非Java style且没什么用的Java有限状态机.


an useless library for refactor ur messy if/else business logic.

source: =>github<=


* Java 6

Mini DSL

State start = new State("start");
start.enter = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= start enter helloWorld ===============>");
start.exec = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= i am in start state ===============>");
start.to("service").when("a > 5");
start.to("task").when("a <= 5");
// new service state
State service = new State("service");
// add enter and exit signal
service.enter = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= service enter helloWorld ===============>");
service.exec = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= i am in service state ===============>");
service.exit = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= service exit byeWorld ===============>");
// new task state
State task = new State("task");
task.enter = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, false, "beep", "<============= task enter helloWorld ===============>");
// new end state
State end = new State("end");
end.exec = new Signal(String.class).add(callee, true, "beep", "<============= i am in end state ===============>");

Dot Support

Graphviz is open source graph visualization software.

#### install grapviz

on ubuntu or debian:

apt-get install graphviz



#### gen dot file

javac im.saito.Helper.java
java im.saito.Helper

#### gen dot image

dot -Tpng your/path/to/im/saito/Helper/fsm.dot > /your/path/to/fsm.png


非Java style且没什么用的Java有限状态机.

Javascript Interpreter

* use it in Transition class / when method,true or false?

Running Statemachine

exec the src/example Main to run a statemachine.

Architecture Overview

Statemachine is organized into two parts: a state machine and a java signals which is inspired by as3signals.each state has three inject point.(enter exec exit)u can use it do anything u want with signals.


* Statemachine is not a "java like" java library. if u dont like this style. u can change it by urself.


* Saito Wu <saitowu#gmail.com>


Statemachine is licensed under the MIT License. (See LICENSE)
