IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler

IBM Workload Scheduler



IBM Workload Scheduler

Tivoli Workload Scheduler 提供一可擴充、可靠、高生產效率且集中式管理的工作排程系統,此一自動執行作業排程的解決方案,可有效提高整個企業組織的生產力。有了此跨平台的工作排程工具,您可以確保工作執行的效率性及一貫性。Tivoli Workload Scheduler為一工作排程自動化的解決方案,用以管理今日分散式環境裡的工作排程。無論運算環境有多複雜,Tivoli Workload Scheduler可以協調並自動執行企業內任務攸關的應用程式,確保作業執行一致而可靠。藉由作業排程的自動化,可以降低企業裡分散式應用程式大量執行時的風險與成本,讓資訊部門提升服務等級的要求。

Tivoli Workload Scheduler提供網路容錯、備援及工作自動復原等功能。Tivoli Workload Scheduler具備容錯架構,即便在網路發生故障時,也能繼續作業。一旦恢復通訊,Tivoli Workload Scheduler可以重新連結、更新適當的管理節點,不會有任何資訊、狀態或作業遺失。假如您的排程作業網路橫跨不同地理與邏輯界線,網路容錯能力可以讓您趨近100%的可取用性目標。Tivoli Workload Scheduler可自動解決工作失敗的問題,以確保作業迅速復原,復原行動啟動時,其從屬工作將暫緩執行。復原工作的執行程序可以是執行復原工作,然後重新執行原來的工作,或者只是繼續執行作業流程中的下一個工作,這中間完全不需要作業人員插手,除非您選擇取消預設的復原程序。


很多企業應用程式具備基本的排程功能。不過,它們一般只能在應用程式內進行排程,不能根據外部事件或工作完成而啟動其他工作。應用程式的管理工作變成一座孤島,沒有相互整合的可能。由於每套基本排程程式,必須個別學習、維護及管理,因此會降低管理人員的效率。Tivoli Workload Scheduler則採用開放的架構,直接與企業應用程式整合,解決了這個問題。Tivoli Workload Scheduler for SAP R/3通過SAP的認證,可讓您將SAP R/3排程作業,整合到企業工作負載的環境裡。這項產品提供各項高階的特性與控制能力,所提供的服務超越純用SAP R/3的結果。除SAP R/3外尚支援Oracle Application ServerPeople Soft

Tivoli Workload Scheduler主要特性



    支援WindowsUnixIBM z/OS等作業系統,及重要的企業應用程式,如SAP R/3Oracle ApplicationsPeopleSoft




Tivoli Workload Scheduler jobs



Batch Analyst

Listed on: Location: Salary/Rate: Tags: Type: Start Date: Reference: Recruiter:
25th March
£250 - £250
analyst | tivoli workload scheduler | tivoli | mainframe |jcl | ca | change management |
Sanderson PLC
To manage day to day Batch Management 

This position will also involve maintaining CA-View software that archives sysout listings and a basic knowledge of that software would be beneficial along with some mainframe JCL knowledge to support many aspects of the job. 

Experience of OPC is also a prerequisite.

Applicants needs to have a background in mainframe operations and have a knowledge of the scheduler software Tivoli Workload Scheduler or similar scheduling software.

You must be to the level of being able to create applications and be able to maintain the product on a day-to-day basis and be able to analyse User scheduling requirements and translate that information into Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

Knowledge of a change management tool to support changes and User updates to Tivoli Workload Scheduler.

The job involves checking all batch within Tivoli Workload Scheduler has completed from the previous processing period successfully, investigate any outstanding issues that may have occurred and ensure that the next processing periods batch is set up.

Contact Name:


The first part of the table below looks at the demand for Tivoli Workload Scheduler skills in IT jobs advertised across the UK. Included is a guide to the average salaries offered in IT jobs that have cited Tivoli Workload Scheduler over the 3 months to 5 April 2010 with a comparison to the same period in the previous 2 years. The second part of the table is for comparison and provides aggregates for all of the System Software category.

IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS)
Location   Berkshire  Cheshire  City of London  East of England  England  Gateshead  Hertfordshire  London  North East  North West  Reading  South East  Tyne and Wear  UK  3 months to
5 Apr 2010
Same period 2009 Same period 2008
Rank 707 668 921
Rank change year-on-year
-39 +253
Matching permanent IT job ads 20 20 63
As % of all permanent IT jobs located in the UK 0.021 % 0.022 % 0.029 %
As % of the System Software category 0.352 % 0.315 % 0.426 %
Salaries quoted 10 18 40
Average salary £45,000 £35,000 £35,000
Average salary % change year-on-year
+28.57 % -
90% of jobs offered a salary of more than £30,900 £20,000 £28,000
10% of jobs offered a salary of more than £62,750 £38,282 £45,000
UK excluding London average salary £45,000 £35,000 £35,000
% change year-on-year
+28.57 % -
All System Software
Permanent IT job ads with a match in the
System Software category
5674 6356 14785
As % of all permanent IT jobs located in the UK 6.027 % 7.128 % 6.854 %
Salaries quoted 4747 5440 12495
Average salary £40,000 £35,000 £35,000
Average salary % change year-on-year
+14.28 % -
90% of jobs offered a salary of more than £23,000 £22,500 £23,000
10% of jobs offered a salary of more than £60,000 £55,000 £55,000
UK excluding London average salary £37,500 £32,500 £33,500
% change year-on-year
+15.38 % -2.980 %



