- Option Explicit
- Dim num_a
- num_a = "Hello " & vbNewLine & "world!"
- MsgBox "Hello World!", 65, "MsgBox Example"
- MsgBox num_a & vbCr & "num_a 类型为:" & TypeName(num_a) & vbLf &_
- "num_a 类型的符号数:" & VarType(num_a)
1、Option Explicit :表示之后的变量必须显示声明,否则程序将报错
3、vbcr:回车符; vblf:换行符 ; vbcrlf:回车与换行符 ; vbNewLine:新行字符
4、_:表示分行的数据为同一行数据 <单行拆分>
- Const Con_NUM_1="China"
- MsgBox "常数值为:" & Con_NUM_1
- Dim arr_a(2)
- arr_a(0)=0
- arr_a(1)="a"
- arr_a(2)="2"
- MsgBox "数组 arr_a的最大下标为:" & UBound(arr_a)
- MsgBox "数组 arr_a的数组元素分别为:"
- For i=0 To UBound(arr_a)
- MsgBox "第" & i & "个元素为:" & arr_a(i)
- Next
- Dim arr_b()
- Dim j
- ReDim arr_b(0)
- arr_b(0)=0
- ReDim Preserve arr_b(1)
- arr_b(1)=1
- For j=0 To UBound(arr_b)
- MsgBox "第" & j & "个元素为:" & arr_b(j)
- Next
- MsgBox "幂 2^4=" & 2^4
- MsgBox "除 5.1/4=" & 5.1/4
- MsgBox "整除 2\4=" & 2\4
- MsgBox "求余 (5)mod(3)=" & (5)mod(3)
- MsgBox "不等于 3<>2: " & (3<>2)
- MsgBox "逻辑与 0 and 2: " & (0 and 2)
- MsgBox "逻辑或 0 or 2: " & (0 or 2)
- MsgBox "逻辑非 not 2: " & (Not 2)
- MsgBox "逻辑异或 1 xor 1: " & (1 Xor 1)
- MsgBox "逻辑等价 1 eqv 2: " & (1 eqv 2)
- MsgBox "逻辑隐含 1 imp 2: " & (1 imp 2)
1、 if..then..else
- Dim num_c,num_d,MyVar
- num_c = 3
- num_d = 2
- If num_c > num_d Then
- yVar = MsgBox("pass",65,"result")
- Else
- MyVar = MsgBox("fail",65,"result")
- End If
2、 select..case
- Dim num_e
- num_e = 7
- Select Case num_e
- Case 1
- MsgBox "1"
- Case 3
- MsgBox "3"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "default"
- End Select
3、 do..loop
- Dim num_f
- num_f = 10
- Do While num_f > 8
- num_f = num_f -1
- MsgBox num_f
- Loop
- Do
- num_f = num_f -1
- MsgBox num_f
- Loop While num_f > 3
4、 while..wend
- Dim num_g
- num_g = 4
- While num_g > 1
- MsgBox num_g
- num_g = num_g - 1
- Wend
5、 for..next
- Dim num_h
- For num_h=0 To 3
- MsgBox num_h
- Next
6、 退出循环或过程的方法
- 'Exit Do
- 'Exit For
- 'Exit Function
- 'Exit Property
- 'Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next a=5 b=0 c=a/b if err.number <> 0 Then WScript.echo err.number&"/"err.description&"/"err.source end if
- Function fun(a,b)
- fun = a+b
- End Function
- MsgBox fun(1,3)
- Sub su(a,b)
- MsgBox a+b
- End Sub
- su 1,2
- 'asc:返回与字符串的第一个字母对应的 ANSI 字符代码
