jacorb 的使用(三)启动通知服务

1. 查看 bin 目录下 ntfy.bat 文件,内容如下:
@echo off
rem Starts the JacORB Notification Service
rem set CLASSPATH="..\lib\backport-util-concurrent.jar;..\lib\picocontainer-1.2.jar;..\lib\antlr-2.7.2.jar"
jaco org.jacorb.notification.ConsoleMain %*

2. 启动通知服务器
ntfy -port 9999 -writeIOR D:/jacorb/ior/NF_Ref

-port 9999  设置通知服务器的端口
-writeIOR D:/jacorb/ior/NF_Ref 设置通知服务器IOR文件的路径。


D:\jacorb>ntfy -port 9999 -writeIOR D:/jacorb/ior/NF_Ref
[jacorb.orb.print_ver] INFO :
        JacORB V 2.3.0, www.jacorb.org
        (C) The JacORB project 17-Feb-2007
[jacorb.orb] INFO : Property "jacorb.hashtable_class" is set to: java.util.HashM
[org.jacorb.orb.codes] WARN : Warning - unknown codeset (GBK) - defaulting to IS
[jacorb.orb.intercept] INFO : InterceptorManager started with 0 Server Intercept
ors, 0 Client Interceptors and 1 IOR Interceptors
[jacorb.poa] INFO : oid:
5F 45 43 46 61 63 74 6F 72 79                               _ECFactory
object is activated
[jacorb.poa] INFO : Using server ID (3549237391) for transient POA
[jacorb.orb.singleton] INFO : created ORBSingleton
[jacorb.orb.giop] INFO : ClientConnectionManager: created new ClientGIOPConnecti
on to (12be1bd)
[jacorb.orb] INFO : ORB run
