通过前两篇文章的介绍,大家应该对Threerings框架有了初步的了解,前面笔者也提到过客户端对服务端的请求主要是通过对服务的调用来实现,即InvocationService,这种调用与Java API中的远程方法调用有点类似。而Threerings在框架层面对这个机制提供了完善的支持。今天我们就来对这个InvocationService来仔细研究一番。其实在前面的例子中,我们已经接触过了InvocationService的一个例子,即取得分布式对象DObject的object id,不过为了简化所要论述的问题,在这里,我们只是简单的打印客户端的请求。
public interface InvocationService { public static interface InvocationListener { void requestFailed (String cause); } public static interface ConfirmListener extends InvocationListener { void requestProcessed (); } public static interface ResultListener extends InvocationListener { void requestProcessed (Object result); } }
public interface TestService extends InvocationService { public static interface TestFuncListener extends InvocationListener { public void testSucceeded (String one, int two); } public void test (Client client, String one, int two, List<Integer> three, TestFuncListener listener); }
TestFuncListener接口继承了InvocationListener接口,包含的testSucceeded方法作为服务调用成功之后的回调方法,而test方法则是我们的服务方法。接下来我们则需要运行框架提供给我们的一个ant target genservice来生成InvocationService完整定义的其他几个类,分别为TestProvider,TestDispatcher,TestMarshaller。这个genservice是个自定义ant target,可以在Threerings源码分发包里找到。
<!-- generates marshaller and dispatcher classes for all invocation service declarations --> <target name="genservice" depends="preptools"> <!-- make sure the service class files are all compiled --> <javac srcdir="src/java" destdir="${classes.dir}" includeAntRuntime="false" debug="on" optimize="${build.optimize}" deprecation="on" source="1.5" target="1.5"> <classpath refid="classpath"/> <include name="**/*Service.java"/> <exclude name="**/InvocationService.java"/> </javac> <!-- now generate the associated files --> <genservice header="lib/SOURCE_HEADER" asroot="src/as" classpathref="classpath"> <fileset dir="src/java" includes="**/*Service.java"> <exclude name="**/InvocationService.java"/> <exclude name="**/peer/**"/> <exclude name="**/admin/**"/> </fileset> <providerless service="ChatService"/> <providerless service="SimulatorService"/> <providerless service="TimeBaseService"/> </genservice> <genservice header="lib/SOURCE_HEADER" classpathref="classpath"> <fileset dir="src/java" includes="**/peer/**/*Service.java"/> <fileset dir="src/java" includes="**/admin/**/*Service.java"/> </genservice> </target>
public interface TestProvider extends InvocationProvider { void test (ClientObject caller, String arg1, int arg2, List<Integer> arg3, TestService.TestFuncListener arg4) throws InvocationException; }
public class TestDispatcher extends InvocationDispatcher<TestMarshaller> { public TestDispatcher (TestProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public TestMarshaller createMarshaller () { return new TestMarshaller(); } public void dispatchRequest ( ClientObject source, int methodId, Object[] args) throws InvocationException { switch (methodId) { case TestMarshaller.TEST: ((TestProvider)provider).test( source, (String)args[0], ((Integer)args[1]).intValue(), (List<Integer>)args[2], (TestService.TestFuncListener)args[3] ); return; default: super.dispatchRequest(source, methodId, args); return; } } }
public class TestMarshaller extends InvocationMarshaller implements TestService { public static class TestFuncMarshaller extends ListenerMarshaller implements TestFuncListener { public static final int TEST_SUCCEEDED = 1; public void testSucceeded (String arg1, int arg2) { _invId = null; omgr.postEvent(new InvocationResponseEvent( callerOid, requestId, TEST_SUCCEEDED, new Object[] { arg1, Integer.valueOf(arg2) }, transport)); } public void dispatchResponse (int methodId, Object[] args) { switch (methodId) { case TEST_SUCCEEDED: ((TestFuncListener)listener).testSucceeded( (String)args[0], ((Integer)args[1]).intValue()); return; default: super.dispatchResponse(methodId, args); return; } } } public static final int TEST = 1; public void test (Client arg1, String arg2, int arg3, List<Integer> arg4, TestService.TestFuncListener arg5) { TestMarshaller.TestFuncMarshaller listener5 = new TestMarshaller.TestFuncMarshaller(); listener5.listener = arg5; sendRequest(arg1, TEST, new Object[] { arg2, Integer.valueOf(arg3), arg4, listener5 }); } }
public class TestManager implements TestProvider { public void test (ClientObject caller, String one, int two, List<Integer> three, TestService.TestFuncListener listener) throws InvocationException { log.info("Test request", "one", one, "two", two, "three", three); listener.testSucceeded(one, two); } }