- MsgBox Asc("ABC") '65
- 'chr:返回与指定的 ANSI 字符代码相对应的字符
- MsgBox Chr(65) 'A
- 'strComp:返回字符串比较的结果,-1:小于 0:等于 1:大于
- MsgBox StrComp("a","b")
- 'StrReverse:返回字符串,此字符串与指定字符串顺序相反
- MsgBox StrReverse("ABCDE")
- 'cstr:将指定表达式转换为字符串
- MsgBox TypeName(CStr(111))
- 'cint:将指定的表达式转换为数字
- MsgBox TypeName(CInt("123"))
- 'isarray:返回指定变量是否为数组
- Dim arr_1(3)
- MsgBox IsArray(arr_1)
- 'isdate:返回指定变量是否为日期内容
- MsgBox IsDate("2011-7-7")
- 'isempty:返回 Boolean 值,指明变量是否已初始化,未初始化返回True,初始化返回False
- Dim bool
- MsgBox IsEmpty(bool) 'True 未初始化
- bool=1
- MsgBox IsEmpty(bool) 'false 已初始化
- bool=Null
- MsgBox IsEmpty(bool) 'false 已初始化
- bool=Empty
- MsgBox IsEmpty(bool) 'true 未初始化
- 'IsNumeric:返回boolean值,指明变量是否为数字
- MsgBox IsNumeric(3)
- 'isnull:指明表达式是否不包含任何有效数据,含有返回True,未含有返回False
- Dim isn
- MsgBox IsNull(isn)
- 'isobject:返回指定变量是否是对象,是对象返回True,不是对象返回False
- Dim obj
- Set obj = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
- MsgBox IsObject(obj)
- '根据计算机系统设定的日期和时间返回当前的日期和时间值
- MsgBox Now()
- '返回当前年月日,还有year(),month(),day()
- MsgBox Date()
- '返回当前时分秒,还有hour(),minute(),second()
- MsgBox Time()
- '返回星期数,日-六 分别为1-7
- Dim mydate
- mydate = #2011-7-7#
- MsgBox Weekday(mydate) '返回5,代表星期四
- '返回系统日期与指定日期相减后的日期
- MsgBox DateAdd("yyyy",1,Date()) '返回系统日期一年后的日期
- '备注:yyyy--代表年 q--代表季度 m d--代表月 日
- 'y--代表一年的日数 w--代表一周的日数 h n s --代表时分秒
- '返回两个日期的间隔日期
- MsgBox DateDiff("m","2011-7-1","2012-9-3") '返回14,代表相差14个月
- '将指定字符串转换为大小写
- MsgBox UCase("AaA")
- MsgBox LCase("AaA")
- '返回字符串的长度
- MsgBox "china长度为:" & Len("china")
- '截取字符串
- MsgBox "china 前3个字符为:" & Left("china",3)
- MsgBox "china 后3个字符为:" & Right("china",3)
- MsgBox "china 从第2个字符开始,后3个字符为:" & mid("china",2,3)
- '返回某字符串在另一字符串中第一次出现的位置
- MsgBox "n在china的第" & InStr(2,"china","n",1) & "个位置"
- '备注: 2--表示从第2个字符开始搜索,1--表示文本比较
- '定义类
- Class Stu
- '定义带参数的函数,并有返回值
- Function output_fun(fir,sec)
- output_fun = fir & sec
- End Function
- '定义带参数的过程
- Sub output_sub(fir)
- Const con = "Mary,"
- MsgBox con & fir
- End Sub
- End Class
- '实例化变量
- Set s = New Stu
- '调用类中的函数,并给出实参
- MsgBox s.output_fun("Hello"," world") => Hello world
- MsgBox s.output_fun(1,2) => 12
- '调用类中的过程,并给出实参
- s.output_sub("How are you?") => Mary,How are you?
