Easy to sync your site from local to remote through drupal 8

Just like the feature in drupal 7. In drupal8, the feature module  have already intergreated inside. so you can easy to sync your site from to local to remote.  please do the step as below and enjoy it .


The process is the same if you mirror your site from local to server or the other direction. I will describe the deployment from local to remote server to simplify the explanation.

  1. Install your site on your local Wamp, Xamp, Mamp or whatever webserver you are using.
  2. Move all files inside your drupal directory to the server. You can do this with Version control (Git, SVN etc) or by using FTP
  3. Do not copy anything inside sites/default except of default.settings.php. So sites/default/files is not copied, neither is settings.php
  4. Create a fresh database on your remote server and do a fresh install of Drupal.
  5. Export the configuration via /admin/config/development/configuration/full/export

  6. Import the config.tar.gz file you get from that via /admin/config/development/configuration/full/import
  7. Export the database from your local web server using PHPmyadmin or another tool. The preferred Drupal module for that is https://drupal.org/project/backup_migrateonce it will be ready for Drupal 8.
  8. Import the database using the same tool into the Drupal 8 site on your remote server
  9. Voila! Everything should be synchronized. As long as you are not synchronizing content like nodes or users, you can also just use the CMI config.tar.gz file to synchronize. If in doubt or you are not a very versed Drupal user, always synchronize the database also.
