report zbobo_alv_grid_demo . types: begin of rt_tab, excp(1) type c, ebeln type ebeln, ebelp type ebelp, matnr type matnr, bukrs type bukrs, menge type bstmg, meins type bstme, rowc(4) type c, cc type lvc_t_scol, detailinit type c, end of rt_tab. class cl_gui_custom_container definition load. class zalv_grid definition deferred. define set_button. call method ref_colu->item_set_disabled exporting node_key = &1 item_name = 'C3' disabled = &2 . end-of-definition. define set_text. if &1 is initial. ls = 'Off'. else. ls = 'On'. endif. if &3 is initial. ls = 'Change'. endif. call method set_text exporting: n = &2 i = 'C2' t = &1 f = &3, n = &2 i = 'C3' t = ls f = &3. end-of-definition. define add_item_detail. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = &1 item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = &4. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = &1 item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'init'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = &1 item_name = 'C3' class = &2 text = &3. end-of-definition. define refresh_display. concatenate 'LAYOUT-' &1 into ls. assign (ls) to <fs>. if n = &1. <fs> = c. call method ref_alv->set_frontend_layout exporting is_layout = layout. call method ref_alv->refresh_table_display. endif. end-of-definition. define set_when. when &1. method = 'LAY_CHECKBOX'. if not checked is initial. call method set_text exporting n = &1 i = 'C3' t = 'On' f = 'X'. call method me->(method) exporting n = &1 i = 'C3' c = checked. else. call method set_text exporting n = &1 i = 'C3' t = 'Off' f = 'X'. call method me->(method) exporting n = &1 i = 'C3' c = checked. endif. end-of-definition. define set_checkbox. concatenate 'LAYOUT-' &1 into ls. assign ls to <fs>. if n = &1. refresh_display <fs>. endif. end-of-definition. define set_node_when. when &1. flag = &1. length = &2. call screen 9100 starting at 30 3 ending at 74 13. if flag = 'Y'. concatenate 'LAYOUT-' &1 into ls. assign (ls) to <fs>. read table is into s index 1. <fs> = s. call method ref_alv->set_frontend_layout exporting is_layout = layout. call method ref_alv->refresh_table_display . endif. end-of-definition. define set_flag_when. when &1. if text is initial. create object text exporting MAX_NUMBER_CHARS = length parent = con . call method text->set_statusbar_mode EXPORTING STATUSBAR_MODE = 0. call method text->set_toolbar_mode EXPORTING TOOLBAR_MODE = 0. else. call method text->free. create object text exporting MAX_NUMBER_CHARS = length parent = con . call method text->set_statusbar_mode EXPORTING STATUSBAR_MODE = 0. call method text->set_toolbar_mode EXPORTING TOOLBAR_MODE = 0. endif. end-of-definition. data: con type ref to cl_gui_custom_container. data: text type ref to cl_gui_textedit. data: s(255) type c. data: is like standard table of s. data: modif type i. data: flag(20) type c, length type i. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_init_screen DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_init_screen definition. public section. data: sp_h type ref to cl_gui_splitter_container. methods: constructor, free, get_alv_con returning value(c_alv) type ref to cl_gui_container, get_tree_con returning value(c_tree) type ref to cl_gui_container. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_init_screen IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_init_screen implementation. method constructor. create object sp_h exporting parent = cl_gui_custom_container=>screen0 rows = 1 columns = 2 exceptions cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 others = 3 . call method sp_h->set_row_sash exporting id = 1 type = sp_h->type_movable value = 0. endmethod. method get_alv_con. c_alv = sp_h->get_container( row = 1 column = 2 ). endmethod. method get_tree_con. c_tree = sp_h->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ). endmethod. method free. call method sp_h->free. endmethod. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_event DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_event definition. public section. data: event type cntl_simple_event, events type cntl_simple_events. data: layout type lvc_s_layo. methods: constructor importing alv type ref to object tree type ref to object, colu_button_click for event button_click of cl_gui_column_tree importing node_key item_name sender, colu_checkbox_change for event checkbox_change of cl_gui_column_tree importing node_key item_name checked, alv_HOTSPOT_CLICK for event HOTSPOT_CLICK of cl_gui_alv_grid importing E_ROW_ID E_COLUMN_ID ES_ROW_NO, add_colu_events, add_alv_events, set_handler. private section. data: ref_alv type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, ref_tree type ref to cl_gui_column_tree, ref_colu type ref to cl_gui_column_tree. methods: set_text importing n type any i type any t type any f type c, lay_checkbox importing n type any optional i type any optional c type c optional. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_event IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_event implementation. method constructor. if not alv is initial. ref_alv ?= alv. endif. if not tree is initial. ref_tree ?