

What is jsTree?

jsTree is a javascript based, cross browser tree component. It is packaged as a jQuery plugin.
jsTree is absolutely free (licensed same as jQuery – under the terms of either the MIT License).

Still, if you would like to help this project - click the support link on the left.

Features at a glance:

  • Various data sources - HTML, JSON, XML
  • Supports AJAX loading
  • Drag & drop support
  • Highly configurable
  • Theme support + included themes
  • Uses jQuery's event system
  • Optional keyboard navigation
  • Maintain the same tree in many languages
  • Inline editing
  • Open/close optional animation
  • Define node types and fine tune them
  • Configurable multitree drag & drop
  • Optional checkbox tree support
  • Search function
  • Supports plugins
  • Optional state saving using cookies

Currently supported browsers are:

  • Internet Explorer 6+ *
  • Mozilla Firefox 2+
  • Safari 3+
  • Opera 9+
  • Google Chrome

* As of version 0.9.9 there are some minor visual defects (GIF icons instead of PNG, type icons not working, animations are disabled, etc) in IE 6, but jsTree is still be functional. I am aware of the glitches but will not fix them - the world (and jsTree) will be prettier with IE6 out of the picture.
As of v.1.0rc (rev.163) the default theme supports IE6 - it is pretty easy to port the other themes, so anyone is welcome to do it - just see how it is done in the default theme.
