Daily Reading

And this kind of feels like the nightmare turned back around.



turn back around 萦绕,环绕

frantically 疯狂的,狂热的

in terms of

give credit to

give credit  相信,赞许

fall flat on one's face    脸面尽失,丢人现眼

Happiness is more than a grin on one 's face , it is the glory in one 's heart.


''The Olympics is a perfect platform in terms of what life is,'' Wambach said. ''You cannot win at everything you attempt in life. You have to be willing to fail and fall flat on your face in order to get glory. And we really did fail last year, in our opinion. We have to give Japan credit. They're a fantastic team.

inconsolable    极度悲伤的,无法安慰的

She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.

objectively    客观地

He hoped they would write objectively about China.

First lady    第一夫人
in stark contrast to    与。。。形成鲜明对比
His actions were in stark contrast to his words.

The dark stones stand out in stark contrast to the white snowice.

first lady has been pictured sporting what appears to be a Christian Dior handbag, in stark contrast to widespread shortages elsewhere in the impoverished nation.

The impoverished African nation of Burundi, by contrast, spends just $6 per patient. 与之相比,在穷困的非洲国家布隆迪,用于每位患者的费用仅为6美元。

It was unclear whether the bag was genuine or an imitation.

genuine     真正的,纯正的,坦率的,真诚的

imitation    仿效,赝品,模拟,仿真品
