ArcGIS Flex API读取MapABC中的地图


ArcGIS Flex API读取MapABC中的地图_第1张图片
package com.esri.arcgis.flex.sample
	import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;
	import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
	import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
	import com.esri.ags.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer;
	import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.LOD;
	import com.esri.ags.layers.supportClasses.TileInfo;	
	public class MapABCTileMapServiceLayer extends TiledMapServiceLayer
		private var _tileInfo:TileInfo = new TileInfo(); // see buildTileInfo()
		public function MapABCTileMapServiceLayer()
			buildTileInfo(); // to create our hardcoded tileInfo
			setLoaded(true); // Map will only use loaded layers
		//  全屏范围
		//  - required to calculate the tiles to use
		override public function get fullExtent():Extent
			return new Extent(-20037508.342787, -20037508.342787, 20037508.342787, 20037508.342787, new SpatialReference(102113));
		//  初始化范围
		//  - needed if Map doesn't have an extent
		override public function get initialExtent():Extent
			return new Extent(-20037508.342787, -20037508.342787, 20037508.342787, 20037508.342787, new SpatialReference(102113));
		//  空间参考系
		//  - needed if Map doesn't have a spatialReference
		override public function get spatialReference():SpatialReference
			return new SpatialReference(102113);
		//  tileInfo
		override public function get tileInfo():TileInfo
			return _tileInfo;
		//  units
		//  - needed if Map doesn't have it set
		override public function get units():String
		return "esriDecimalDegrees";
		//  关键方法,用于读取服务器上的缓存图片
		//      getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
		override protected function getTileURL(level:Number, row:Number, col:Number):URLRequest
			var url:String = "http://emap"+(col%4)+""+
				"x=" + col + "&" +
				"y=" + row + "&" +
				"z=" + level;
			return new URLRequest(url);
		//  自定义方法,定义地图缩放等级
		private function buildTileInfo():void
			_tileInfo.origin=new MapPoint(-20037508.342787, 20037508.342787);
			_tileInfo.spatialReference=new SpatialReference(102113);
			_tileInfo.lods = [
				new LOD(0, 156543.033928, 591657527.591555), 
				new LOD(1, 78271.5169639999, 295828763.795777), 
				new LOD(2, 39135.7584820001, 147914381.897889), 
				new LOD(3, 19567.8792409999, 73957190.948944), 
				new LOD(4, 9783.93962049996, 36978595.474472), 
				new LOD(5, 4891.96981024998, 18489297.737236), 
				new LOD(6, 2445.98490512499, 9244648.868618), 
				new LOD(7, 1222.99245256249, 4622324.434309), 
				new LOD(8, 611.49622628138, 2311162.217155), 
				new LOD(9, 305.748113140558, 1155581.108577), 
				new LOD(10, 152.874056570411, 577790.554289), 
				new LOD(11, 76.4370282850732, 288895.277144), 
				new LOD(12, 38.2185141425366, 144447.638572), 
				new LOD(13, 19.1092570712683, 72223.819286), 
				new LOD(14, 9.55462853563415, 36111.909643), 
				new LOD(15, 4.77731426794937, 18055.954822),
				new LOD(16, 2.38865713397468, 9027.977411), 
				new LOD(17, 1.19432856685505, 4513.988705), 
				new LOD(18, 0.597164283559817, 2256.994353),
				new LOD(19, 0.298582141647617, 1128.497176)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
		<mapabc:MapABCTileMapServiceLayer id="googleMap" />