= tree. endif. endmethod. method alv_HOTSPOT_CLICK. break-point. endmethod. method colu_button_click. data: ls(30) type c. data: ltab type rt_tab. field-symbols: <fs> type any. case node_key. when 'F'. if item_name = 'C2'. elseif item_name = 'C3'. endif. when 'L'. if item_name = 'C2'. call method ref_alv->get_frontend_layout importing es_layout = layout. set_text: layout-cwidth_opt 'CWIDTH_OPT' 'X', layout-smalltitle 'SMALLTITLE' 'X', layout-grid_title 'GRID_TITLE' ' ', layout-no_headers 'NO_HEADERS' 'X', layout-no_hgridln 'NO_HGRIDLN' 'X', layout-no_merging 'NO_MERGING' 'X', layout-no_rowmark 'NO_ROWMARK' 'X', layout-no_toolbar 'NO_TOOLBAR' 'X', layout-no_vgridln 'NO_VGRIDLN' 'X', layout-sel_mode 'SEL_MODE' ' ', layout-excp_conds 'EXCP_CONDS' 'X', layout-excp_fname 'EXCP_FNAME' ' ', layout-excp_led 'EXCP_LED' 'X', layout-excp_rolln 'EXCP_ROLLN' ' ', layout-ctab_fname 'CTAB_FNAME' ' ', layout-info_fname 'INFO_FNAME' ' ', layout-zebra 'ZEBRA' 'X', layout-no_totarr 'NO_TOTARR' 'X', layout-no_totexp 'NO_TOTEXP' 'X', layout-no_totline 'NO_TOTLINE' 'X', layout-numc_total 'NUMC_TOTAL' 'X', layout-totals_bef 'TOTALS_BEF' 'X', layout-detailinit 'DETAILINIT' 'X', layout-detailtitl 'DETAILTITL' ' ', layout-keyhot 'KEYHOT' 'X', layout-sgl_clk_hd 'SGL_CLK_HD' 'X', layout-stylefname 'STYLEFNAME' ' '. ref_colu = ref_tree. set_button: 'GRID_TITLE' ' ', 'SEL_MODE' ' ', 'EXCP_FNAME' ' ', 'EXCP_ROLLN' ' ', 'CTAB_FNAME' ' ', 'INFO_FNAME' ' ', 'DETAILTITL' ' ', 'S_DRAGDROP' ' ', 'STYLEFNAME' ' '. * call method ref_tree->item_set_text * exporting * node_key = 'S_DRAGDROP' * item_name = 'C2' * text = layout-S_DRAGDROP . elseif item_name = 'C3'. endif. set_node_when: 'GRID_TITLE' 70, 'SEL_MODE' 1, 'EXCP_FNAME' 30, 'EXCP_ROLLN' 30, 'INFO_FNAME' 30, 'CTAB_FNAME' 30, 'DETAILTITL' 30. endcase. endmethod. method colu_checkbox_change. data: method(20) type c. case node_key. set_when: 'CWIDTH_OPT', 'SMALLTITLE', 'NO_HEADERS', 'NO_HGRIDLN', 'NO_MERGING', 'NO_ROWMARK', 'NO_TOOLBAR', 'NO_VGRIDLN', 'EXCP_CONDS', 'EXCP_LED', 'ZEBRA', 'NO_TOTARR', 'NO_TOTEXP', 'NO_TOTLINE', 'NUMC_TOTAL', 'TOTALS_BEF', 'KEYHOT', 'SGL_CLK_HD', 'DETAILINIT'. endcase. endmethod. method lay_checkbox. data: ls(30) type c. field-symbols <fs> type any. refresh_display: 'CWIDTH_OPT', 'SMALLTITLE', 'NO_HEADERS', 'NO_HGRIDLN', 'NO_MERGING', 'NO_ROWMARK', 'NO_TOOLBAR', 'NO_VGRIDLN', 'EXCP_CONDS', 'EXCP_LED', 'ZEBRA', 'NO_TOTARR', 'NO_TOTEXP', 'NO_TOTLINE', 'NUMC_TOTAL', 'DETAILINIT', 'TOTALS_BEF', 'KEYHOT', 'SGL_CLK_HD', 'DETAILINIT'. endmethod. method set_text. call method ref_tree->item_set_text exporting node_key = n item_name = i text = t . check i = 'C3' and f = 'X'. call method ref_tree->item_set_editable exporting node_key = n item_name = i editable = 'X'. endmethod. method add_alv_events. * clear:event,events. * event-eventid = CL_GUI_ALV_GRID=>eventid_link_click. * event-appl_event = 'X'. " * append event to events. endmethod. method add_colu_events. clear:event,events. event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_link_click. event-appl_event = 'X'. " append event to events. event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_button_click. event-appl_event = 'X'. append event to events. event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_checkbox_change. event-appl_event = 'X'. append event to events. endmethod. method set_handler. set handler me->colu_button_click for ref_tree. set handler me->colu_checkbox_change for ref_tree. endmethod. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_tree DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_tree definition. public section. data: l_node_t type treev_ntab, l_item_t type standard table of mtreeitm with default key, con type ref to cl_gui_container, ref_colu type ref to cl_gui_column_tree. methods: constructor importing ref_init type ref to zcl_init_screen, add_data, show_data, free. private section. methods: add_node, add_item, add_node_detail importing node_key type tv_nodekey relatkey type tv_nodekey optional relatship type int4 optional isfolder type as4flag optional, add_item_detail importing node_key type tv_nodekey item_name type tv_itmname class type int4 optional text type scrpcha72 t_image type tv_image optional editable type as4flag optional. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_tree IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_tree implementation. method constructor. data: hierarchy_header type treev_hhdr. call method ref_init->get_tree_con receiving c_tree = con. hierarchy_header-heading = text-001. hierarchy_header-width = 30. create object ref_colu exporting parent = con node_selection_mode = 0 item_selection = 'X' hierarchy_column_name = 'C1' hierarchy_header = hierarchy_header exceptions lifetime_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 illegal_node_selection_mode = 4 failed = 5 illegal_column_name = 6 others = 7 . if sy-subrc <> 0. * Processing error endif. * Add data to tree call method add_data. * Display tree data call method show_data. endmethod. method add_data. data: node type treev_node, item type mtreeitm. * Add columns to tree call method ref_colu->add_column exporting name = 'C2' width = 20 header_text = 'Document'. call method ref_colu->add_column exporting name = 'C3' width = 21 header_text = 'Value'. * Add node data to tree call method add_node. * Add item data to tree call method add_item. endmethod. method add_node. * For field catelog