1. MonthField里的select事件在2.0里无法正常监听,2.2版本有效。
2. 3.1版本中无法使用该控件
/** * A picker that allows you to select a month and year. * * This component has been originally started by Joseph Kralicky and * further enhanced by cariad. As of version 0.2 I added support for * a minimum and maximum date (allowed date range) and noPastMonths. * * @class Ext.ux.MonthPicker * @extends Ext.Component * * @author Philipp Rosenhagen * @date 2008-08-28 * @version 0.2 * @link http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20181 * * @license Ext.ux.grid.Search is licensed under the terms of * the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. Commercial use is permitted to the extent * that the code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially * licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission. * * License details: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * This extension has been tested and developed with IE6, FF2, FF3 using Ext 2.0.2. * The license is LGPL 3.0 - at least for the Ext 2.0.x branch. Feel free to try it * with the latest Ext but don't ask me under which license you can use it... */ Ext.namespace('Ext.ux'); /** * @class Ext.ux.MonthPicker * @extends Ext.Component * @param {Object} config configuration object * @constructor */ Ext.ux.MonthPicker = function(config) { Ext.apply(this, config); Ext.ux.MonthPicker.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; Ext.ux.MonthPicker = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { format : "M, Y", okText : Ext.MessageBox.buttonText.ok, cancelText : Ext.MessageBox.buttonText.cancel, constrainToViewport : true, monthNames : Date.monthNames, startDay : 0, minDate: null, maxDate: null, value : 0, noPastYears: false, // only use the current year and future years noPastMonths: false, // only use the current month and future months useDayDate : 1, // set to a number between 1-31 to use this day when creating the resulting date object (or null to use todays date or keep existing) initComponent: function(){ Ext.ux.MonthPicker.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.value = this.value ? this.value.clearTime() : new Date().clearTime(); this.activeDate = this.value; this.addEvents( 'select' ); if(this.handler){ this.on("select", this.handler, this.scope || this); } }, focus : function(){ if(this.el){ this.update(this.activeDate); } }, onRender : function(container, position){ var m = [ '<div style="width: 200px; height:190px;"></div>' ] m[m.length] = '<div class="x-date-mp"></div>'; var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "x-date-picker"; el.innerHTML = m.join(""); container.dom.insertBefore(el, position); this.el = Ext.get(el); this.monthPicker = this.el.down('div.x-date-mp'); this.monthPicker.enableDisplayMode('block'); this.el.unselectable(); this.showMonthPicker(); if(Ext.isIE){ this.el.repaint(); } this.update(this.value); }, createMonthPicker : function(){ var minMonth = -1; if (this.noPastMonths) { minMonth = new Date().getMonth(); } if(!this.monthPicker.dom.firstChild){ var buf = ['<table border="0" cellspacing="0">']; for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){ buf.push( '<tr><td class="x-date-mp-month'+(i < minMonth ? ' x-date-disabled' : '')+'"><a href="#">', this.monthNames[i].substr(0, 3), '</a></td>', '<td class="x-date-mp-month x-date-mp-sep"><a href="#">', this.monthNames[i+6].substr(0, 3), '</a></td>', i == 0 ? '<td class="x-date-mp-ybtn" align="center"><a class="x-date-mp-prev"></a></td><td class="x-date-mp-ybtn" align="center"><a class="x-date-mp-next"></a></td></tr>' : '<td class="x-date-mp-year"><a href="#"></a></td><td class="x-date-mp-year"><a href="#"></a></td></tr>' ); } buf.push( '<tr class="x-date-mp-btns"><td colspan="4"><button type="button" class="x-date-mp-ok">', this.okText, '</button><button type="button" class="x-date-mp-cancel">', this.cancelText, '</button></td></tr>', '</table>' ); this.monthPicker.update(buf.join('')); this.monthPicker.on('click', this.onMonthClick, this); this.monthPicker.on('dblclick', this.onMonthDblClick, this); this.mpMonths = this.monthPicker.select('td.x-date-mp-month'); this.mpYears = this.monthPicker.select('td.x-date-mp-year'); this.mpMonths.each(function(m, a, i){ i += 1; if((i%2) == 0){ m.dom.xmonth = 5 + Math.round(i * .5); }else{ m.dom.xmonth = Math.round((i-1) * .5); } }); } }, showMonthPicker : function(){ this.createMonthPicker(); var size = this.el.getSize(); this.monthPicker.setSize(size); this.monthPicker.child('table').setSize(size); this.mpSelMonth = (this.activeDate || this.value).getMonth(); this.updateMPMonth(this.mpSelMonth); this.mpSelYear = (this.activeDate || this.value).getFullYear(); this.updateMPYear(this.mpSelYear); this.monthPicker.show(); //this.monthPicker.slideIn('t', {duration:.2}); }, updateMonthPicker: function() { if ((this.activeDate && !isNaN(this.activeDate.getElapsed())) || (this.value && !isNaN(this.value.getElapsed))) { this.mpSelMonth = (this.activeDate || this.value || new Date()).getMonth(); this.updateMPMonth(this.mpSelMonth); this.mpSelYear = (this.activeDate || this.value || new Date()).getFullYear(); this.updateMPYear(this.mpSelYear); } }, updateMPYear : function(y){ if ( this.noPastYears ) { var minYear = new Date().getFullYear(); if ( y < (minYear+4) ) { y = minYear+4; } } this.mpyear = y; var ys = this.mpYears.elements; for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++){ var td = ys[i-1], y2; if((i%2) == 0){ y2 = y + Math.round(i * .5); td.firstChild.innerHTML = y2; td.xyear = y2; }else{ y2 = y - (5-Math.round(i * .5)); td.firstChild.innerHTML = y2; td.xyear = y2; } /* * Add disabled class if out of allowed range. */ var yearDate = new Date(Date.parse(y2+'/1/1')); if (this.minDate && this.maxDate) { if (!yearDate.between(new Date(Date.parse(this.minDate.getFullYear()+'/1/1')) || yearDate, new Date(Date.parse(this.maxDate.getFullYear()+'/1/1')) || yearDate)) { Ext.get(td).addClass('x-date-disabled'); } else { Ext.get(td).removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } } this.mpYears.item(i-1)[y2 == this.mpSelYear ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('x-date-mp-sel'); } /* * We have to make sure, that the user can only select the months which lay within the range! */ if (this.minDate && this.maxDate) { this.mpMonths.each( function(m, a, i){ i += 1; if (this.mpSelYear == this.maxDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth > this.maxDate.getMonth()) { m.addClass('x-date-disabled') } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } } else if (this.mpSelYear == this.minDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth < this.minDate.getMonth()) { m.addClass('x-date-disabled') } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } }, this); } }, updateMPMonth : function(sm){ this.mpMonths.each(function(m, a, i){ m[m.dom.xmonth == sm ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('x-date-mp-sel'); }); }, selectMPMonth: function(m){ }, getAdjustedDate : function (year,month){ return new Date( year, month, this.useDayDate ? // use a specific day date? (Math.min(this.useDayDate, (new Date(year, month, 1)).getDaysInMonth())) // yes, cap it to month max : (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate() // keep existing ); }, onMonthClick : function(e, t){ e.stopEvent(); if (!Ext.fly(t.parentNode).hasClass("x-date-disabled")) { var el = new Ext.Element(t), pn; // now following the other handling (from original implementation) if(el.is('button.x-date-mp-cancel')){ this.hideMonthPicker(); } else if(el.is('button.x-date-mp-ok')){ this.update(this.getAdjustedDate(this.mpSelYear, this.mpSelMonth)); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value, this.oldValue); } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-month', 2)){ this.mpMonths.removeClass('x-date-mp-sel'); pn.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelMonth = pn.dom.xmonth; } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-year', 2)){ this.mpYears.removeClass('x-date-mp-sel'); pn.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelYear = pn.dom.xyear; /* * We have to make sure, that no invalid (out of allowed range) month is selected * when switching to a different year. It might be possible that currently the * selected month is valid (meaning lays within the allowed range) but switching * to a different year now invalidates the current month selection. So we deal with * this by switching to the first possible (allowed) month when switching the years. */ if (this.minDate && this.maxDate) { this.mpMonths.removeClass('x-date-mp-sel'); // bulk-remove from all this.mpMonths.each( function(m, a, i) { if (this.mpSelYear == this.maxDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth > this.maxDate.getMonth()) { } else { m.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelMonth = m.dom.xmonth; return false; } } else if (this.mpSelYear == this.minDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth < this.minDate.getMonth()) { } else { m.