jquery imgAeraSelect插件地址:http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/
原理很简单,就是将鼠标框住的区域两个定点坐标值传回服务器端,在服务器端用image magick处理。
由于rmagick存在内存泄露问题。这里选择了mini_magick。mini_magick是一个非常小的库,源代码不过300行。主要是通过调用系统命令行来处理图片。只要系统安装了image magick就可以。
<input id="x1" type="hidden" value="0" name="x1"/> <input id="y1" type="hidden" value="0" name="y1"/> <input id="x2" type="hidden" value="150" name="x2"/> <input id="y2" type="hidden" value="150" name="y2"/>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var pos = initValue(); $('#avatar').imgAreaSelect({aspectRatio: '1:1', x1: pos.x1, y1: pos.y1, x2: pos.x2, y2: pos.y2, handles: true, onSelectEnd: function (img, selection) { $('input[name=x1]').val(selection.x1); $('input[name=y1]').val(selection.y1); $('input[name=x2]').val(selection.x2); $('input[name=y2]').val(selection.y2); } }); }); function initValue(){ var o = new Object(); var x = $("#avatar").width(); var y = $("#avatar").height(); var size = x >= y ? y : x; size = size >= 100 ? 100 : size; o.x1 = (x - size) / 2; o.y1 = (y - size) / 2; o.x2 = o.x1 + size; o.y2 = o.y1 + size; return o; } function checkImage(){ var image_name = $("#photo").val(); var reg = /\.png|jpeg|jpg|bmp|gif$/i if (reg.test(image_name)){ return true; }else if(image_name == "") { alert("没有选择图片!"); return false; }else{ alert("图片格式不正确!"); return false; } } </script>
def upload_avatar if request.post? avatar_200_200 = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/files/avatar/200_200/" photo_name = "#{current_user.hash_id}.jpg" avatar_100_100 = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/files/avatar/100_100/" avatar_64_64 = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/files/avatar/64_64/" avatar_50_50 = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/files/avatar/50_50/" avatar_40_40 = RAILS_ROOT + "/public/files/avatar/40_40/" if params[:commit] == "上传照片" #TODO Validate Image Size! #TODO 增加白色背景,以防不规则图片! photo = params[:photo] raise "image type Error!" if photo.content_type !~ /^image\/.*?jpeg|jpg|png|bmp|gif$/i Dir.chdir avatar_200_200 img = MiniMagick::Image.from_blob(photo.read) img.format("jpg") if photo.content_type =~ /gif|png$/i img.resize "200x200" img.write photo_name redirect_to request.referer elsif params[:commit] == "保存设置" Dir.chdir avatar_200_200 if File.exist?(photo_name) width = params[:x2].to_i - params[:x1].to_i height= params[:y2].to_i - params[:y1].to_i img = MiniMagick::Image.open(photo_name) img.crop "#{width}x#{height}+#{params[:x1]}+#{params[:y1]}" img.resize 100 and Dir.chdir avatar_100_100 and img.write photo_name img.resize 64 and Dir.chdir avatar_64_64 and img.write photo_name img.resize 50 and Dir.chdir avatar_50_50 and img.write photo_name img.resize 40 and Dir.chdir avatar_40_40 and img.write photo_name end end end end