

A Gamasutra featured article

Creating All Humans: A Data-Driven AI Framework for Open Game Worlds


Populating an entire game world with characters that give an impression of life is a challenging task, and it's certainly no simpler in an open world, where gameplay is less restricted and players are free to roam and experience the world however they choose. The game engine has to be flexible enough to react and create interesting scenarios wherever the player goes. In particular, the demands on the AI are different from a linear game, requiring an approach that, while using established game AI techniques, emphasizes a different aspect of the architecture.


This article discusses the data-driven AI architecture constructed for Pandemic Studios' open world title Destroy All Humans 2. It describes the framework that holds the data-defined behaviors that characters perform, and how those behaviors are created, pieced together, and customized.


创建游戏中的人类世界:数据驱动的开放世界AI框架 The premise of an open world game with sandbox gameplay is to give players the freedom to do what they want, the freedom to create their own game within the world the developers provide. Their play is not linear, which is fantastic for a sense of immersion, but reduces the ability of the game developer to control, limit, and pre-script scenarios that the players encounter.


The AI code needs to be built on a foundation that is flexible enough to respond to any eventuality. It needs to handle a domain of gameplay that is broader in scope than a linear title and react to situations that might not have been anticipated. In effect, the AI needs to have a strong emphasis on breadth of behavior over depth. That is, the architecture must promote the ability to create large numbers of behaviors and make applying them to characters as easy as possible.


One solution to this challenge is to make the behaviors data-driven. They should be created without requiring changes to code, pieced together and reused as shared components, and substituted out for specialized versions. Ideally, the developer should be able to tweak not only the settings of a behavior, such as how long a timer lasts or how aggressive an enemy is, but also the very structure of the behavior itself. For example, what steps are needed to complete a given task or define how those steps are performed? By allowing our behaviors to fit into multiple situations, be reusable, and be quick to create and customize, we can more effectively create all the actions that the characters will need to give the game life.


Behavior Foundation: Performing Tasks with Sub-Tasks


The basis for the behavior system in Destroy All Humans 2 is a hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM), in which the current state of an actor is defined on multiple levels of abstraction. At each level in the hierarchy, the states will potentially use sub-level states to break their tasks into smaller problems (for example, attackenemies is at a high level of abstraction and uses the less-abstract fireweapon below it to perform part of its function). This HFSM structure is a common method used in game AI to frame a character's behaviors. It has several immediate benefits over a flat FSM. (For current information about HFSMs, see Resources)

毁灭人类2中的行为系统的基础是树状的有限状态机hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM),该技术下角色的当前状态是通过多层不同程度的抽象完成的,该行为树状体系中的每一层 其对应属性都会使用其子节点的抽象来构建更高一层的行为状态。例如:攻击敌人行为是一种高层的行为抽象,其子节点则可能定义了开火这样的行为抽象。HFSM架构是游戏AI中架构游戏角色行为AI的一种常见手段,和平展的状态机相比有许多优点。(关于HFSM的更多信息可以参见附录)

In our implementation, each state in the HFSM is called a behavior and makes up the basic architectural unit of the system. Everything that characters can do in the game is constructed by piecing together behaviors in different ways that are allowed by the HFSM. A behavior can start more behaviors beneath it that will run as children, each performing a smaller (and more concrete) part of the task of the parent. Breaking each task into smaller pieces allows us to reap a lot of mileage out of the behavior unit-reusing it in other behaviors, overriding it in special cases, dynamically changing the structure, and so forth-and spend more time making the system intuitive and easy to modify.


Starting children. There are many ways to break a task into smaller pieces, and the correct choice ultimately depends on the type of task. Does the task require maintaining certain requirements, performing consecutive steps, randomly performing an action from a list, or something else? In our implementation, we allow several methods of breaking down a behavior into smaller pieces by allowing different ways to start children behaviors.

启动子行为. 有很多种策略将行为分解成更小的子行为,正确的方法取决于任务的类型,例如任务需要满足特殊的需要么?连续的执行各个子步骤还是随机的执行子步骤,或者其他?我们的实现中,我们通过允许以不同的方式启动一项任务这样将一项任务分解为各项子任务

Prioritized children. The first and most common way to start children is as a list of prioritized behaviors. Behaviors that are started as prioritized will all be constructed at once (memory is allocated for them and they are added as children of the parent) and set into a special pending mode. (See Figure 1.)

