在视图中,不能使用AddGeometryColumn建立geometry字段,postgis参考中明确指出了:在sql视图和批量插入中这两种情况下,你需要把一个geometry字段注册给一个含geometry字段的表,但是此时不能通过AddGeometryColumn实现( 翻译有点烂)。原文如下:
--Lets say you have a view created like this CREATE VIEW public.vwmytablemercator AS SELECT gid, ST_Transform(the_geom,3395) As the_geom, f_name FROM public.mytable; --To register this table in AddGeometry columns - do the following INSERT INTO geometry_columns(f_table_catalog, f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, coord_dimension, srid, "type") SELECT '', 'public', 'vwmytablemercator', 'the_geom', ST_CoordDim(the_geom), ST_SRID(the_geom), GeometryType(the_geom) FROM public.vwmytablemercator LIMIT 1;
--Lets say you created a derivative table by doing a bulk insert SELECT poi.gid, poi.the_geom, citybounds.city_name INTO myschema.myspecialpois FROM poi INNER JOIN citybounds ON ST_Intersects(citybounds.the_geom, poi.the_geom); --Create index on new table CREATE INDEX idx_myschema_myspecialpois_geom_gist ON myschema.myspecialpois USING gist(the_geom); --To manually register this new table's geometry column in geometry_columns -- we do the same thing as with view INSERT INTO geometry_columns(f_table_catalog, f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column, coord_dimension, srid, "type") SELECT '', 'myschema', 'myspecialpois', 'the_geom', ST_CoordDim(the_geom), ST_SRID(the_geom), GeometryType(the_geom) FROM public.myschema.myspecialpois LIMIT 1;