What is Carousel? Carousel is just a Silverlight 2.0 (now it's has been updated to Silverlight v3) control which can display collections of pictures like a carousel (have you ever see a carousel?). When I creating Mashup in Microsoft Popfly I saw a display control named "Carousel." It was very attractive to me so I wanted to find one like this to use it in my own application. Using Google I found YetAnotherCarousel
, but it was too coarse to use. And the other one I found was created in Silverlight V1 and was very hard to use. But the idea dogged me, attracted me day and night. I Googled again and again but could not find a perfect one. So one day, I asked myself, "Why not create one for myself?"
Using the Carousel control is very simple just like any other control. First of all, you add the assembly (cokkiy.display.carousel
) and reference it to your Silverlight Project. Then look at the code:
< UserControl x:Class =" ControlTest.Page" xmlns ="" xmlns:x ="" xmlns:display =" clr-namespace:Cokkiy.Display;assembly=Cokkiy.Display.Carousel" Width =" 800" Height =" 600" >
as a content or child item.
< display:Carousel x:Name =" carousel" TurnDirection =" Counterclockwise" Padding =" 5,5,5,5" > < display:Carousel.Background > < LinearGradientBrush EndPoint =" 0.5,0" StartPoint =" 0.5,1" > < GradientStop Color =" #FF000000" / > < GradientStop Color =" #FFFFFFFF" Offset =" 1" / > < / LinearGradientBrush > < / display:Carousel.Background > < display:Carousel.ItemSources > < display:ItemSource Title =" 01" ImageSource =" Images/01.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 02" ImageSource =" Images/02.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 03" ImageSource =" Images/03.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 04" ImageSource =" Images/04.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 05" ImageSource =" Images/05.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 06" ImageSource =" Images/06.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 07" ImageSource =" Images/07.jpg" / > < display:ItemSource Title =" 08" ImageSource =" Images/08.jpg" / > < / display:Carousel.ItemSources > < / display:Carousel >
The ImageSource property just is the Silverlight Image's source, so you can set it any valid Url as Image's source do, more info about it you can refer MSDN's Image's source property.
Notice how I added a Carousel in my page. The Carousel has 8 images as its children. Let's look at the screen capture.
From the screen capture we can know the Carousel is composed of three main parts. The Canvas
where the image placed, the small item (the carousel leaf) contains an image which can turn around with the ellipse (it is a virtual image ellipse does not exist) and the panel displays the selected image (the large image in the picture). All three parts are also Silverlight controls which have their own properties. The carousel leaf control I called is CarouselItem
which calculates the position of where to place the Canvas
, and the scale range by itself. The key point is in placing each item in a proper point and making its size fit any position, and making it turn along with the ellipse.
To make the Carousel control like a real carousel, we must ensure:
Let's see the following figure demo the concept.
When the center point, O , is constant, the positon and size of CarouselItem
at point P only depends to the angle of A . We can calc the positon and size like following code.
// Position double dx = Axis.Width * Math.Cos(newAngle) + Center.X; double dy = Axis.Height * Math.Sin(newAngle) + Center.Y; Canvas.SetLeft(this , dx); Canvas.SetTop(this , dy); // Scale double sc = 2 + Math.Cos(newAngle - Math.PI / 2 ); ScaleTransform st = ( this .RenderTransform as TransformGroup).Children[0 ] as ScaleTransform; st.ScaleX = sc; st.ScaleY = sc; // Set the ZIndex based the distance from us, the far item // is under the near item Canvas.SetZIndex(this , (int )dy);
The position and size all only depends on the angle, so it's very easy to make it turn around the ellipse. Silverlight support the DependencyProperty
animation, so we make the angle as a DependencyProperty
. And make a DoubleAnimation
on each item's angle property. The DoubleAnimation
has a property named By
which means the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. When we set it to 2*PI, it starts turning a lap.
Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard(); // this.Resources.Add(name, storyboard); // Angle animation DoubleAnimation doubleAnimation = new DoubleAnimation(); doubleAnimation.By = 2*Math.PI; doubleAnimation.Duration = duration; doubleAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; // Set storyboard target property storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation); Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation, item); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation, new PropertyPath(" Angle" ));
We create a storyboard for each item and then add all these storyboards to a global storyboard. Then if we want the carousel to turn, we just start the global storyboard.
My English is not very good so I hope you can understand what I've said. The sample code include some pictures from public web, you should not use the image in your product.
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The God created the world. The programer made the world easy. I am a programer like c# and c++, so I am writting application in it. Creating beautiful application make life easy. If you have a project and looking for a man, I'll be say "hi, I am just the man you are looking for."