优先的子行为. 最常见开始子行为的方式是通过列出优先排序后的行为完成的,优先启动的行为马上就会被创建(内存分配后被添加为父行为的子状态节点)然后被设置为一种特殊的悬挂模式(见图1)

FIGURE 1 A combat behavior starts prioritized children, which in turn starts more prioritized children. Pending behaviors are orange and active ones are blue.
图1 一个战斗行为启动了一个优先子状态,该子状态启动了更多的优先子状态

When a behavior is in pending mode, it is not updated; instead, it waits until the behavior itself decides it can activate, based on its own settings. When activated, the behavior will in turn start any children it has. Only active behaviors can have children, so a pending behavior will wait before starting its children.

As a rule, only one active behavior can run beneath a given parent, which creates a problem: what to do when multiple behaviors are able to run. We need to set a priority to determine which sub-task is more important. When starting children as prioritized, we define their priority implicitly based on the order the behaviors are added to the parent. The earlier a behavior is listed, the higher its priority (see Isla in Resources).


This solution avoids the problem that would have resulted had we determined priority strictly by number, such as priority-creep, in which priorities become larger and larger, trying to trump the rest. Here we localize the priority definition, so it's only relative to the small subset of behaviors that are started as siblings.


In the example above, we see a hierarchy of behaviors and the children available under each, with fire active as a child of attack, which in turn is active as a child of combat. If the currently pending behavior (dodge) were to determine that it needs to start (when the NPC detects it is being fired upon), it will interrupt its active sibling (attack) and revert it to pending, which in turn will delete all children of attack. Once no other active sibling behaviors are running, dodge may begin.

在上面的例子中,我们看见了行为体系树和它可用的状态,FIRE是ATTACK行为的子行为并被激活,而ATTACK又是COMBAT的子行为,如果当前的挂起状态闪避决定它要被激活(例如NPC检测到了攻击行为),那么它就会打断其兄弟行为 攻击的执行,将其转换到挂起状态,这一操作会导致攻击状态的所有子状态全部被删除,一旦没有其他的兄弟行为正在运行那么 闪避状态就可以转入运行了

This method of applying priority implicitly works well in most cases, but sometimes the importance of the tasks cannot be described with a simple linear ordering. To handle cases in which a behavior is doing something important and should not be interrupted by non-critical tasks (even if they're higher priority), we can implement a feature called "can interrupt." Essentially, an active behavior may receive a boost in priority, preventing interruption during specific parts of its execution.


With this boost, priorities can be specified in ways more complex than simple linear ordering. For example, while melee is listed at a higher priority than dodge in Figure 1, it should still be allowed to finish its animation even if dodge decides to start-by giving it a boost in priority while running, we prevent dodge from cutting it off mid-animation.


Sequential and random children. Other ways to start child behaviors are known as sequential and random. Behaviors that are started sequentially are run in the order that they are listed. If the first can run, it will do so until it completes on its own, followed by the second, and so on. When the last behavior in the sequence finishes, the parent finishes as well. For a group of child behaviors started randomly, only one will be chosen to run, and the parent will complete once its child finishes.

顺序和乱序的子状态. 其他的启动子行为的方法被称为顺序和乱序. 顺序启动的行为并按照其列出的顺序执行完,这样的行为执行成为顺序执行,如果第一个行为可以执行,那么它启动并且完成它的任务,然后第二个执行以此类推,当序列中的最后一个行为执行完毕那么该序列行为也执行完毕。如果一个群组中的子行为任意的开始,只有一个会被选中执行,当该选中任务执行完毕后,改乱序执行也就执行完毕

Non-blocking children. Behaviors can also be started as non-blocking, in which case they may activate even if there are already other active behaviors running beneath the parent. They exist outside the prioritized list. These behaviors are useful for performing tasks that work simultaneously with others, such as firing while moving, or playing a voice over on a specific condition, or activating and deactivating effects. Generally, anything performed by a non-blocking behavior must not interfere with any other sibling behaviors that might be running, since a non-blocking behavior will only be interrupted when its parent is deactivated (and never by a sibling behavior).

非阻塞的子行为 行为同样可以有非阻塞的行为,即使已经有其他激活的行为在其父行为下运行,该非阻塞行为也可以运行,非阻塞行为存在于优先队列之外。这样的行为对于执行那些并发的行为是非常有用的,例如行进的时候开火,例如在特定的情况下发出声音,又如激活和阻塞效果。总之,任何非阻塞行为进行任何动作不能妨碍当前正在运行的行为的执行,只有其父行为被阻塞,非阻塞行为才会被阻塞;非阻塞行为永远不会被其兄弟行为阻塞

By using various combinations of these methods up and down the tree, we can form decisions and task handling over multiple levels that would be difficult to define in a single behavior.


