

 该目录下 分别是 创建 、删除、更新数据库的语句。




Note for MySQL users: MySQL version lower than 5.6.4 has no support for timestamps or dates with millisecond precision. To make things even worse, some version will throw an exception when trying to create such a column but other versions don’t. When doing auto-creation/upgrade, the engine will change the DDL when executing it. When using the DDL file approach, both a regular version and a special file with mysql55 in it are available (this applies on anything lower than 5.6.4). This latter file will have column types with no millisecond precision it it.

Concretely, the following applies for MySQL version

  • <5.6: No millisecond precision available. DDL files available (look for files containing mysql55). Auto creation/update will work out of the box.

  • 5.6.0 - 5.6.3: No millisecond precision available. Auto creation/update will NOT work. It is advised to upgrade to a newer database version anyway. DDL files for mysql 5.5 could be used if really needed.

  • 5.6.4+: Millisecond precision available. DDL files available (default file containing mysql). Auto creation/update works out of the box.

Do note that in the case of upgrading the MySQL database later on and the Activiti tables are already created/upgraded, the column type change will have to be done manually!
