1.Citrus 介绍:
Citrus 是一个由Actionscript 3.0 语言和 Box2D物理引擎实现的卷轴类游戏 引擎。
设计师和开发者可以利用Citrus 快速的构建卷轴(平台)类游戏。
citrusengine demo 截图:
citrusengine 连接:
个人还是比较喜欢 卷轴类游戏的,记得以前和朋友一起玩过 冒险岛、还有网易的(还是新浪?)的一款游戏,还是不错的。
这个citrusengine我看了下,感觉还没成熟,功能也不够强大,还不是开源的。看里面介绍的一个 粒子效果的框架 叫 ParticleSun AS3 Particle Emitter,说的好像很好很强大似的,还做了个Air 编辑器,后来一看还是比较单一和简单的。
不知道国内现在有这样的平台类游戏框架么?很期待在这样的一个架构下的 flash的多人在线游戏。
Yogurt3D Game Engine is a brand new 3D Flash engine that doesn’t require users to download plug-ins because it works inside your browser via Adobe Flash Player. Yogurt3D's core part, SwiftGL, is open-source and compatible with OpenGL. This means developers who already program in OpenGL can easily develop 3D Flash games and applications. They can easily transform their old OpenGL codes into SwiftGL and run their existing games in Adobe Flash.
感觉flash现在对3D方面还不能很好的支持,虽然已经有很多的3D 框架的支持,但是运行效率还是不好,仅仅限于展示阶段
3.Teris game Engine
The FFilmation Engine is an AS3 isometric programing engine , focused mainly on game development. The aim of the project is providing a robust development platform , where game designers can work on the game’s details and forget about the render engine. It is intended to be really usable from a “real production scenario” point of view. This means:
demo http://www.ffilmation.org/website/demos/example-1/
OpenSpace is a powerful Flash based isometric engine and framework for rapid development of multi-user virtual worlds and MMO communities.
The engine leverages the power of ActionScript 3 and SmartFoxServer , offering an unprecedented level of features and customizations.
demo: http://showcase.smartfoxserver.com/openspace2/
和FFlimation 一样也是 isometric类 游戏,但是不是开源的。
6. pushbutton engine
The PushButton Engine is an Open Source , Flash game engine and framework that's designed for a new generation of games. PushButton Engine makes it easy to bring together great existing libraries and components for building Flash games. Spend less time on code, more time on building fun games .