public class TestClient implements SessionObserver{ public void clientDidLogoff(Client client) { log.info("Client did logoff [client=" + client + "]."); System.exit(0); } public void clientDidLogon(Client client) { log.info("Client did logon [client=" + client + "]."); TestService service = client.requireService(TestService.class); // send a test request ArrayList<Integer> three = new ArrayList<Integer>(); three.add(3); three.add(4); three.add(5); service.test(client, "one", 2, three, new TestService.TestFuncListener() { public void testSucceeded (String one, int two) { log.info("Got test response [one=" + one + ", two=" + two + "]."); } public void requestFailed (String reason) { log.info("Urk! Request failed [reason=" + reason + "]."); } }); } public void clientObjectDidChange(Client client) { log.info("Client object did change [client=" + client + "]."); } public void clientWillLogon(Client client) { client.addServiceGroup("test"); } public static void main (String[] args) { TestClient tclient = new TestClient(); UsernamePasswordCreds creds = new UsernamePasswordCreds(new Name("test"), "test"); BasicRunQueue rqueue = new BasicRunQueue(); Client client = new Client(creds, rqueue); tclient.setClient(client); client.addClientObserver(tclient); client.setServer("localhost", Client.DEFAULT_SERVER_PORTS); client.logon(); // start up our event processing loop rqueue.run(); } public void setClient (Client client) { _client = client; } protected Client _client; }
public class TestServer extends PresentsServer{ @Override public void init (Injector injector) throws Exception { super.init(injector); // register our test provider _invmgr.registerDispatcher( new TestDispatcher(injector.getInstance(TestManager.class)), "test"); } public static void main (String[] args) { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new Module()); TestServer server = injector.getInstance(TestServer.class); try { server.init(injector); server.run(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warning("Unable to initialize server.", e); } } }
Starting up server [os=Windows XP (5.1-x86), jvm=1.6.0_07, Sun Microsystems Inc.] Unable to register Sun signal handlers [error=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown signal: USR2] Could not load libsignal.so; signal handling disabled. DOMGR running. Server listening on Accepting request: [type=AREQ, msgid=1, creds=[username=test, password=test], version=] Session initiated [type=Name, who=test, conn=[id=2, addr=/]] Test request [one=one, two=2, three=(3, 4, 5)]
Connecting [host=localhost/, port=47624] Client did logon [client=Client [hostname=localhost, ports=(47624), clOid=2, connId=2, creds=[username=test, password=test]]]. Got test response [one=one, two=2].
public interface TestReceiver extends InvocationReceiver { /** * Dispatches a test notification. */ public void receivedTest (int one, String two); }
同时我们运行框架提供的ant 自定义任务genreceiver,用以生成对应的Sender和Decoder。
public class TestDecoder extends InvocationDecoder { /** The generated hash code used to identify this receiver class. */ public static final String RECEIVER_CODE = "f388690ba85f419e8baf8e6165343e86"; /** The method id used to dispatch {@link TestReceiver#receivedTest} * notifications. */ public static final int RECEIVED_TEST = 1; /** * Creates a decoder that may be registered to dispatch invocation * service notifications to the specified receiver. */ public TestDecoder (TestReceiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } @Override // documentation inherited public String getReceiverCode () { return RECEIVER_CODE; } @Override // documentation inherited public void dispatchNotification (int methodId, Object[] args) { switch (methodId) { case RECEIVED_TEST: ((TestReceiver)receiver).receivedTest( ((Integer)args[0]).intValue(), (String)args[1] ); return; default: super.dispatchNotification(methodId, args); return; } } }
public class TestSender extends InvocationSender { /** * Issues a notification that will result in a call to {@link * TestReceiver#receivedTest} on a client. */ public static void sendTest ( ClientObject target, int arg1, String arg2) { sendNotification( target, TestDecoder.RECEIVER_CODE, TestDecoder.RECEIVED_TEST, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(arg1), arg2 }); } }
public void test (ClientObject caller, String one, int two, List<Integer> three, TestService.TestFuncListener listener) throws InvocationException { log.info("Test request", "one", one, "two", two, "three", three); // and issue a response to this invocation request listener.testSucceeded(one, two); TestSender.sendTest(caller, 1, "two"); }
public class TestClient implements SessionObserver, TestReceiver{ ...... @Override public void receivedTest(int one, String two) { log.info("Received test notification [one=" + one + ", two=" + two + "]."); }
public void clientDidLogon(Client client) { ...... // register ourselves as a test notification receiver client.getInvocationDirector().registerReceiver(new TestDecoder(this)); ...... }
Connecting [host=localhost/, port=47624] Client did logon [client=Client [hostname=localhost, ports=(47624), clOid=2, connId=2, creds=[username=test, password=test]]]. Got test response [one=one, two=2]. Received test notification [one=1, two=two].
可以看到在Got test response之后又多了一行Received test notification,这说明了sendTest方法在服务端被调用而在客户端被执行。这是一种服务端远程调用客户端方法的机制。
一般来说InvocationSerivce在整个框架中被使用的比较多,而InvocationReceiver则使用的比较少,算是对前一种机制的补充吧,甚至在GameGarden开发包中都没有包括genReceiver这个ant 任务,需要我们自己从narya包中复制过来,但这种机制在某些场合中还是会被用到的,比如LocationReceiver.forcedMove()。 The LocationDirector 实现了LocationReceiver接口,在client登录后把自己注册到InvocationDirector。 然后服务端传入相应的client object 并调用LocationSender.forcedMove() 方法。有兴趣的读者朋友可以自行查看源码研究一番,不过在今后的系列文章中我们还会再遇到这几个类。