

Targeting Red5 0.8

Installation instructions

From within eclipse,

  1. go to Help > Software Updates > Find and Install > Search for new features to install 
  2. Create a "New Remote Site"
  3. Enter "Red5Plugin" under name
  4. Enter "" under the URL field

update site

Description:  Eclipse uses update sites to install plugins.  The following update site should be installed using the directions above.

Targeting Red5 0.7 and below

Installation instructions

From within eclipse,

  1. go to Help > Software Updates > Find and Install > Search for new features to install 
  2. Create a "New Remote Site"
  3. Enter "Red5Plugin" under name
  4. Enter "" under the URL field

update site

Description:  Eclipse uses update sites to install plugins.  The following update site should be installed using the directions above.

