TestComplete--Object Driven Test

                              Test Complete: Object Driven Test (ODT)


TestComplete 是一款支持自动化脚本设计的测试工具,支持众多框架的测试模式,本文简要介绍一下ODT,及常用的相关脚本命令。


TestComplete--Object Driven Test
 ODT的Tree下面包含两个子节点: Classes 和 Data




1: 在Classes中定义封装界面的类:











// ScriptProc

 must be specified in the format  

 Both unit_name and routine_name are required. 


2: 在Data 中定义相关的数据:

TestObj = ODT["Classes"]["New"]("ClsNotepadTest"); 

TestObj["ID"] = "ReleaseTest"; 

FileObj = TestObj["Files"]["AddItemOfClassType"]("ClsFile"); 
FileObj["Path"] = "C:\\TestFiles\\file1.txt"; 

OperationObj = FileObj["Operations"]["AddItemOfClassType"]("ClsOperation");
OperationObj["ID"] = "Find";
OperationObj["MenuPath"] = "Edit|Find..."; 




  • If a tree node (data group, variable, object, array, etc). holds an ordinary value (string, integer, etc.), no action is performed and the method goes to the next tree node of the same level.
  • If a tree node holds an array, the Run method checks each item of this array.
    • If an item holds an ordinary value, no action is performed and the method goes to the next item.
    • If an item holds an object, the method processes this object in the manner described below.
    • If an item holds an array, the method processes each item of this array in the same way it processes the variable’s array.
  • If a tree node holds an object, the Run method “processes” this object in the following manner:
    • Executes all object methods that are specified as Init . These methods are executed in order of appearance in the editor. You can change the order using the editor's context menu items. See How to Create, Modify and Delete Methods .
    • Analyzes the object properties. If a property holds an object, the Run method processes this object (i.e. executes its methods and processes the properties) in the described manner. If a property holds an array, the method processes each item of this array in the manner described below. If a property holds an ordinary value, it is ignored.
    • Calls non-Init methods (the methods are called in order of appearance in the editor. For information, on how to change the method position, see How to Create, Modify and Delete Methods ).
