WebWork 2 Migration Strategies

WebWork 2 Migration Strategies
Added by Don Brown, last edited by Don Brown on Oct 01, 2006

(originally posted on the WebWork user forum)

I just finished migrating two applications from Webwork 2.2.4 to Struts 2.0.0 and thought I'd share what steps are involved in the process.

Package names

Substitute com.opensymphony.webwork to org.apache.struts2.
Substitute com.opensymphony.xwork to com.opensymphony.xwork2.

Configuration files

Rename webwork.properties to struts.properties.
Rename xwork.xml to struts.xml.

Change all occurrences of 'webwork' in struts.properties and struts.xml to 'struts'.
In web.xml, change com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher to org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher.


If you are using converters that subclass WebworkTypeConverter, rename the superclass to StrutsTypeConverter.


You have to change the taglib URI: uri="/webwork" to uri="/struts-tags"

Then you're done!
Well, maybe I've forgotten something but I'll guess you find that out when you try do compile and deploy your application...
