S60 Python 编程指南——如何创建pys60应用程序

信息: 如何创建一个应用程序? 9个步骤


  1. 插入所有需要的模块
  2. 设定屏幕大小 (normal, large, full)
  3. 编写你程序的逻辑代码
  4. 创建一个程序菜单(如果有必要)
  5. 设定一个离开的按键
  6. 设定程序标题
  7. 如果有必要,分配活动的对象
  8. 设定程序主题(文字,背景,列表或什么都没有)
  9. 创建一个恰当的主循环体
  1. 如何装如所需要的所有模块?
    1. import appuifw
    2. import e32
  2. 如何设定屏幕大小?
    1. # screen has 3 different values:
    2. appuifw.app.screen='normal' #(a normal screen with title pane and softkeys)
    3. appuifw.app.screen='large' #(only softkeys visible)
    4. appuifw.app.screen='full' #(a full screen)
    import appuifw
    import e32
    def exit_key_handler():
    round = appuifw.Text()
    # put the application screen size to full screen
    appuifw.app.screen='full' #(a full screen)
    # other options:
    #appuifw.app.screen='normal' #(a normal screen with title pane and softkeys)
    #appuifw.app.screen='large' #(only softkeys visible)
    app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
    appuifw.app.body = round
    appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
  3. 如何创建你程序的逻辑结构?
    这个完整的指南就是关于这个问题的…… 你必须确定一些逻辑结构使你的程序运行起来,任何逻辑结构都有可能!
  4. 如何创建一个应用程序菜单?


    1. # create the callback functions that shall be executed when when selecting an item in
    2. # the menu:
    3. def item1():
    4.    print "item one"
    5. def subitem1():
    6.    print "subitem one"
    7. def subitem2():
    8.    print "subitem two"
    9. # create the menu using appuifw.app.menu[(title, callback1), (title, (subtitle, callback2))]
    10. appuifw.app.menu = [(u"item 1", item1), (u"Submenu 1", ((u"sub item 1"
    11. , subitem1),(u"sub item 2", subitem2)))]
      import appuifw
      import e32
      def exit_key_handler():
      # create the callback functions for the application menu and its submenus
      def item1():
          print ""
          round.set(u'item one was selected')
      def subitem1():
          print ""
          round.set(u'subitem one was selected')
      def subitem2():
          round.set(u'subitem two was selected')
      app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
      round = appuifw.Text()
      round.set(u'press options')
      appuifw.app.body = round
      # create the application menu including submenus
      appuifw.app.menu = [(u"item 1", item1),
                          (u"Submenu 1", ((u"sub item 1", subitem1),
                                          (u"sub item 2", subitem2)))]
      appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
    12. 如何设定一个离开程序的键盘操作?


      1. def quit():
      2.         appuifw.app.set_exit()
      3. app.exit_key_handler=quit
    13. 如何设定程序名称(标题)?
      1. appuifw.app.title = u"SMS sending"
    14. 如果有必要,如何来分配有效的对象?
      A facility called active object is used extensively on the Symbian OS to implement co-operative, non-preemptive scheduling within operating system threads. Preserving the responsiveness of the UI can be done with the help of active objects. This needs to be considered when designing the application logic. As a Python programmer, you typically need to take care of active objects as they relate to UI programming, and sockets. Can be tricky!


      1. # You need to import the e32 module
      2. import e32
      3. # create an instance of the active object
      4. app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
      5. # starts a scheduler -> the script processes events (e.g. from the UI) until lock.signal() is
      6. # callled.
      7. app_lock.wait()
      8. # stops the scheduler
      9. app_lock.signal()

      更详细的内容请查阅 API_Reference_for_Python.pdf 文档。

    15. 如何设置程序主体?
      1. # body as Listbox:
      2. appuifw.app.body = appuifw
      3. .Listbox(entries,shout)
        import appuifw
        import e32
        def exit_key_handler():
        # define a callback function
        def shout():
            index = lb.current()
            print index
            print entries[index]
        # create your content list of your listbox including the icons to be used for each entry
        entries = [u"Signal",u"Battery"]
        lb = appuifw.Listbox(entries,shout)
        # create an Active Object
        app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
        # create an instance of appuifw.Listbox(), include the content list "entries" and the callback function "shout"
        # and set the instance of Listbox now as the application body
        appuifw.app.body = lb
        appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
        1. # body as Text:
        2. appuifw.app.body = appuifw.Text(u'hello')
        import appuifw
        import e32
        def exit_key_handler():
        # create an instance of appuifw.Text()
        round = appuifw.Text()
        # change the style of the text
        round.style = appuifw.STYLE_UNDERLINE
        # set the text to 'hello'
        # put the screen size to full screen
        # create an Active Object
        app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
        # set the application body to Text
        # by handing over "round" which is an instance of appuifw.Text() as definded above
        appuifw.app.body = round
        appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
        1. # body as Canvas:
        2. appuifw.app.body=appuifw.Canvas(event_callback=None, redraw_callback=handle_redraw)
        # Copyright (c) 2005 Jurgen Scheible
        # This script draws different shapes and text to the canvas
        import appuifw
        from appuifw import *
        import e32
        # import graphics
        from graphics import *
        # create an exit handler
        def quit():
            global running
        # set the screen size to large
        # define an initial image (white)
        # add different shapes and text to the image
        # coord. sequence x1,x2,y1,y2
        img.text((100,80), u'hello')
        # define your redraw function (that redraws the picture on and on)
        # in this case we redraw the image named img using the blit function
        def handle_redraw(rect):
        # define the canvas, include the redraw callback function
        canvas=appuifw.Canvas(event_callback=None, redraw_callback=handle_redraw)
        # set the app.body to canvas
        # create a loop to redraw the the screen again and again until the exit button is pressed
        while running:
            # redraw the screen
            # yield needs to be here in order that key pressings can be noticed
        9.   如何创建一个主循环?
        1.   running = 1
        2.   while running:
        3.        # #e.g. redraw the screen:
        4.        handle_redraw(())


        1. no main loop because the application logic works without
          # Copyright (c) 2006 Jurgen Scheible
          # Application skeleton (no main loop)
          import appuifw
          import e32
          # create your application logic ...
          def item1():
              print "hello"
          def subitem1():
              print "aha"
          def subitem2():
              print "good"
          appuifw.app.menu = [(u"item 1", item1),
                              (u"Submenu 1", ((u"sub item 1", subitem1),
                                              (u"sub item 2", subitem2)))]   
          def exit_key_handler():
          appuifw.app.title = u"drawing"    
          app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
          appuifw.app.body = ...
          appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
          """ description:
          # 1. import all modules needed
          import appuifw
          import e32
          # 2. set the screen size to large
          # 3. create your application logic ...
          # e.g. create all your definitions (functions) or classes and build instances of them or call them etc.
          # ...... application logic ....
          # 4. create the application menu including submenus
          # create the callback functions for the application menu and its submenus
          def item1():
              print ""
              round.set(u'item one was selected')
          def item1():
              print "hello"
          def subitem1():
              print "aha"
          def subitem2():
              print "good"
          appuifw.app.menu = [(u"item 1", item1),
                              (u"Submenu 1", ((u"sub item 1", subitem1),
                                              (u"sub item 2", subitem2)))]
              # 5. create and set an exit key handler
          def exit_key_handler():
          # 6. set the application title
          appuifw.app.title = u"drawing"   
          # 7. crate an active objects
          app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
          # 8. set the application body
          appuifw.app.body = ...
          # no main loop
          appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler
          2.    with mainloop (if suitable)
