
  result = scu.negotiateAssociation(); 
  if (result.bad()) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("Unable to negotiate association: " << result.text()); 
    return 1; 
  /* Let's look whether the server is listening: 
     Assemble and send C-ECHO request 
  result = scu.sendECHORequest(0); 
  if (result.bad()) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("Could not process C-ECHO with the server: " << result.text()); 
    return 1; 
  /* Assemble and send C-FIND request */ 
  OFList<QRResponse*> findResponses; 
  DcmDataset req; 
  req.putAndInsertOFStringArray(DCM_QueryRetrieveLevel, "STUDY"); 
  req.putAndInsertOFStringArray(DCM_StudyInstanceUID, ""); 
  T_ASC_PresentationContextID presID = findUncompressedPC(UID_FINDStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel, scu);
  if (presID == 0) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("There is no uncompressed presentation context for Study Root FIND"); 
    return 1; 
  result = scu.sendFINDRequest(presID, &req, &findResponses); 
  if (result.bad()) 
    return 1; 
    DCMNET_INFO("There are " << findResponses.size() << " studies available"); 
  /* Assemble and send C-MOVE request, for each study identified above*/ 
  presID = findUncompressedPC(UID_MOVEStudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel, scu); 
  if (presID == 0) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("There is no uncompressed presentation context for Study Root MOVE"); 
    return 1; 
  OFListIterator(QRResponse*) study = findResponses.begin(); 
  Uint32 studyCount = 1; 
  OFBool failed = OFFalse; 
  // Every while loop run will get all image for a specific study 
  while (study != findResponses.end() && result.good())
    // be sure we are not in the last response which does not have a dataset 
    if ( (*study)->m_dataset != NULL) 
      OFString studyInstanceUID; 
      result = (*study)->m_dataset->findAndGetOFStringArray(DCM_StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID); 
      // only try to get study if we actually have study instance uid, otherwise skip it 
      if (result.good()) 
        req.putAndInsertOFStringArray(DCM_StudyInstanceUID, studyInstanceUID); 
        // fetches all images of this particular study 
        result = scu.sendMOVERequest(presID, MOVEAPPLICATIONTITLE, &req, NULL /* we are not interested into responses*/); 
        if (result.good()) 
          DCMNET_INFO("Received study #" << std::setw(7) << studyCount << ": " << studyInstanceUID); 
  if (result.bad()) 
    DCMNET_ERROR("Unable to retrieve all studies: " << result.text()); 
  while (!findResponses.empty())
    delete findResponses.front();
  /* Release association */ 
  return 0; 

P.S: The header file would be trivial:


#ifndef TESTSCU_H 
#define TESTSCU_H 
#include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"  /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */ 
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/scu.h"     /* Covers most common dcmdata classes */ 
class DcmTestSCU : public DcmSCU 
  DcmTestSCU()  {} 
  ~DcmTestSCU() {} 
#endif // TESTSCU_H

sendMOVERequest() and corresponding code was added after the 3.6.0 release. You need to use a current snapshot version in order to compile and run the code.




