
Similar in behavior to standard load balancers the NServiceBus Distributor is the key to scaling out message processing over many machines transparently.


Why use it

When starting to use NServiceBus, you'll see that you can easily run multiple instances of the same process with the same input queue. This may look like scaling-out at first, but is really no different than running multiple threads within the same process. If you try to do this with multiple machines, you'll see that you can't share a single input queue across multiple machines.

The distributor gets around this limitation.



How does it work

Worker nodes send messages to the distributor, telling it when they're ready for work. These messages arrive at the distributor via a separate 'control' queue. The distributor stores this information.

When applicative messages arrive at the distributor, it uses the previously stored information to find a free worker node, and sends the message on to it.

If no worker nodes are free, the distributor waits a bit and then repeats the previous step.

This way, all pending work stays in the distributor's queue (rather than building up in each of the workers' queues) giving visibility into how long messages are actually waiting. This is important for complying with time-based service level agreements (SLAs).

For more information on monitoring, seeMonitoring NServiceBus Endpoints.


Keep in mind that the distributor is designed for load balancing within a single site and should not be used between sites. In the image above, all publishers and subscribers are within a single physical site.

For information on using NServiceBus across multiple physical sites, seethe gateway.