Building New Puzzle Pieces构建新的解谜部件

From this framework, we have defined the basic unit that will be used to construct HFSMs: the behavior. Now, by making behaviors sufficiently data-driven, we can expose not only their values and settings for modification, but the structure of the actions they perform as well. (See Figure 2.)


FIGURE 2 When either of this behaviour unit's preconditions are satisfied, it will activate, passing the stimulus source parameter to its two children. Since the children are prioritized, the higher-priority flee child will run whenever it can, allowing cower to activate only when it fails.
图2 当任意两个该单元被激活的前置条件满足的时候,该行为就会被激活,同时将刺激源参数传递给其子状态,由于其子状态是优先排序的,因此当条件满足的时候只有‘逃跑’状态会被激活,当逃跑失效的时候,‘退缩’状态才可能启动

Each behavior is self-contained. Everything about it is determined within the behavior itself: when it can activate, when it can no longer run, what interrupts it, and what it does on activation, deactivation, and update. Most significantly, though, it defines what children it starts. Each of these features of a behavior are set within a .behavior file, one per behavior, which is parsed and read in with the rest of the game data.


Once a behavior is created in a pending state, its duty from then on is to decide when it can activate, since it contains its own activation requirements. These requirements are defined by attaching a list of precondition objects to the behavior. A precondition is a set of rules that may be evaluated to be true or false after checking conditions from the world. Game events, the health level of the character, and commands issued from a squad leader are all conditions that can contribute to activating a behavior, and a precondition can be configured to query any of them.


The settings that define a precondition are stored in a separate file and can be reused by other behaviors as well. This allows us to construct a library of preconditions that are easily selected for a new behavior simply by listing them in the behaviors configuration file.


Once a behavior is activated, it can perform its actual purpose, which in most straightforward cases is data-defined as well. Any behavior can start an asset on the character (play an animation, sound, or effect) or start more children without requiring any code side changes, which gives us tremendous flexibility in being able to quickly flesh out the structure of new behaviors. For more complicated actions, we use code-supported behaviors.


A code-supported behavior has all the configuration settings available to a base-level behavior, but with some extras available that plug into a corresponding module created in code. Fireweapon, pathfollow, and melee are examples of behaviors that have a code side associated with them, performing actions that would be too specific to generalize and make available for all behaviors. In fireweapon we have, for example, settings for "delay between shots" and "shots to fire in a burst," that would be useless on most other behaviors. These code-supported behaviors fit into the tree like any behavior and are typically found as the leaves of an HFSM, used at the bottom level as children of more abstract behaviors. Generally, the role of the higher-level behaviors is to separate out objects and tasks that need performing on those objects, and then start children to make them happen.

代码端支持的特殊性为具有基本级别行为的所有设定,不同之处在于它额外的需要代码端创建的一个相应的特殊的插入模块.武器开火,行进路径,逃跑都是具有代码端支持的特殊行为,这些行为执行时候具有一般行为所不具有的特殊性。例如在‘武器开火’行为中我们具有 开火延迟 突然开火这样对立的突发状态,这些状态对于其他大多数的行为来说是没有意义的。这些特殊的行为也可以整合进原来的行为状态树而且通常作为叶子节点出现,也即作为最具体的行为出现。总而言之更高级别抽象行为的任务就是要分理处这样的行为并决定作用于哪些对象,并且在指定的时候启动这些子行为。

However, because the objects we're dealing with aren't defined until the game is actually running (such as the current target of a character during a battle or the last person to damage the player), we need a way to reference and make decisions about those objects within our behaviors. We need a parameter system.


Connecting Objects to Behaviors


Giving behaviors a list of settings in their configuration file adds a lot of generalization to the system, but it does not allow objects to be dynamically manipulated at run time, responding to arbitrary situations. For example, the target of fireweapon cannot be known when that behavior is being written, as it will vary. Each behavior must be able to understand and make decisions about arbitrary game objects in the world, decided at run time.

给予行为配置文件一系列设定的做法是的系统的兼容性大大提高,但是它并没有使得行为的作用对象在运行时得到处理,例如 ‘开火’行为的作用对象无法获知,因为该对象在运行的时候是不断变化的。每一个行为必须能够理解并决定在游戏运行时候的任意的游戏对象。

The solution we used in Destroy All Humans 2 was to allow parameters to be passed from a parent to its children when the children were created, letting those behaviors query and manipulate the object passed in as a parameter or pass it along to their own children.

