Corporate Identity Manuals & Guides

The protection of visual identity is probably one of the most important issues when it comes to developing concepts in which corporate identity (CI) is used. Both in web design and in print - corporate identity manuals are supposed to give designers precise guidelines on how logotypes, colors and typography should be used. Basically for one simple reason: to promote the visual identity in the most convenient, consistent and efficient way and make sure no mistakes are done. E.g. the logotype remains readable and the whitespace around the logo gives it the space it needs to breathe and be effective - throughout various projects.

Corporate Identity Style Guides

Guidelines and Standards Manuals presents an extensive list of corporate identity style guides provided by over 70 large companies all around the world.

Style Guide

The list is quite old, so not every link will still work; if it is the case, you might be willing to take a look at

The latter brings you an archive of corporate identity documentation, corporate design manuals, style guides and also logo- and manual-reviews. The project has hundreds of web-manuals, pdf-manuals and print-manuals - and is regularly updated.

Corporate Identity Fonts Guides

Furtherfmore, if you’re looking for specific fonts used in corporate logos, you should take a look at the