- '例1:将数组中的元素由小到大进行排序
- Function sort()
- Dim arr_sort,i,j
- arr_sort = Array(1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10,-1,100)
- For i=0 To UBound(arr_sort)-1
- For j=0 To UBound(arr_sort)-1-i
- temp=0
- If arr_sort(j) > arr_sort(j+1) Then
- temp = arr_sort(j)
- arr_sort(j) = arr_sort(j+1)
- arr_sort(j+1) = temp
- End if
- next
- next
- For i=0 To ubound(arr_sort)
- MsgBox arr_sort(i)
- Next
- End Function
- sort()
- '例2:双色球摇奖机
- Function DoubleColourBall
- Dim red_ball(6)
- Dim red_ball_temp(6)
- Dim array_split
- Dim input_value
- input_value = InputBox ("请选择,是否显示摇奖过程: " & vbcr & vbcr & "Y or N (不区分大小写)","用户输入框","N")
- Randomize
- '摇红色球,并去除重复号码
- For i=0 To 5
- Randomize
- Do
- Randomize
- red_ball_temp(i) = Int(32 * Rnd + 1)
- If i>=1 Then
- array_split = array_split & " " & red_ball_temp(i-1) & " "
- End If
- if CBool(InStr(1,array_split,CStr(red_ball_temp(i)))) = False then
- red_ball(i) = red_ball_temp(i)
- Exit Do
- end if
- Loop
- If UCase(input_value) = "Y" Then
- MsgBox " *红色球*" & vbcr & vbcr & "第" & i+1 & "个中奖号码为:" & red_ball(i),1,"开奖号码"
- End If
- Next
- '摇蓝色球
- Randomize
- Dim blue_ball
- blue_ball = Int(12 * Rnd + 1)
- If UCase(input_value) = "Y" Then
- MsgBox " *蓝色球*" & vbCr & vbCr & "中奖号码为:" & blue_ball ,1,"开奖号码"
- End If
- '对号码进行排序
- For i=0 To 4
- For j=0 To 4-i
- Dim temp
- If red_ball(j) > red_ball(j+1) Then
- temp = red_ball(j)
- red_ball(j) = red_ball(j+1)
- red_ball(j+1) = temp
- End if
- next
- Next
- '显示最后结果
- Dim award_number
- award_number = Join(red_ball)
- MsgBox " 本期双色球中奖号码" & vbCr & vbCr & "红色球: " & award_number & vbcr & "蓝色球: " & blue_ball ,1,"开奖结果"
- End Function
- Call DoubleColourBall()
- '例3:将文件中的指定位置的#号以特定字符替换
- Function write_txt(txt_path)
- Const ForReading =1,ForWriting = 2,ForAppand = 8
- Dim fso,file
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
- Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(txt_path,ForWriting,True)
- '写入366个#
- For i=0 To 365
- file.Write("#")
- next
- Set file = Nothing
- Dim input_date,str,input_month,input_day,mouth_day,total_day
- input_date = InputBox("请输入日期,格式为月日,中间以空格隔开")
- split_date = Split(input_date," ",-1,1)
- input_month = CInt(split_date(0)) '输入的月份
- input_day = CInt(split_date(1)) '输入的日数
- '判断输入的日期是否正确
- If input_month < 1 Or input_month >12 Then
- MsgBox "月份错误,退出!"
- Exit function
- End If
- Select Case input_month
- Case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12
- max_day=31
- Case 4,6,9,11
- max_day=30
- Case Else
- max_day=28
- End Select
- If input_day < 1 or input_day > max_day Then
- MsgBox "日数错误,退出!"
- Exit function
- End if
- str = InputBox("请输入找到对应的日期后,用以替换#号的符号")
- mouth_day = Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31) '每月的最大天数,不考虑闰年
- '计算天数
- total_day = 0
- If input_month>1 then
- For i=0 To input_month-2
- total_day = total_day + mouth_day(i)
- Next
- total_day = total_day + input_day
- Else
- total_day = input_day
- End If
- 'MsgBox "输入的天数在第" & total_day & "个位置"
- '将对应位置的#号,用输入的字符将其替换
- If fso.FileExists(txt_path) Then
- Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(txt_path,ForReading)
- Do While (Not file.AtEndOfLine)
- msg = file.ReadLine
- Loop
- Else
- MsgBox txt_path & " is't exists!"
- End If
- split_after_str = Replace(msg,"#",str,total_day,1)
- Set file = Nothing
- '将修改的后字符,重写入文件
- fso.DeleteFile(txt_path)
- fso.CreateTextFile(txt_path)
- Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(txt_path,ForAppand,True)
- For i=0 To total_day-2
- file.Write("#")
- Next
- file.Write(split_after_str)
- Set file = nothing
- Set fso = Nothing
- End function
- Call write_txt("c:\aaa.txt")
- 参考:http://blog.csdn.net/xibuzhihun/article/details/6801990
class test
private Sub Class_Initialize '初始化
dim t
end sub
private Sub Class_Terminate '退出类
set t = nothing
end sub