我们在游戏 毁灭人类2 中用到的解决策略是当子行为创建的时候允许参数能够从父行为传递到子行为。允许这些被创建的子行为查询或者使用这些游戏对象或者它们将其传递给它们自己的子行为

Any behavior that needs to accept a parameter defines a slot for it, which must be filled by whatever parent behavior activates it as a child. From there, the variable in that slot can be used in a number of ways: it can be passed on to its own children, sent an event or message, or, for code-supported behaviors, made available to the code side. Pathfollow will seek to the object passed as its first parameter, for example, while melee will swing in the direction of its first parameter.

任意需要接受参数的行为就定义了一个插槽,这些插槽需要其父行为在创建他们的时候填充。从那时起这些插槽就可以派上不同的用处了:可以传递给自己的子行为,发送一个事件或者行为,或者对于代码支持的行为,这些对象就可以为代码插件所用。 例如寻找路径行为将寻找传送给它的第一个对象,而逃跑则会扔掉传递给他的第一个参数

With this addition, the states in our HFSM can essentially send objects along their transitions (in our case, between parent and child), plugging them into other behaviors that expect them and use them as a target of their functionality. It's a way to blend some script-like functionality into the more rigid structure of an HFSM, giving extra flexibility without sacrificing organization.


Between concrete and abstract are partially-implemented behaviors. The ability to bypass parameters opens up a lot more ways to use behaviors, and many uses of parameters became quite common in our implementation. To help us with some of the standard ways in which parameters could be used, a few partially-implemented behaviors were created that would handle some standard tasks on the code side, even though they themselves were not full code-supported behaviors. That is to say they didn't belong as leaves of the HFSM; they were just helper behaviors that were still abstract until they were given the data that configured their actions.


The most commonly used partially-implemented behavior was rangetest, which would accept a target parameter that it would track and store throughout its existence, using it to make a number of decisions.

Because parameters are passed as soon as a behavior is created, even before it is activated, we can use them to determine whether we should activate it. In the case of rangetest, extra settings were available to test the range of the passed target (the first parameter) and deactivate it if it left a second range.


This functionality proved generally useful. Because the behavior can serve as the parent for both data-defined behaviors and code-supported behaviors, like pathfollow or melee, it is able to break tasks into responses based on properties of objects in the world and provide failcases implicitly when targets are too far away. By nesting rangetest behaviors and applying them to different objects at different times, we can define complex decisions about dynamic objects with just a few simple pieces.


Protect Behavior保护行为

The behavior protect illustrates this point: when it is activated, it's cued to protect as its first parameter. It then starts a list of prioritized behaviors, the first of which is to stay at all times within a reasonable distance of the character being protected, represented by approach. Approach is implemented as a rangetest behavior that activates when the target is too far away, calling into the movement system to run closer. (See Figure 3.)

所谓的行为保护阐述了这样一个特性:当它被激活的时候,它将保护其第一个参数,然后它会启动一系列优先排序的行为,首先是要全时间驻留在一定范围内使得角色得到保护,这样的行为也被称为接近,‘接近’行为被实现为‘范围测试’行为的繁华,这样当一个目标距离本体太远的时候,它将会唤醒移动系统接近目标 (见图3)


Second, a character in protect should engage any nearby enemies, which in our implementation are detected by a query to a target selector module running on the character (modules like these run separately from the behavior system). Combat is started in order to maintain this requirement (another rangetest behavior), and if an enemy is too close, it will activate and start children to engage the target.

If neither approach nor combat are able to start (because their preconditions are not satisfied), wander will activate by default, since it is the lowest priority behavior and has no preconditions.

The character will then patrol randomly around the actor being protected.


By creating behaviors that accept parameters at runtime, we are able to define a structure entirely in data to perform two very different tasks, while acting on multiple entities involved in those tasks-the person who should be protected and the enemies that pose a threat.


Sharing and Reusing Behaviors


A distinct advantage of defining a character's actions hierarchically is the ability to reuse, replace, and remove behaviors from the hierarchy easily and intuitively.


Every behavior in this system (except for the simplest) has its settings defined in its .behavior settings file. However, when a behavior spawns its children, it does not start them using the filename directly; it uses an alias. Any character that starts behaviors will define a list of aliases, mapping each to a .behavior file. By abstracting behavior referencing by one layer, we are able to customize and reuse the behavior components by changing how that mapping is defined.


One of the down sides of using a flat FSM instead of an HFSM to drive your characters is the inability to quickly modify an existing behavior into a new one by changing only one aspect of it. To solve this in a FSM, you would need to recreate the entire state machine again, save the one difference.


