听课 - Douglas Crockford Advanced JavaScript


function child() {}
function parent() {}

var parentObject=new parent();

child.prototype = parentObject;
var childObject=new child();







    1.1 class

     1.2 prorortype

2.pseudoclass inheritance

3. new constructor() returns a new object with a linke to constructor.prototype

    new omitted ,global object passed by constructor ,return global

     no compile time check

    no run time check

4. object.p  的过程

   object 有属性 p 返回 ,否则 看 object 的构造函数 的 prototype 对象 有无 p 属性 ,没有 就 沿着 prototype 链一直向上找,直到 Object.prototype

4. add members to function's prototype :

          add constructors and methods to every object produced ,without the object having to be enlarged to contain them.

5.simulated class inheritance

   function child() {}

   child.prototype=new parent();

6. singletons -> simple one object literal

7.Functions in javascript :

    functions , methods ,constructors ,class,module

8.var singleton = (function () {

      var privateField;


       function privateMethod() {


       return {

                 publicMethod : function () {},

                 publicField : 1



9.parasitic (寄生) Inheritance : (power constructor)

     call constructor , argument object returned , return it.

10. Inheritance patterns

       prototype inheritance , parastic Inheritance , pseudoclassical Inheritance

11.args= Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments,[2]);

        获得 原参数 第三个参数(包括)后的参数数组

12. loop 变量

for( i ...) {

var div_id=divs[i].id;
divs[i].onmouseover=function () {




没有 块作用域 , 结果 所有 div 的  onmouseover处理一样了 ,引用的是同一个 div_id

for( i ...) {

var div_id=divs[i].id;
divs[i].onmouseover=(function (id) {
return function() {



将代码隐藏在 函数作用域中。 或 (Douglas Crockford  没说这个)

for( i ...) {

divs[i].onmouseover=(function () {
var div_id=divs[i].id;
return function() {


 13 .  Javascript : minification and Obfuscation (可能引入bug,不推荐)

14.JSON :eval 前请用 正则表达式验证。