call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'F' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_FIELD' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_TABLE' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'CHECKBOX' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'COL_POS' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DO_SUM' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EMPHASIZE' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'HOTSPOT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'HREF_HNDL' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'KEY' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'LOWERCASE' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_OUT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERG' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_SUM' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'OUTPUTLEN' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'STYLE' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'TECH' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DECIMALS_O' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DECMFIELD' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EDIT_MASK' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'ICON' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'JUST' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'LZERO' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_SIGN' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_ZERO' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'COLDDICTXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'COLTEXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'REPTEXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_L' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_M' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_S' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SELDDICTXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SELTEXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'TIPDDICTXT' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'TOOLTIP' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'INTTYPE' relatkey = 'F'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SP_GROUP' relatkey = 'F'. * For alv layout call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'L' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'CWIDTH_OPT' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SMALLTITLE' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'GRID_TITLE' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_HEADERS' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_HGRIDLN' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERGING' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_ROWMARK' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_TOOLBAR' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_VGRIDLN' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SEL_MODE' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EXCP_CONDS' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EXCP_FNAME' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EXCP_LED' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'EXCP_ROLLN' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'CTAB_FNAME' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'INFO_FNAME' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'ZEBRA' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_TOTARR' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_TOTEXP' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_TOTLINE' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'NUMC_TOTAL' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'TOTALS_BEF' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DETAILINIT' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DETAILTITL' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'S_DRAGDROP' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'KEYHOT' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SGL_CLK_HD' relatkey = 'L'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'STYLEFNAME' relatkey = 'L'. * For alv variant call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'V' isfolder = 'X'. * For alv filter call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'FI' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'STR1' relatkey = 'FI' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME2' relatkey = 'STR1'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SIGN' relatkey = 'STR1'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'OPTION' relatkey = 'STR1'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'LOW' relatkey = 'STR1'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'HIGH' relatkey = 'STR1'. * For alv sorts call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'S' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'STR' relatkey = 'S' isfolder = 'X'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'SPOS' relatkey = 'STR'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME1' relatkey = 'STR'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'UP' relatkey = 'STR'. call method add_node_detail exporting node_key = 'DOWN' relatkey = 'STR'. endmethod. method add_item. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'F' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-i01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'F' item_name = 'C3' class = 4 text = text-c01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'F' item_name = 'C2' class = 4 text = text-c05. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = text-c02. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_FIELD' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f02. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_FIELD' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = text-c02. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_TABLE' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f03. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'REF_TABLE' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = text-c02. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'CHECKBOX' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f04. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'CHECKBOX' item_name = 'C2' class = 3 editable = 'X' text = text-c03. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'COL_POS' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f05. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'DO_SUM' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f06. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'EMPHASIZE' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f07. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'HOTSPOT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f08. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'HREF_HNDL' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f09. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'KEY' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f10. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'LOWERCASE' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f11. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_OUT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f12. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERGING' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f13. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_SUM' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f14. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'OUTPUTLEN' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f15. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'STYLE' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f16. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'TECH' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f17. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'DECIMALS_O' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f18. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'DECMFIELD' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f19. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'EDIT_MASK' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f20. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'ICON' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f21. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'JUST' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f22. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'LZERO' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f23. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_SIGN' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f24. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_ZERO' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f25. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'COLDDICTXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f26. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'COLTEXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f27. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'REPTEXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f28. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_L' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f29. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_M' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f30. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SCRTEXT_S' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f31. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SELDDICTXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f32. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SELTEXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f33. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'TIPDDICTXT' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f34. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'TOOLTIP' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f35. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'INTTYPE' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f36. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SP_GROUP' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-f37. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'L' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-i02.
call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'L' item_name = 'C3' class = 4 text = text-c01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'L' item_name = 'C2' class = 4 text = text-c05. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERG' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-l06. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERGING' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'init'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'NO_MERGING' item_name = 'C3' class = 3 text = 'init'. add_item_detail: 'CWIDTH_OPT' '3' 'init' text-l01, 'SMALLTITLE' '3' 'init' text-l02, 'GRID_TITLE' '4' 'Change' text-l03, 'NO_HEADERS' '3' 'init' text-l04, 'NO_HGRIDLN' '3' 'init' text-l05, 'NO_ROWMARK' '3' 'init' text-l07, 'NO_TOOLBAR' '3' 'init' text-l08, 'NO_VGRIDLN' '3' 'init' text-l09, 'SEL_MODE' '4' 'Change' text-l10, 'EXCP_CONDS' '3' 'init' text-l11, 'EXCP_FNAME' '4' 'Change' text-l12, 'EXCP_LED' '3' 'init' text-l13, 'EXCP_ROLLN' '4' 'Change' text-l14, 'CTAB_FNAME' '4' 'Change' text-l15, 'INFO_FNAME' '4' 'Change' text-l16, 'ZEBRA' '3' 'init' text-l17, 'NO_TOTARR' '3' 'init' text-l18, 'NO_TOTEXP' '3' 'init' text-l19, 'NO_TOTLINE' '3' 'init' text-l20, 'NUMC_TOTAL' '3' 'init' text-l21, 'TOTALS_BEF' '3' 'init' text-l22, 'DETAILINIT' '3' 'init' text-l23, 'DETAILTITL' '4' 'Change' text-l24, 'S_DRAGDROP' '4' 'Change' text-l25, 'KEYHOT' '3' 'init' text-l26, 'SGL_CLK_HD' '3' 'init' text-l27, 'STYLEFNAME' '4' 'Change' text-l28. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'V' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-i03. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'V' item_name = 'C3' class = 4 text = text-c01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'V' item_name = 'C2' class = 4 text = text-c05. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FI' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-i04. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME2' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'FIELDNAME'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME2' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Field name for filter'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SIGN' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'SIGN'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SIGN' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = '''E'',''I'''. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'OPTION' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'OPTION'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'OPTION' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = '''BT'',''EQ'''. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'LOW' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'LOW'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'LOW' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Text (80 characters)'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'HIGH' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'HIGH' . call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'HIGH' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Text (80 characters)' . call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'S' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-i05. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'S' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'LVC_S_SORT'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FI' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'LVC_S_FILT'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'STR' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'Structure'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'STR1' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = 'Structure'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SPOS' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-d01. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'SPOS' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Sort sequence'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME1' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-d02. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'FIELDNAME1' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Sorted field name'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'UP' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-d03. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'UP' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Asscending is ''X'''. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'DOWN' item_name = 'C1' class = 2 text = text-d04. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'DOWN' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Asscending is ''X'''. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'STR' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Field description'. call method add_item_detail exporting node_key = 'STR1' item_name = 'C2' class = 2 text = 'Field description'. endmethod. method add_node_detail. data: node type treev_node. node-node_key = node_key. node-relatkey = relatkey. node-relatship = relatship. node-isfolder = isfolder. append node to l_node_t. endmethod. method add_item_detail. data:item type mtreeitm. item-node_key = node_key. item-item_name = item_name. item-class = class. item-text = text. item-t_image = t_image. item-editable = editable. append item to l_item_t. endmethod. method show_data. call method ref_colu->add_nodes_and_items exporting node_table = l_node_t item_table = l_item_t item_table_structure_name = 'MTREEITM'. set_button: 'GRID_TITLE' 'X', 'SEL_MODE' 'X', 'EXCP_FNAME' 'X', 'EXCP_ROLLN' 'X', 'CTAB_FNAME' 'X', 'INFO_FNAME' 'X', 'DETAILTITL' 'X', 'S_DRAGDROP' 'X', 'STYLEFNAME' 'X'. endmethod. method free. endmethod. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zalv_grid DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zalv_grid definition inheriting from cl_gui_alv_grid. public section. methods: constructor importing par type ref to cl_gui_container. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zalv_grid IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zalv_grid implementation. method constructor. call method super->constructor exporting i_parent = par. endmethod. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_alv DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_alv definition. public section. data: it_tab type standard table of rt_tab, st_tab type rt_tab. data: con type ref to cl_gui_container, ref_alv type ref to zalv_grid. data: it_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat, fieldcat type lvc_s_fcat, layout type lvc_s_layo. methods: constructor importing ref_init type ref to zcl_init_screen, refresh_data. private section. methods: init_fieldcat, init_layout, get_variant, build_sort, build_filter, add_data, show_data. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_alv IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_alv implementation. method constructor. call method ref_init->get_alv_con receiving c_alv = con. create object ref_alv exporting par = con. call method init_fieldcat. call method init_layout. call method get_variant. call method build_sort. call method build_filter. call method add_data. call method show_data. endmethod. method init_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '1'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'EXCP'. fieldcat-key = 'X'. fieldcat-COLTEXT = 'Exceptions'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '2'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'EBELN'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'EBELN'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. fieldcat-key = 'X'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '3'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'EBELP'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '4'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'MATNR'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '5'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'BUKRS'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '6'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'MENGE'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. clear: fieldcat. fieldcat-col_pos = '7'. fieldcat-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcat-ref_field = 'MEINS'. fieldcat-ref_table = 'EKPO'. append fieldcat to it_fieldcat. endmethod. method init_layout. layout-grid_title = 'test'. endmethod. method get_variant. endmethod. method build_sort. endmethod. method build_filter. endmethod. method add_data. data: ls type lvc_s_scol. clear sy-tabix. select ebeln ebelp matnr bukrs menge meins from ekpo into (st_tab-ebeln, st_tab-ebelp, st_tab-matnr, st_tab-bukrs, st_tab-menge, st_tab-meins). if sy-tabix > 200. exit. endif. append st_tab to it_tab. endselect. sort it_tab by ebeln. loop at it_tab into st_tab. * For coloring a row st_tab-excp = sy-tabix mod 3 + 1. st_tab-rowc+0(1) = 'C'. st_tab-rowc+1(1) = sy-tabix mod 7 + 1. st_tab-rowc+2(2) = '10'. * For coloring a cell if sy-tabix = 2. ls-fname = 'MENGE'. ls-color-col = '6'. ls-color-int = '1'. append ls to st_tab-cc. endif. * For coloring all column ls-fname = 'MATNR'. ls-color-col = '7'. ls-color-int = '1'. append ls to st_tab-cc. modify it_tab from st_tab. endloop. endmethod. method show_data. call method ref_alv->set_table_for_first_display exporting * I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = * I_BUFFER_ACTIVE = * I_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = * I_STRUCTURE_NAME = * IS_VARIANT = * I_SAVE = * I_DEFAULT = 'X' is_layout = layout * IS_PRINT = * IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS = * IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING = * IT_HYPERLINK = * IT_ALV_GRAPHICS = * IT_EXCEPT_QINFO = changing it_outtab = it_tab it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat * IT_SORT = * IT_FILTER = * EXCEPTIONS * INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION = 1 * PROGRAM_ERROR = 2 * TOO_MANY_LINES = 3 * others = 4 . if sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif. endmethod. method refresh_data. endmethod. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_excute DEFINITION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_excute definition. public section. data: ref_screen type ref to zcl_init_screen, ref_tree type ref to zcl_tree, ref_alv type ref to zcl_alv, ref_event type ref to zcl_event. methods: constructor. endclass. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_excute IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* class zcl_excute implementation. method constructor. create object ref_screen. create object ref_tree exporting ref_init = ref_screen. create object ref_alv exporting ref_init = ref_screen. create object ref_event exporting alv = ref_alv->ref_alv tree = ref_tree->ref_colu. call method ref_event->add_colu_events. call method ref_tree->ref_colu->set_registered_events exporting events = ref_event->events exceptions cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 illegal_event_combination = 3. call method ref_event->set_handler. endmethod. endclass. data: ok_code like sy-ucomm, ref_excute type ref to zcl_excute. start-of-selection. call screen 9000. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_9000 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module status_9000 output. set pf-status 'ST9000'. set titlebar 'ALV'. if ref_excute is initial. create object ref_excute. endif. endmodule. " STATUS_9000 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module user_command_9000 input. case ok_code. when 'BACK'. leave program. endcase. endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9000 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_9100 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module USER_COMMAND_9100 input. case ok_code. when 'CONF'. clear: s, is. call method text->get_text_as_stream IMPORTING TEXT = is IS_MODIFIED = modif. if modif <> 0. flag = 'Y'. else. flag = 'N'. endif. leave to screen 0. when 'CANC'. flag = 'N'. leave to screen 0. endcase. endmodule. " USER_COMMAND_9100 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_9100 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module STATUS_9100 output. if con is initial. create object con exporting container_name = 'CON'. endif. case flag. set_flag_when 'GRID_TITLE'. set_flag_when 'SEL_MODE'. set_flag_when 'EXCP_FNAME'. set_flag_when 'EXCP_ROLLN'. set_flag_when 'INFO_FNAME'. set_flag_when 'CTAB_FNAME'. set_flag_when 'DETAILTITL'. endcase. endmodule. " STATUS_9100 OUTPUT