We avoided this problem with our implementation by adding the ability to swap out behaviors at any layer in the hierarchy. By changing the mapping of a behaviors alias for a given character, you can swap out the actual behavior that's created when it references that alias, regardless of where the behavior sits in the hierarchy. This feature was commonly applied to give characters customizations on the behaviors that were widely shared, such as giving ninjas a special variant of melee or fireweapon. (See Figure 4.)

通过增加这样的一种功能:即换出行为树体系中的任意一层的能力,我们避免了这个问题.通过改变对应角色的映射行为别名,你可以换出当前实际的行为而不管该行为位于体系中的某一层,这个功能使得定制角色的行为的时候能够大量的共享行为,例如给予忍者一种特殊的‘逃跑’和‘交战’行为 (见图4)

Common combat behaviors map通用战斗行为映射
MapAlias("Combat", "pedestrian_combat.behavior")
MapAlias("Melee", "pedestrian_melee.behavior")
MapAlias("PathFollow", "pedestrian_pathfollow.behavior")
MapAlias("Patrol", "pedestrian_patrol.behavior")
MapAlias("Protect", "pedestrian_protect.behavior")
MapAlias("Approach", "pedestrian_approach.behavior")...

Ninja behaviors map忍者行为映射
INCLUDE("Common Combat Behaviors Map")
OverrideAlias("Melee", "ninja_melee_claw")
OverrideAlias("FireWeapon", "ninja_throw_shuriken")
OverrideAlias("Flee", NONE)
FIGURE 4 A common behaviour map, and a specialized one for ninjas, who have different melee and firing methods, and never flee, are listed.
图4 通用的行为映射,以及针对忍者的行为的泛化,它们有不同的逃跑和开火方法,因此没有列出

Aliases are typically defined in the file associated directly with the actor, but we gain some extra flexibility by allowing aliases to be redefined anywhere in the behavior tree as well. For example, consider the protect behavior described earlier. There are actually two variants of the approach behavior that are used as children within the HFSM, one to follow the character they are meant to protect and another for approaching enemies to engage in combat.


Conceptually, these behaviors do the same thing (move the character to a target), but the way they do it is different. For example, the combat variant can strafe around and move in a more aggressive way, while the protect variant simply runs to the target's location of the character it is sent to protect.

We can allow this customization in separate branches with the override alias setting that any behavior can contain. When this setting is present in a behavior, it triggers any child behaviors that it or its descendants activate to instead use the new mapping. For example, we can override approach in the combat branch to use a more aggressive version, while the opposite branch separately overrides it to use a less aggressive version. Now, whenever any of the descendants activate that alias, it will filter up through each parent in the HFSM, checking in turn for a new alias mapping until it finds the ones we assigned.


Another simple method that was very successful in customizing behaviors was adding the ability to not just customize, but remove entire behaviors from beneath a parent. This was accomplished by mapping a behavior alias to a special "none" keyword, which when encountered would simply not start the behavior. This was very useful in producing variants of enemies that didn't throw grenades or didn't dodge, for example.


AI for the Masses

In a game that features sandbox-style play, the AI needs to provide enough different and interesting characters to interact with in the world, and the size of the world doesn't have to get very big before it becomes unfeasible to hard code them all. Sometimes, even exposing behavior settings isn't enough-the structure of the tasks and subtasks must be exposed as well, in a way that's powerful but also simple to use.


In Destroy All Humans 2, the choices we made regarding AI architecture were intended to promote those traits. It's an adaptable, puzzle piece-like system in which functions are exposed in a generic way. It attempts to skirt the line between behaviors that are entirely hard coded and ones that are entirely script-defined, left to the technical designers to manage.


Instead, a system like Pandemic Australia's packages that complexity and exposes it as individual pieces to be fit together at various levels of abstraction. As a result, we generate extra flexibility in the way those pieces can be reused and expanded, multiplying their usefulness and bringing us a step closer to populating a virtual world with virtual life.

相反的,想PANDEMIC AUSTRALIA的系统封装了复杂性并且暴露了各个层次的行为的抽象体系,结果我们采用了一种新的体系使得这些行为个体能够更好的被复用和繁华,这样就大大提高了这些行为的有用性,使得我们距离真实的虚拟世界又迈出了重要一步。

[EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was independently published by Gamasutra's editors, since it was deemed of value to the community. Its publishing has been made possible by Intel, as a platform and vendor-agnostic part of Intel's Visual Computing microsite.]


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