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelMonth = m.dom.xmonth; return false; } } else { m.addClass('x-date-mp-sel'); this.mpSelMonth = m.dom.xmonth; return false; } }, this); } } else if(el.is('a.x-date-mp-prev')){ this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear-10); } else if(el.is('a.x-date-mp-next')){ this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear+10); } /* * We have to make sure, that the user can only select the months which lay within the range! */ if (this.minDate && this.maxDate) { this.mpMonths.each( function(m, a, i){ i += 1; if (this.mpSelYear == this.maxDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth > this.maxDate.getMonth()) { m.addClass('x-date-disabled') } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } } else if (this.mpSelYear == this.minDate.getFullYear()) { if (m.dom.xmonth < this.minDate.getMonth()) { m.addClass('x-date-disabled') } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } } else { m.removeClass('x-date-disabled'); } }, this); } } }, onMonthDblClick : function(e, t){ e.stopEvent(); if (!Ext.fly(t.parentNode).hasClass("x-date-disabled")) { var el = new Ext.Element(t), pn; if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-month', 2)){ this.update(this.getAdjustedDate(this.mpSelYear, pn.dom.xmonth)); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value, this.oldValue); } else if(pn = el.up('td.x-date-mp-year', 2)){ this.update(this.getAdjustedDate(pn.dom.xyear, this.mpSelMonth)); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value, this.oldValue); } } }, hideMonthPicker : function(disableAnim){ Ext.menu.MenuMgr.hideAll(); }, showPrevMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", -1)); }, showNextMonth : function(e){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", 1)); }, showPrevYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", -1)); }, showNextYear : function(){ this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", 1)); }, update : function( date ) { this.activeDate = date; this.oldValue = this.value || date; // remember the old value this.value = date; if(!this.internalRender){ var main = this.el.dom.firstChild; var w = main.offsetWidth; this.el.setWidth(w + this.el.getBorderWidth("lr")); Ext.fly(main).setWidth(w); this.internalRender = true; if(Ext.isOpera && !this.secondPass){ main.rows[0].cells[1].style.width = (w - (main.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth+main.rows[0].cells[2].offsetWidth)) + "px"; this.secondPass = true; this.update.defer(10, this, [date]); } } }, setValue : function( date ) { if (date == 'Invalid Date') { this.activeDate = null; this.value = null; } else { this.activeDate = date; this.value = date; } } }); Ext.reg('ux.monthpicker', Ext.ux.MonthPicker); Ext.ux.MonthItem = function(config){ Ext.ux.MonthItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, new Ext.ux.MonthPicker(config), config); this.picker = this.component; this.addEvents('select'); this.picker.on("render", function(picker){ picker.getEl().swallowEvent("click"); picker.container.addClass("x-menu-date-item"); }); this.picker.on("select", this.onSelect, this, this.picker.value, this.picker.oldValue); }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.MonthItem, Ext.menu.Adapter, { onSelect : function(picker, date, value, oldValue){ this.fireEvent("select", this, date, picker, value, oldValue); Ext.ux.MonthItem.superclass.handleClick.call(this); } }); Ext.reg('ux.monthitem', Ext.ux.MonthItem); Ext.ux.MonthMenu = function(config){ Ext.ux.MonthMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); this.plain = true; var mi = new Ext.ux.MonthItem(config); this.add(mi); this.picker = mi.picker; this.relayEvents(mi, ["select"]); }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.MonthMenu, Ext.menu.Menu, { cls:'x-date-menu', /** * (Pre-)Set the date. */ setDate: function(d) { this.picker.setValue(d); }, setMinDate: function(d) { this.picker.minDate = d; }, setMaxDate: function(d) { this.picker.maxDate = d; } }); Ext.reg('ux.monthmenu', Ext.ux.MonthMenu); Ext.ux.MonthField = function(config){ Ext.ux.MonthField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); } Ext.extend(Ext.ux.MonthField, Ext.form.DateField, { format : Ext.ux.MonthPicker.prototype.format, noPastYears: Ext.ux.MonthPicker.prototype.noPastYears, noPastMonths: Ext.ux.MonthPicker.prototype.noPastMonths, useDayDate: Ext.ux.MonthPicker.prototype.useDayDate, onTriggerClick : function(){ if(this.disabled){ return; } if(this.menu == null){ this.menu = new Ext.ux.MonthMenu(); } Ext.apply(this.menu.picker, { format : this.format, noPastYears : this.noPastYears, noPastMonths : this.noPastMonths, useDayDate : this.useDayDate }); this.menu.on(Ext.apply({}, this.menuListeners, { scope:this })); this.menu.picker.setValue(this.getValue() || new Date()); this.menu.show(this.el, "tl-bl?"); } });